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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 6-Mar-2024 16:07:15
#761 ]
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As far as I know, no units have been shipped yet.

They did add the motherboard and a full system to the shop at in the beginning of february, but it is not possible to make a purchase from there, yet. Both are listed as currently not available.

AmigaKit Fr

AmigaKit wrote the following on February 11th:

"No, AmigaKit FR is getting ready for general sale. First stock arriving is for Early Adopters very shortly. A date for non-early adopters will be added to the webstore in the next week or so."


No date has been added, so I'm not sure what is going on. The Facebook page of AAA Technology has not been updated since October. I'm out of the A1222+ game anyways, as I cancelled the order, but I feel for those who are waiting and waiting for it to arrive.

Last edited by AmigaOldskooler on 06-Mar-2024 at 04:10 PM.
Last edited by AmigaOldskooler on 06-Mar-2024 at 04:09 PM.
Last edited by AmigaOldskooler on 06-Mar-2024 at 04:08 PM.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 6-Mar-2024 19:56:02
#762 ]
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From: CRO

Considering everything, it's possible there's not much interest - who knows if it'll ever be launched. Price is too much. I mean, if I were be willing to buy anything for an obscure, abandoned OS.... I'd much rather save a bit more any just buy an X5000. At these prices, A1222 does not make any sense at all.


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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 6-Mar-2024 20:10:39
#763 ]
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From: Norway


I don't agree.

Choice between A600GS vs A1222.
Choice between Vampire vs A1222.

in this two cases I think the A1222 wins, even if it’s not what it was supposed to be.

The product that makes the least sense to me is the A600GS, it’s a waste of time, Vampire is more interesting to me.

When Sam460 disappear from the market, the only low-end option will be the A1222, for the PowerPC market. X5040 is horribly overprices, not many will buy it.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 06-Mar-2024 at 08:39 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 06-Mar-2024 at 08:14 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 06-Mar-2024 at 08:12 PM.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 2:13:18
#764 ]
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Hi Alan,
Sorry for later answer !
Yes, there have a been a delay (which was not expected at all) at end of january !!
We must receive our first batch this week and we’ll begin shippings after we tests the boards
We’re now close to deliver the products to every order !
Thanks for your patience
Laurent and Franck
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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 3:30:05
#765 ]
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There's so many choices that its hard to decide, but is this the biggest joke in "Amiga" history?
It's definitely in contention.

The price would be hilarious if it wasn't a slap in the face to those who fall prey to the scam that it is.

Expecting others to pay for your incompetence in part choices is a farce at best.
It unequivocally is a sign of zero respect or care for your customers. No self respecting, or even honest person could bring themselves to release what isn't too far off a scam product. You'll likely get one, but its an extortionately priced paperweight.
And on top of this there's an expectation from them that the same people theyre ripping off with the scam that is called the A1222 are the exact people they assume will/expect to do most of the work for their machine with dedicated recompiles (which with the socs architecture often *ISNT* a simple recompile and will take actual work).

The price, the performance, the spes, the fpu.... there's *nothing* about this that isn't nigh on exactly the opposite to how it should have been.
Should have cut his losses earlier on rather than plough through, because in going ahead with the production it just cost them MORE money than if theyd simply walked away once they released the cpus they bought are expensive paperweights.

This whole things is astronomically comical. Absolute morons behind it. There's no other possible explanation other than them being literal conmen (rather than just conman due to stupidity with no malice).

Thankfully the complete ineptitude has been on show for a while and is appears the vast majority understand what a ridiculous "product" this is, so hopefully not many will fall victim to buying the garbage that Trevor is apparently trying to offload on unsuspecting victims under the guise of a "new Amiga".

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 5:41:03
#766 ]
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@fishy_fis: what's the problem?

After so long, people should be very well informed about the machine's specs.

If they like it and they want to buy, it's THEIR problem at the end, right?

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 9:36:58
#767 ]
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If they like it and they want to buy, it's THEIR problem at the end, right?
I would no go so far as to call it a problem, as that's a privilege solely belonging to the buyer of the wares. And thus we can only call it 'their matter'.
That WE have a certain perception about it, whether or not biased, is fully up to US (and rest assured I have...).


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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 11:43:13
#768 ]
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In this case I could also compare this:
Notebook with Windows and WinUAE vs. A1222

First wins

It depends on your interest. A600GS indeed is late, there are already similar choices. We will see how well it sells. But people who think of buying a A600GS have no amiga and just want to play old amiga games. Not the group buying A1222. The same is true for Vampire buyers. They are interested in the old 68k platform, most will use 3.X in some form. They are not interested in A1222. A1222 is for current 4.X users who want to replace old hardware or perhaps some users who could not afford PPC hardware in the past and can now and want to use 4.X. A very small market.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 15:01:30
#769 ]
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no herr szonwejs you are wrong winuae is emulator
a1222 is real thing
a1222 wins

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 15:23:19
#770 ]
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...a1222 wins!

