posted by Anonymous on 3-Jan-2005 12:23:05 (5180 reads)
I am pleased to announce we finally have a confirmed victor of the Moderator Of The Year poll. The vote swung back and forth like a sine wave ever since the start and whilst we had a few disqualifications both moderators seem to be equally popular. This time however the vote swung in Mikey_C's favour enough to pip Greg at the post. Mikey_C therefore wins the uA1c.
There is however a second prize for GregS, which I will be discussing with him as to what he will choose to do. So nil desperandum. Thanks to all site members who took part in the poll. Lets see who wins next years prize!
About the winner
The winner now will be in reciept of a uA1c, as soon as one can be sent to him. He will have in to return to review the system from a "newbie" perspective and provide the published review on this site ( reviews section ) and then the fun begins. Every month ( or more often if we feel especially cruel ) the winner has to review a software product. This product gets voted on from a shortlist suggested by members. So YOU decide what reviews you want to see!