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News   News : Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
   posted by DaveyD on 27-Apr-2003 11:58:47 (37873 reads)
Given the rumours, we asked fleecy the following...

"Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?"

Fleecy: As of this moment Bill McEwen is the CEO of Amiga and if a new CEO was to be brought in, it would be because of Amiga expanding as a company and Bill needing to concentrate on being Chairman and President - currently he is CEO as well and three top jobs in a company that is attracting the attention we are is at least one job too many.

Any CEO to be brought in would be as part of the team and would be totally in sync with the current strategic direction of the company.

If someone is posting information to the contrary then it can only be for ulterior motives.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 1:11:00
# ]

> You did not answer my question. Why is there a dude walking
> around with cards stating he is the CEO of Amiga Inc.?

Why are Amiga Inc being so evasive about this question? You'd think if it were good news, they'd be happy to share it! This behavior would lead one to conclude that the reason for the evasiveness, is that it's not good news, I'm a little frightened at what's happening behind the scenes that we don't know about. Why all the cloak and dagger? What is this a prelude to?

The question has been raised "Why would someone with an impressive track record like Garry Hare's come to Amiga Inc to be a CEO?" but I think the better question is "Why would someone with his track record come to Amiga inc as anything *BUT* the CEO?" (I stole this quote, but it's a good question)

In any case, suspicions have been raised. I hadn't given it any thought untill I saw the way Amiga Inc danced around the issue, now I can't shake the suspicion. I hate secrets. I hope we know more soon.

On another note, for what it's worth, Welcome aboard Garry! I hope we know more about your involvement soon, and I look forward to seeing what you have planned. Good luck mate!

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 5:43:16
#182 ]
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@ JubalHarshaw & Hooligan

Regarding the 'business card', Amiga simply isn't the right party to answer this question. This is between BB and Garry Hare. All other false claims concerning Amiga directly have been addressed.

Personally I doubt Garry will respond to this childish nonsense. IMO highly professional and respected individuals like Mr Hare should just ignore Buck's behaviours as Garry is way beyond his league.

Kudos to Amiga for how you handled this situation.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 6:36:36
# ]

Regarding the 'business card', Amiga simply isn't the right party to answer this question. This is between BB and Garry Hare. All other false claims concerning Amiga directly have be addressed.

Do you really think the way fleecy responded answered all questions on the Amiga, Inc. side? It seems to me he provided the minimum response possible, and left a lot of room for upcoming events not yet spoken about. Same with Ray's responses. Technically correct, perhaps, but hardly enlightening as to what somebody with connections to Amiga, Inc.'s financers would be doing handing out business cards with a CEO title on them.
Personally I doubt Garry will respond to this childish nonsense. IMO highly professional and respected individuals like Mr Hare should just ignore Buck's behaviours as he is way beyond his league.

Giving out business cards with incorrect titles on them is not "highly professional" by any stretch. Clearly there is something odd going on here, and Garry Hare is in the middle of it, for one reason or another. Bear in mind that Bill Buck (or his friend David Traub) is not the only one to have received the "Garry Hare, Amiga, Inc. CEO" business card. I find it odd that speaking about seeing the card is something you find unprofessional, but having the card and handing it out is somehow "highly professional." Strange indeed.
Kudos to Amiga for how you handled this situation.

Mike, you are apparently blinded by passion. Both Bill Buck and the people at Amiga, Inc. (not to mention Garry Hare himself, if that could be arranged) have questions to answer, as far as I'm concerned. (Not that it really matters, but only as a thread in the ongoing melodrama ). This seems to be another instance of your inability to see things other than through rose-colored (or red-and-white-checked) glasses.

-- gary_c

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 7:54:27
#184 ]
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>Regarding the 'business card', Amiga simply isn't
>the right party to answer this question. This is
>between BB and Garry Hare. All other false claims
>concerning Amiga directly have be addressed.

I concede that I believe as of today Bill McEwen is the CEO of Amiga Inc., and Amiga have brought this information to us in a satisfactory manner. I concede that given this, Bill Buck probably was too early or simply mistaken in saying otherwise (if you want to conclude he did indeed say otherwise).

