Your support is needed and is appreciated as is primarily dependent upon the support of its users.
| will switch to a new ISP, and will move to a new location and a new server.
When? Today April 20. Time: 16:00 UTC. some time conversions: 17:00 in UK, 18:00 CET, 02:00 April 21 in Sydney Australia, 12:00 in New York America, 09:00 in Los Angeles America, 21:30 in Calcutta India.
Estimated time: As long as it takes to move the database. Today it took 15 minutes, all went well.
Important! You should not post after 15:30 UTC, unless you see a green banner instead of the current red one, that says:
" Notice! has now migrated to its new home. Please report any bugs to the staff. Thank you! "
Otherwise posts, PMs, and other submittable stuff might get lost.
Other issues to consider DNS propagation might take some time. We will have an alternative address ready and spread the info when it is time.
You might need to fill in username and password to log in, those will be the same as you have now.
| STORYID: 5895
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