It would be a very twisted version of Top Trumps where the A1222 would be considered a "win"!

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 16:31:37
#771 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


AAA Technology now has the A1222+ available as a full system as well just the mini-ITX board itself. Interested parties are welcome to head here to the web site for additional information:

... and as always, for people actually interested in reading about this system from someone who actually uses one, you're welcome to read through my QuickStart Guide:

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 17:40:32
#772 ]
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No software bundle option? Not even a Wings! Remastered demo? The Beau Jolly compilation (would it even work)? LibreOffice? Even old PCs came with the useless MS Works!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 17:44:56
#773 ]
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From: S.Wales


Not even a Wings! Remastered demo?

Do we even know who they'd need to get permission from to include it.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 17:59:26
#774 ]
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...says it all! There really is no point discussing this! The interested parties already know who they are and can fill their boots SPE and all. I've got 6 on my Cell in my PS3. I'll stick to that as my last PPC machine I think! Go out in style!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 21:45:29
#775 ]
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eliyahu Quote:

... and as always, for people actually interested in reading about this system from someone who actually uses one, you're welcome to read through my QuickStart Guide:

-- eliyahu

Nicely written guide which gives some transparency about the A1222+ performance. The floating point performance is indeed horrible as expected. Most versions of Quake fail to launch and Quake II only runs at 4-5 fps with RTG? Ouch! Quake II is playable on a 68060 with RTG or AGA. GLQuake with Voodoo 3/4 512x384x16 was ~25 fps with a 68060@75MHz (Quake engine is heavier than Quake II engine). Have you tried any SPE native versions of Quake? Are there any really cheap 2D cards that can be used since 3D without a FPU is a waste? Is Amiga NG hardware degenerating back to 2D like the original 68k Amiga while becoming more expensive?

Meanwhile, Quake works well on the VisionFive 2 SBC ($51 USD RISC-V SBC reviewed in the link I left in another thread).

TyrQuake on the VisionFive 2 RISC-V SBC

Quake Visionfive 2 vs PC (i5 arc770)

AmigaNOne, more expensive and less compatible. Buy one today before the cost goes up tomorrow. This would be an accurate sales pitch except the AmigaNOne branding was dropped for the A1222+. Were they too embarrassed to use the AmigaNOne branding or was it not compatible and standard enough?

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 23:13:29
#776 ]
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No AmigaOne branding, no Boing-Ball on the official case and no marketing or efforts to bundle ANY interesting software with it except Enhancer! Poor! They're preaching to the choir and they know it!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 23:33:13
#777 ]
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To save everyone the bother of converting, the damage is:

ÂŁ1,170 + VAT + P&P

That's for a full cased system ready to go with Enhancer 2.2 etc.


Last edited by BigD on 07-Mar-2024 at 11:34 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 7-Mar-2024 23:35:01
#778 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

Choice between A600GS vs A1222.
Choice between Vampire vs A1222.

in this two cases I think the A1222 wins, even if it’s not what it was supposed to be.

The product that makes the least sense to me is the A600GS, it’s a waste of time, Vampire is more interesting to me.

While we won’t know for sure until it has been released, I happen to think that the A600GS will be among the more compelling, if not the most compelling “Amiga” product in 2024 and into 2025.

Apollo products are indeed very interesting, and will continue to be so. I have purchased my fair share of V2 and V4 based items, and will happily buy a Kraken for my A4000 when the Apollo Team is ready to make that happen.

While capturing similar imaginations of Amigans, the Apollo products in contrast to the A600GS, is still a pricey proposition for many.
And by many, I mean the tens and hundreds of thousands of active and semi-active Amigans who would take one look at the asking price for an A1222 and would never ever label it “low-end”.

Some look at the A600GS and see it as a product that’s coming late into a perceived trend.
I see the A600GS coming out at the right time: Simultaneously meeting Amigans (and their wallets) where they are NOW, and also skating toward where the proverbial puck WILL BE.

Let’s face it. All AmigaKit has to do is get a half-decent HTML5/CSS3/JS browser on v46, and it’s game over.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 8-Mar-2024 5:26:18
#779 ]
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for pc I have windows
if you don't have native os for arm with working amiga gui get lost

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 8-Mar-2024 5:27:20
#780 ]
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quake is open source so it may be just recompiled
if you don't have native os for risc-v with working amiga gui get lost

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