However, since you seem to have some knowledge about this card - enough to make the claim that it is none of Amiga Inc.'s business - perhaps you could answer my question. Fleecy hasn't. Ray hasn't. I have posted it and pointed it at both of them on two sites in threads they have posted.

Is Garry Hare's Amiga Inc. business card as has been scanned and posted...?

a) Authentic
b) Fake
c) You don't know

It is a simple question, really. No need for smoke, mirrors and politics. Just a simple answer. a, b or c?


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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 8:44:26
#185 ]
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@ jtsiren & JubalHarshaw

Welcome to AmigaWorld.

@ jtsiren, JubalHarshaw, Hooligan & gary_c

Like I stated before, Garry Hare is the only right person to confirm or deny the claim that he handed out or didn't hand out such business cards and if so explain why.

And I made it clear that IMO Garry Hare should not allow BB to associate himself with Mr Hare, fake or mispresented 'truth', this would be a way too great honour for him and his continuous FUD/misinformation spreading. BB should best be left ignored IMO.

Personally I will not speak on behalf of 3rd parties or individuals and also to think that I want or need to know every little detail then you are sadly mistaken.

The facts are:

1) that BB has proven himself to be untrustworthy, regardless if he mixes halftruths with complete lies and way off 'personal interpretations' presented as facts.

2) Bill McEwen is the CEO, Chairman and President of Amiga Inc.

3) Garry Hare, an industry veteran with a spotless reputation within the industry, has taken a clear interest in Amiga Inc.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 10:14:38
#186 ]
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...and you didn't answer my question.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 10:33:02
#187 ]
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@ jtsiren

...and you didn't answer my question.

I don't think I created an ask MikeB your questions thread.

But anyway, considering Garry Hare is the only correct source for this kind of confirmation and the fact that I haven't communicated with him personally about anything, I would opt for option "c" just like almost anyone else should.

But even if I knew the answer I would still not act as Garry Hare's spokesman. IMO people should learn to live with the fact that they will never nor need to know everything.

The bottom line is that nearly everything stated by a competitor is factually incorrect and the deliberate bad intend is obvious to most people. IMO there's no need to sideline the main focus here.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 30-Apr-2003 11:34:26
#188 ]
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From: Unknown

Thanks for answering.

>But even if I knew the answer I would still not act
>as Garry Hare's spokesman. IMO people should
>learn to live with the fact that they will never nor
>need to know everything.

Then I guess we just have to disagree on the level of courtesy you and I are willing to extend to corporate entities or their management, especially from a consumer position, excluding possible confidentiality agreements.

The question of the business card is, in my opinion, pretty crucial when considering Bill Buck's argument - and the fact that he was discredited by many who consider the card a fake. If it indeed is a fake, then I'd agree with a lot of what you say. If it is not, I must consider the possibility that it is not the only factual thing in this discussion he is saying.

I don't think Bill Buck "knows better" than Amiga Inc. people what is happening there, but I am open to the possibility that due to his own interests he is more willing to tell us what he knows, than those at Amiga. Trust goes both ways. I won't dismiss any evidence, and since the business card is one crucial bit that is in some sort of conflict with, if not the letter, than at least the spirit of what Fleecy is saying, I'm interested in that.

Here is what, in my opinion, it all boils down to:

1) Bill McEwen is the CEO of Amiga Inc. as of today. The web posting, as well as Fleecy's and Ray's comments confirm this. I believe them. Bill Buck has not disputed this claim, even if his wording was ambiguous.

2) Amiga Inc. is considering changing the CEO. Bill Buck, Fleecy and Ray are all basically in agreement on this one.

3) Garry Hare is associated with Amiga Inc. Bill Buck, Fleecy and Ray are all basically in agreement on this one.

These are, in my opinion, the facts that all parties can pretty much agree with. I'm really trying to avoid subjective interpretations here, so I'm leaving it at that. Then there are issues that the parties do not agree with.

