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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 16-Jan-2020 17:50:13
#201 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Jun-2005
Posts: 3918
From: Unknown


For general reference. Never knew the origins of CFE before .


Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 16-Jan-2020 19:40:57
#202 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6395
From: S.Wales


Indeed given that it appears that option 2 will have to pay a 20% down payment anyway of a similar amount why not snap one up now and get what amounts to a free pack.

the Early Adopter boards are priced at £350 regardless of whether you get the AAA pack or not. The AAA pack is a saving compared to if you bought all the items simultaneously, assuming you want it all, but it's not a free lunch.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 16-Jan-2020 20:24:34
#203 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


CFE is not slow, its all USB stuff that it scans that makes it slow, see the rs232 output if don't believe me.

CFE does not crash, what I noticed is the buggy AMIGA filesystem that Hyperion put into it, it can crash. but stuff put there not stuff that came from broadcom.

I have one criticism of CFE and it is that I’m not allowed to set clock to the CPU to 2Ghz, it is 2Ghz CPU clocked at 1.8Ghz… Grrr I have proper cooling in my computer.

Yes I know AEON sold it as 1.8Ghz, I guess 200Mhz might be the speed need to play 1080p videos on the CPU without using hardware accelerated codecs.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 16-Jan-2020 at 08:25 PM.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 17-Jan-2020 12:44:34
#204 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Jun-2005
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From: Unknown


Some recent info on the X1000 Ethernet driver.
Perhaps some sort incentive could help to get it done.
Poll of how many X1000 users would use it if available ?

X1000 Ethernet Discussion

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 17-Jan-2020 15:44:57
#205 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia


For general reference. Never knew the origins of CFE before .

Yes. It also traces back to P.A.Semi who ported it to the original board apparently. It's hidden from the user but the X1000 CFE port also has an OpenFrmware binary interface built into it. When ever it runs a binary it has to be an OF executable. I suspect it was patched in there so the Pegaos OF loader could be simply ported across. Though I don't know, P.A.Semi could have sneaked it in there. Either way, it is a foreign object, that would have taken some work to port across and integrate inside the host firmware.

Poll of how many X1000 users would use it if available ?

So there is talk of the X1000 Ethernet driver. Strange that they would take hardware away from the developer developing the driver. In my case, as long as my RTL8169 card still works fine, I have no need of an onboard driver. So, perhaps Cyborg can rest his case, since it looks like there are too many roadblocks to compile an easy working driver. I don't know if there was even working CFE or Linux sources to assist in the porting.

Last edited by Hypex on 17-Jan-2020 at 04:19 PM.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 17-Jan-2020 16:16:16
#206 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia


CFE is not slow, its all USB stuff that it scans that makes it slow, see the rs232 output if don't believe me.

I've logged and timed the serial output.

It takes a whole minute longer than my XE to boot. It would make a 20 year old PC look good. Including the ten seconds it takes to open up a screen.

I pulled out my USB devices and it wasn't much faster. It took ten seconds to read the drives. When I plugged my USB devices back in, amounting to a keyboard and mouse, it only took a few seconds to read them.

CFE does not crash, what I noticed is the buggy AMIGA filesystem that Hyperion put into it, it can crash. but stuff put there not stuff that came from broadcom.

What FFS? Exit from AmigaBoot and CFE crashes within seconds.

What came from Broadcom, which isn't intended for anything other than a router like device with a MIPS CPU, would have been more pure. Whatever is on the X1000, as I said above ,has been hacked... err... patched to run Openfirmware binaries.

I've tested this myself. I've ran an OF binary on CFE that does nothing. Exit and it crashes in seconds. I don't know what it does but it corrrupts something inside CFE.

I have one criticism of CFE and it is that I?m not allowed to set clock to the CPU to 2Ghz, it is 2Ghz CPU clocked at 1.8Ghz? Grrr I have proper cooling in my computer.

I don't mind the 1.8, but I would like the 1.8 to running immediately. Not after some boot script. It may help to speed it up. It reads data in slow PIO mode. Wouldn't be surprised if the cache was off for most of the boot process.

An extra 200Mhz may help for video but I think Odyssey needs more grunt.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 17-Jan-2020 16:37:03
#207 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


In my case, as long as my RTL8169 card still works fine, I have no need of an onboard driver.

Same here, I already have one unused PCI slot and don't have any particular need for the second one to be unused either.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 17-Jan-2020 17:46:21
#208 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Jun-2005
Posts: 3918
From: Unknown


JavaScript JIT and GPU accelerated rendering would make things very interesting.


Hypex wrote:

I don't mind the 1.8, but I would like the 1.8 to running immediately. Not after some boot script. It may help to speed it up. It reads data in slow PIO mode. Wouldn't be surprised if the cache was off for most of the boot process.

An extra 200Mhz may help for video but I think Odyssey needs more grunt.

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 19-Jan-2020 16:01:39
#209 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia


Same here, I already have one unused PCI slot and don't have any particular need for the second one to be unused either.

