Enhancer 2.2 Installer Locks-Up my X5000 before it ever really gets started.
Don't see a software support forum for Enhancer so figured this Amiga OS 4 may be the right spot. If not, please let me know where for next time.
Amiga OS 4.1 Update 2 user. Fairly barebones install with just Enhancer 1.5 and some games and such I have downloaded since last year. I did a fairly fresh install of all last year after starting fresh with a new hard drive.
I double-clicked the installer and tried all 3 install options (Novice/Int/Expert) and all locked up/froze the computer.
The Enhancer splash screen window appears and boom, done.
Enhancer Software Installer seems to work ok on my MicroA1.
I get beyond the point shown in your video.
I see the Enhancer Software Welcome splash screen, followed by a notification message.
Installer window updates to show
Enhancer Software Plus Edition Version 2.2
website info and copyright info
"Proceed" button and "Exit Enhancer Software Install" button.
I clicked the "Exit Enhancer Software Install" button, because I don't want to accidently overwrite anything on my system.
I installed selected portions of Enhancer Software 2.2 on my system quite a while ago and I have used Updater for some updates that have become available since that time.
Best wishes, redfox
Last edited by redfox on 04-Nov-2023 at 03:20 AM. Last edited by redfox on 04-Nov-2023 at 03:08 AM. Last edited by redfox on 04-Nov-2023 at 03:04 AM. Last edited by redfox on 04-Nov-2023 at 02:47 AM.
Status: Offline
Re: Enhancer 2.2 Freezes X5K during installation Posted on 4-Nov-2023 3:32:01
I see you also posted on Amigans.net ... which is good. I don't know if they are the official software support forum for Enhancer software, but some of the devs respond there. I am just a user of an ancient system who tries to keep it as up to date as possible.
Status: Offline
Re: Enhancer 2.2 Freezes X5K during installation Posted on 4-Nov-2023 18:24:25
OK, funny I had Snoopy on my HDD and ran before but been ages so I forgot. Here is a video of me running Snoopy while trying a fresh new download (via Updater) of Enhancer 2.2.
As shown in the video, somehow it THINKS I have 2.2 installed. I don't. I guess the past attempt toggles something to make it seem like 2.2 was installed before the crash?
Here is the video showing what is happening. I will post the log next but you will see some Picasso IV shows failing right as the Enhancer Window appears and locks up the system.
However they tend to expect technical details and crash logs.
I take it "Pretend to install" makes no difference?
The "PicassoIV" attempt is likely some obsolete code in the system. Or some driver is looking for it. As it shouldn't be looking unless it was running on a classic system. It may look a bit sloppy seeing these fails in the Snoppy log but that's normal. A fail doesn't always mean a total failure.
I do have one thing to ask in particular. Are you able to soft reboot with Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga? Or Ctrl-Logo-Logo with a non Amiga keyboard. If you are running the Radeon V5 driver I understand soft reboot will not be possible. But if the system still reboots run this from the shell and save the output: C:DumpDebugBuffer
I'm not aware of the installer having a debug mode but you could edit the tool types of the Enhancer install icon and use LOGFILE to specify a log file. But it may crash before it writes it out.