4) Fleecy tells us, after avoiding the question for a while, that Garry Hare is associated with Amiga because Bill McEwen has too much work to do and Bill McEwen asked for help. Garry may or may not stay. Bill Buck tells us, that the reason is that investors think Bill McEwen has failed in his task and are replacing him. Garry is the new CEO. These comments are in direct conflict.

5) Fleecy and Ray tell us that this can not be "old news", because it must be first "new news". Bill Buck tells us it is "old news", because certain business cards have allegedly been distributed by Garry Hare at a show in March. Fleecy and Ray concentrate on the wording "old news", but so far have ignored or not seen requests to comment on the business card itself.

6) Fleecy tells us that even if Garry Hare comes aboard, Bill McEwen will stay onboard. Bill Buck states that Bill McEwen "is gone".

Now there are basically those three things everyone agrees with, and then three things people don't agree with. Looking at the disagreements:

4) This is something where we have a potential conflict of interest. Both parties gain from saying what they say, and this goes both ways. Would Amiga Inc. say it if Bill Buck was right, even if they would loose something? Would Bill Buck say what he is saying just for his own gain? Objectively speaking, this is not about who knows what about the company, this is about who wants to tell what. We can't say who is telling the truth. Objectively, really, can we? Both would have their reasons.

5) As for the "old news", "new news" debate. If indeed the cards were given out en masse in March, and as it now turns out some members in the Amiga community knew about this as well, then the wording "old news" isn't anything sinister, really. It is old news if you knew about it already back in March. Don't think just about the community. It is old news if it Nobody credible has denied the existence or handing out of these business cards, so if the card is real, this argument against Bill Buck has little merit.

6) This goes pretty much into the same category as number 4). Either side could be telling the truth, if we consider the "is gone" broadly to include immediate future. Neither side could be telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We don't know, and I don't think we really can say one way or the other. Bill Buck may have his agenda or may not know the truth. Fleecy may have his agenda or may not know the truth. Or both know the truth but either one is not telling it. We don't know.

So, because number 4) and 6) are issues that pretty much only time can answer (and I'm not sure even that, really, since things can change), I'm interested in the one piece of the puzzle we can have some meaningful discussion over. If the business card is legit, then this may have been "old news" to Bill Buck, he may have spoken with Garry as he said and many of the arguments against him are invalid. If the business card is a fake, then that would tell a lot too.

It is also possible that both Fleecy and Bill Buck believe and feel they have reason to believe their arguments are fully factual, but one of them, or both, are just mistaken.

Why am I interested? I just am. Some people watch Columbo. I watch the Amiga Show.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 1-May-2003 3:37:36
#189 ]
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I don't know why I'm interested, either, but to me this seems more like a soap opera than Columbo. Nevertheless, I thought I'd crosspost something I put in the discussion over at ANN, just to see if anyone thinks it is interesting. My comment at ANN
The speculations I wrote over there are not supposed to be serious, of course, but I do find it puzzling that the card shows a phone number that cannot go with the address.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 2-May-2003 14:49:25
# ]

MikeB wrote:
The bottom line is that nearly everything stated by a competitor is factually incorrect and the deliberate bad intend is obvious to most people. IMO there's no need to sideline the main focus here.

The main focus is not the "competitor" but Amiga, Inc. itself and how it does business. (Read again the title of this thread if you've lost track.) Maybe this link will provide some more illumination for those who continue to refuse to see the light: post by Bolton Peck, former Amiga, Inc. staffmember

It doesn't matter to me personally if you believe me or Bolton or anyone else. The truth will inevitably come out. Like I said before, it's not that I have anything against Amiga, Inc. I really wish they could have made a success, but they mismanaged things and then covered up mistakes with lies and distortions. And the worst thing is, they and their most rabid fans tried to discredit those who pointed out the problems all along the way. Very sad indeed.

-- gary_c

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 2-May-2003 18:47:39
#191 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA

The bottom line is that nearly everything stated by a competitor is factually incorrect and the deliberate bad intend is obvious to most people. IMO there's no need to sideline the main focus here.