I suppose I could fill mine with a WiFi adaptor or even Bluetooth. WiFi is pointless for my setup since the router is a meter away and has no native OS4 support anyway. But Bluetooth could be useful.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 19-Jan-2020 16:05:43
#210 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12964
From: Norway


X1000 has lots of USB ports, the XE does not have lot USB ports,

I’m pretty sure that XE does scan the USB ports, the keyboard only work in the PS2 port, or you can use RS232 input. (I can be wrong about this, it might scan USB port to find CDROM's and HD's)

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 19-Jan-2020 at 05:44 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 19-Jan-2020 at 04:08 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 19-Jan-2020 16:28:48
#211 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia


JavaScript JIT and GPU accelerated rendering would make things very interesting.

That might. But given that a modern super computer even needs a scriptural JIT just to display a web page is a bad sign. If fast computers can't handle it without all these tricks then what hope does the rest of us have with slower ones?

Given how things have become it makes me wonder if they shouldn't have dropped Java from web browsers. It was good as I could do internet banking in an Amiga browser when they moved to JavaScript. But couldn't use Amigaworld IRC even on OS4.

Right now compared to JS JIT, Java is a more efficient way of working. It's already in bytecode so can be compiled into native code at run time. With JS they've gone backwards. So now, they have text files, that need to be compiled into bytecode, then recompiled into native. They've put a middle man back in. About time they stop using text and tolkenised bytecode for HTML as well..

Last edited by Hypex on 20-Jan-2020 at 07:14 AM.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 20-Jan-2020 7:28:31
#212 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia


X1000 has lots of USB ports, the XE does not have lot USB ports,

It does on the X1000, but only one is supported to my knowledge, for the keyboard. I've plugged devices into my X1000 when at a CFE terminal. Both my front USB2 and USB3 ports on my case failed to detect and mount it. At most it tried to read it and failed. It's only through my Mac keyboard in built hub have I reliably got a stick to mount. It doesn't bode well for CFE that only through a non standard keyboard can USB stick work.

I'm not aware of CFE being able to boot off USB. Not without manual intervention or a boot script. But even so, what does it matter? What does it need to scan the ports for if it doesn't support booting off USB? In any case with my usual setup scanning USB didn't take too long when reading the log live.

I’m pretty sure that XE does scan the USB ports, the keyboard only work in the PS2 port, or you can use RS232 input. (I can be wrong about this, it might scan USB port to find CDROM's and HD's)

To use a USB keyboard UBoot needs to be told about it. Otherwise it will look for PS/2 and fail. UBoot does a superficial scan of the USB ports. At least it does when a device is plugged in while at the prompt.

UBoot can boot off USB devices but it won't scan for USB boot devices without being told. It needs to detect them then scan for media. For example you can set USB as a boot source then reboot with a device in a USB port. Only to find it failed to boot. Why? Because it needs to be told to scan for storage devices as well as being told to use USB as a boot source. Without both it will fail to boot off a USB device. I found this when implementing my Linux USB booter.

I don't recall if CFE scans USB storage devices if it finds them. I used to have a stick I left in my keyboard that I used to load the Linux kernel off. I didn't notice it slowing down the boot process.

Last edited by Hypex on 20-Jan-2020 at 07:34 AM.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 20-Jan-2020 13:54:02
#213 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 836
From: Murcia (Spain)


If i'm not mistaken, javascript has nothing to with java. Both are interpreted, but java bytecode isn't equal to transpiled javascript. Note that javascript is not compiled, but transpiled.

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 21-Jan-2020 15:52:38
#214 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia


You're right. They are different things. I don't know whose idea it was to name one like the other nor the history but it sounds like a sue job wanting to happen.

Likely a programmer joke. I mean, what sort of person would put one function on Ctrl-Alt-Del and another on Alt-Del? That's just confusng and possibly somewhat evil.

But transpiled? Oh no! Does that mean the source gets transpiled into another source which is then compiled?

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 21-Jan-2020 17:55:11
#215 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


The name "Javascript" came from the original IP owners (Sun and Netscape), so no one is in danger of being sued. The fact that it is a completely different language from Java is unfortunate. This is hard to explain to HR people during a job interview.

Last edited by bison on 21-Jan-2020 at 05:55 PM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 21-Jan-2020 20:44:13
#216 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2003
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From: Zlatibor, Serbia

No any counter for numbers of sale?
Is it already soldout?

F1 Srbija

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 22-Jan-2020 0:23:52
#217 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2643

We are currently on 97x AAA Bundles sold so sales will be closing soon.

FAQ section has been added to the website:

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 22-Jan-2020 2:25:45
#218 ]
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From: The Ford Galaxy

AmigaKit for the WIN!!!!

Is Matthew home?

Last edited by Amiga4000 on 22-Jan-2020 at 03:14 AM.

Fulfill newlight's Elite Narcissist Demands NOW Or He Will Send You To H3LL!

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 22-Jan-2020 17:30:03
#219 ]
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From: South of Heaven


Well, looks like 3 sold overnight, missed out

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Re: Where be Tabor?
Posted on 23-Jan-2020 21:21:13
#220 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Canada



Well done, despite some confusion at the beginning.

I missed out because I took to long to jump onboard.

I hope you offer more A1222 plus motherboards soon.


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