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Software News   Software News : AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
   posted by Rogue on 14-Jul-2006 15:43:05 (9377 reads)
There is a new article on the AmigaOS new memory system online on
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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 17:44:29
#21 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2006
Posts: 689
From: Norway

Yes, Ami603. I see it now. You're right. My mistake....

Helge K. Leaving the Amiga in favour of a PC..

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 17:47:20
#22 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2006
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From: Norway

Well, everybody. There was a long time since i was at school and i did have some algebra. Math was never my strenght, but rather a weakness to me. Sorry to disappoint you all...

Helge K. Leaving the Amiga in favour of a PC..

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 17:52:29
#23 ]
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From: Sofia

Of course we should by now alredy know that there are no other specialists but Hyperion, and also that the world is black and white and... yada yada... :-p

Seems the first specialist is already here! Next.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 18:10:59
#24 ]
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From: Scottsdale, AZ

I know that "virtual mem" does not mean swapping per se, but so doesn't "memory mapped files". However, the articel mentioned swapping beeing available at some point (which I think is a good thing - especially if you have some kind of control over it).

A memory mapped file would be just another "plugin" which would work simialr to a swaped memory, except, that, e.g. the app would customize a file on disk and "declare" it as memory. What you can do then is, instead of loading data from it, you simply "memcpy" from there and the DOS/mem system takes care of the rest (more like a swapped memory). This has various benefits over a file system in the way, you do not need to collect a ton of files, but have one big chunk and it is transparent to the memory and therefore less complicated to use then e.g. file I/O.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 19:24:35
#25 ]
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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 19:33:16
#26 ]
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From: Mid Atlantic State USA


Thanks for the continuing effort
for letting us know about it!


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 19:45:31
#27 ]
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From: Michigan

Very interesting read. I hope they are not giving up any trade secretes, is this type of memory management unique to OS4 on the Amiga?

Nice to have some good news. I think the swap part is going to be gathering dust most of the time, unless you start working with multimedia files(Mpgs and such).

So when do we mortals get to try it out? I know, when it's done!

Nice to see the progress. Keep up the great work, can't say enough!

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 20:09:22
#28 ]
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From: Italy

dos.library allowing you to "allocate" a mem image from disk ?) That would be great.

That would be a sure way to fill up the address space, since AmigaOS has only one, shared by all tasks. And if we're talking about little files, then you'd not have any advantage over simply loading them to memory, and the effect would be the same.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 20:21:59
#29 ]
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From: Scottsdale, AZ

That would be a sure way to fill up the address space, since AmigaOS has only one, shared by all tasks. And if we're talking about little files, then you'd not have any advantage over simply loading them to memory, and the effect would be the same.

First, this is not new and other OSs can handle that. And second, one could simply free that mem again after usage. "Filling up 4GB" would mean multiple apps doing that thing at the same time, not releasing the mem again, which I doubt will happen.

Also, it would be an _additional_ feature (ever heard about a .pak file?). Nobody forces anyone to use it (and I understand the same would apply for swap space - as long as you can switch that off).

About the speed concerns and virtual mem space. AFAIK the current implementation does that already, but the allocator has been changed. One question isn't answered, though. Is the PUBMEM block now gone ? I think so, isn't it ?

AmigaOne XE G3/933/VIA/FM801/R200 (fixed),
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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 20:34:05
#30 ]
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From: Italy

First, this is not new and other OSs can handle that.

Other OSs have multiple address spaces, that's how they can deal with it.


And second, one could simply free that mem again after usage.

I think you're missing the point of mmap'ing a file.

Memory mapping a file is useful when you want to let the OS handle for you the buffering at the lowest possible level, while still being able to access the file as if it were loaded totally into memory. This is useful mostly for huge files, as little files can be loaded directly into memory without wasting too much time during the process. Loading a 1GB file into memory, on the other hand, would cost swap space and time.

A mmap'ed file is like a swap file created on demand.

"Filling up 4GB" would mean multiple apps doing that thing at the same time, not releasing the mem again, which I doubt will happen.

No, it would mean mmap'ing a DVD ISO, for instance.

Also, it would be an _additional_ feature (ever heard about a .pak file?). Nobody forces anyone to use it (and I understand the same would apply for swap space - as long as you can switch that off).

I just said that it wouldn't be useful, given the other limitations.

More useful would be a C++ class which let you access a file via an overloaded [] operator, mimicing a mmapped file, without the problems of a mmapped files.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

~~ Henry Ford

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 20:34:24
#31 ]
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From: Italy

@Hyperion and OS4 Devs

A BIG THANK YOU... now release an update 5 please


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 20:59:43
#32 ]
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From: Espoo, Finland

That's very interesting article.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 21:26:32
#33 ]
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Something happening!!!


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 21:33:57
#34 ]
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Multiple address space can be the next goal?


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 22:23:59
#35 ]
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From: Birmingham, England

It sounds neat but these memory articles almost always blow my mind. I hear a "whoosh" just above my head but that's all I get.

Still, nice one Hyperion et al.


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 22:48:06
#36 ]
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That would require memory protection.


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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 23:21:53
#37 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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Thank you for the well written and informative update.

Can't take credit for it, the article was written by Thomas ;)

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 23:24:01
#38 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4

Even more impressive is that it says when booting up Workbench with this new memory system, it should be using less than 2KB in all!!! That's pretty much awesome!

Uhm, no, at the time of workbench boot, there's already 40000 allocations of 2KB or less each...

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 23:26:01
#39 ]
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That would require memory protection.

Actually, no. It would require separate address spaces. It will mess up pretty badly when someone writes into another one's address space, but that is already the case now. It does in no way require memory protection.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: AmigaOS 4.0 new memory system revisited
Posted on 14-Jul-2006 23:26:19
#40 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2006
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From: Norway

Like i said Enthza, math is my weakness...But you know these stuffs much better than i do..

Helge K. Leaving the Amiga in favour of a PC..

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