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Announcement   Announcement : AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
   posted by wegster on 11-Jan-2006 7:58:12 (9523 reads)
AmigaWorld has evolved and grown over past years, and has become one of the more popular sites for Amiga users. Like the classic Amigas themselves, 'Amiga' means different things to different people. For some, it may include Amiga-like or compatible systems, while others prefer the officially endorsed solutions.

AmigaWorld was founded as a site in support of the official Amiga branded solution, AmigaOS4, as it's primary goal, in the midst of much disagreement and arguments within the scattered community. While the primary goal has not changed, time has, and we have seen a widening of our membership base, and hopefully each of us as individuals as well.

We are making some changes to the forum layouts in order to serve our members better, not only now, but for the future as well. We previously opened the formerly closed AmigaOne Hardware Owners forum, and now have instituted the following changes:

Official AmigaOne Forums
|-- AmigaOne Hardware
|-- AmigaOne Linux
|-- AmigaOne OS4

is now:

PowerPC Amigas
|-- Amiga OS4.x \ Workbench 4.x - Discussion of AmigaOS4 itself, OS4 drivers, etc.
|-- Amiga OS4 Software - Discussion of applications for AmigaOS4.
|-- Amiga OS4 Hardware - Discussion for hardware running AmigaOS4
|-- Amiga PPC Linux - Discussion of Linux running on AmigaOS4 capable hardware

As other hardware solutions may become available, they need a new home, and may not be 'AmigaOne' systems. The content and guidelines of these forums will remain as they have been.

The 'Classic Discussion' forum has been split into 'Classic Amiga Hardware' and 'Classic Amiga Software,' and the 'Amiga General' category remains for anything not so easy to classify.

Additionally, a new forum, for 'Amiga-Like Systems,' named 'Alt Amiga OS,' has been added to the general Amiga Discussion category. This new forum will cover any of the unofficial Amiga compatible or similar systems, such as AROS and MorphOS. The AW staff are aware of differing views of the members and within the staff. Therefore the 'Alt Amiga OS' threads will not display in the front page, but will show via the 'Latest Posts.' link

Note that the primary purpose behind AW has not changed; we retain a focus on AmigaOS4 at this site. This does not in any way, shape or form, however, change the site policies, specifically those pertaining to TOS on Trolling, Baiting and Flaming. Measures will be taken as nescessary against those that would prefer to destroy or hurt versus contribute, regardless of which forums such acts may occur in.

We acknowledge that this move may cause some issues or feelings for some, but we would ask you to remember this- it is our hope that this change may bring about better communications between the different communities, and perhaps one day we will all simply be 'Amigans, one and all' again.

We had a few unexpected issues in dealing with the changes, so some posts and forums were inaccessible briefly. These should now be corrected; however please post in the Website Feedback forum or PM staff in the event you notice any issues.

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 18:21:48
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 25-Oct-2005
Posts: 1121
From: Michigan, USA

Hi DaveyD,
After getting beatup over here for owning an A1 , I go to the MZ everday now. I liked the previous 'private' A1 users forum; at least it was somewhat safe from these PC 'Amiga Users' and want-to-bees. My attitude has changed about the Amiga in the last two years, I don't think it's all that great anymore. BUT, is top choice for staying in touch! All-in-all, a nice place to visit, thanks!


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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 18:40:32
#42 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Nov-2004
Posts: 971
From: East-Midlands (Nottingham) UK


I run Amithlon and I want OS4, does this make me a Quote:
PC 'Amiga User' and want-to-bee
What a nice thing to say.

Last edited by Frags on 11-Jan-2006 at 06:41 PM.


- insert profound text here -

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 18:48:21
#43 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 430
From: West of the Mississippi

Two thumbs down. There is already plenty of space on the Internet to discuss Amiga API clones.

At first thought about this, I agee with ssolie. There are places already for people to go for the different Amiga clones. Just my two cents. I do hope it all works out.