How many people have to tell you that Bill McEwen isnt the CEO before you believe it Mike??? Garry Hare giving our business cards, Bill swearing under oath in a court case, doesnt do it what will it take?? When the transcript from Bolten's case is published and right there in black and white Bill McEwen says he isnt the CEO are you going to apologize for spreading FUD??? I think the Amiga community will deserve an apology are you going to give it???

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 3-May-2003 18:54:16
#192 ]
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@ Tigger

How many people have to tell you that Bill McEwen isnt the CEO before you believe it Mike???


The shareholders Bill, Fleecy or Randy.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 3-May-2003 18:56:46
#193 ]
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@ gary_c

The financial problems surrounding Amiga Inc were already widely known. This has been addressed several times already.

I don't believe Peck's perspective on things were actually news to you?

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 3-May-2003 20:16:47
# ]

I believe the news was:

So, its like this. Yesterday, (april 30, 2003) Bill McEwen told my attorney under oath that he's no longer CEO of Amiga, Incorporated. 50 percent of the company is in fact owned by a Dutch consortium, or so Bill said under oath. That came out of HIS MOUTH.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 3-May-2003 23:48:22
#195 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA


The shareholders Bill, Fleecy or Randy.

So given that Bill McEwen admitted to not being the CEO this week, under oath in court, I guess you realize he isnt the CEO as well. So why is Fleecy saying he is, also you and I and dozens of other know that the company isnt owned by the three you mentioned, so why the FUD. What are you getting out of it??? Are you doing this on Fleecy's behalf or do you have your own agenda???

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 5-May-2003 19:10:26
#196 ]
AROS Core Developer
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So given that Bill McEwen admitted to not being the CEO this week, under oath in court, I guess you realize he isnt the CEO as well.

I must have missed the court transcripts being scanned and verified being online... When did this happen? as so many seem to claim what is said in forums as being true.
Maybe it's just me but forums are forums just that. They aren't however the be all and end all of information. You never know the truth from them, as with any other news media you only know what is being fed to you.

Some people just seem to swallow more of it.

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"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 6-May-2003 2:05:46
# ]

MikeB wrote:Quote:
The financial problems surrounding Amiga Inc were already widely known. This has been addressed several times already.
I don't believe Peck's perspective on things were actually news to you?

No, the general sense of things was no surprize, but the extent of Amiga's financial problems -- and the rather distasteful things they've had to do to get by -- hadn't really hit home with me so much until I read this personal account. Also there were certain details about Bill McEwen's status that I had only heard about from outside sources previously.

What's rather striking at this point is the large gap between the apparent day-to-day reality of the company and the "everything's on course" image they are trying to keep in front of our eyes. Bravado is one thing, but I think at a certain point honesty is a better option. The CEO-related cognitive dissonance is a good example of image-making gone haywire.

-- gary_c

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 6-May-2003 7:00:03
#198 ]
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@ gary_c

Fleecy already addressed financial issues in various interviews. And of course Amiga shouldn't bow for these problems. Do you believe they should have put this on their frontpage? How many companies would do that?

And don't forget AmigaOS4 is protected from their financial difficulties and is nearing completetion at a fast pace. It's not all doom and gloom like you try to focus on, actually far from it, even with regard to Amiga Inc's own situation.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 6-May-2003 20:44:29
# ]

Fleecy already addressed financial issues in various interviews.

Excuse me, then I missed them... Even when answering the question regarding the delays of the T-Shirts Fleecy didn't mention financial problems. (As far as I can remember though, so I might be wrong, I haven't re-read it)

But something more important: the size of the page slowly exceeds 0.5 megabytes and it's a real pain to read with a modem. Isn't it possible to have the content on multiple pages?

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 7-May-2003 9:26:42
#200 ]
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@ warfare

For instance I remember an interview @ Temple of Tech from almost exactly one year ago ( 2002-05-03) explaining that things have been tight for Amiga and that he didn't expect this to change anytime soon, at that point of time.

Isn't it possible to have the content on multiple pages?

Maybe you should try using a threaded view or to disable your webbrowser to view pictures.

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