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 19:36:33
#44 ]
Super Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2003
Posts: 1786
From: Denmark

Very nice

But... I think it would have been better if you would move the Search block down under the "OS4 Image Album" block...

Best regards,
hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund [Denmark]

Please send no PM to me, email me if you want to contact me. See you somewhere else.

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 20:18:27
#45 ]
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we have seen a widening of our membership base, and hopefully each of us as individuals as well

I am starting to get a little - 'portly' I suppose.

You weren't supposed to pick up on that!


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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 22:07:10
#46 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Jul-2003
Posts: 4286
From: Unknown

Is nice with an alternative seciton for amiga clones/alternatives, but i really think it should be visible on the frontpage.

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 22:19:04
#47 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-May-2003
Posts: 2959
From: Auckland, New Zealand

Are the quick forum links on the main page going to be updated?

"Amiga Q&A /  Free for All /  Emulation /  Gaming / (Latest Posts)"

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 22:36:54
#48 ]
Super Member
Joined: 13-Mar-2003
Posts: 1441
From: Somerset, UK


No mate your an amiga user through and through.

A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E.
CDTV 8MB Fast, OS3.1, SCSI, MicroSD SCSI & CD32 FMV
X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 23:40:05
#49 ]
Team Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
Posts: 6291
From: County Yakima, WA State, USA

@ Snuffy


After getting beatup over here for owning an A1 , I go to the MZ everday now.

Why would you get beat up on here for owning an AmigaOne?


AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 11-Jan-2006 23:47:49
#50 ]
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Joined: 7-Nov-2005
Posts: 152
From: Planet earth

@At the moderators
I think you have placed my poll "Ping all classic owners" in the wrong forum. It belongs to the classic hardware one, don't you think?

 Free For All
Anything and everything as long as it remains clean and legal. NOTE: Topics posted here will not be listed on the homepage.

That's definitely NOT the right forum for this poll. I'm sure it was placed there by accident.

Last edited by pure_Amiga on 11-Jan-2006 at 11:51 PM.

Amiga 1200+BPPC+BVision

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 0:28:43
#51 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Dec-2002
Posts: 2630
From: Glasgow, UK

Now moved to the correct forum HERE.

Good spot!


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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 1:39:42
#52 ]
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Joined: 7-Nov-2005
Posts: 152
From: Planet earth

Thank you.

Amiga 1200+BPPC+BVision

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 1:56:29
#53 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Jan-2003
Posts: 3270
From: Charlotte, NC


But... I think it would have been better if you would move the Search block down under the "OS4 Image Album" block...

Ah... but you are missing the main point. The SEARCH LINK IS NOW VERY PROMINANTLY DISPLAYED! And we thought we'd never have to hear "move the search link" again.


You weren't supposed to pick up on that!

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 8:42:13
#54 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 23-Mar-2004
Posts: 3599
From: Peterborough, UK, Planet Earth (I think...)

@Herewegoagain and AW Staff,

Well done for the "[Search] Move". I like it !


- AOS has been ported to ex-86 ! It's called AROS and WinUAE... Or E-UAE on Linux !

- A1XE-G4 up and runing with:
512MB Ram / 200GB and 80GB HardDisks on Sii0680.
AOS4 Final Update / AmiZilla 0.1 Alpha

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 9:53:29
#55 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 1-Jun-2003
Posts: 2997
From: Vancouver Island, Canada

Does anyone agree with this:


Amigaworld should be 100% Amiga OS4!

All forums should discuss OS4 topics only.

Topics discussing Amiga Anywhere, Classic Amigas, emulators, AROS, MorphOS, reconfigurable retro computing (remaking classic amigas in FPGA), Atari, Windows, MacOSX, etc, and any platform that is NOT amigaOS4, should ALL be banned.

At the moment, I'm undecided about everything. The AmigaWorld site is probably the BEST designed, professional looking and most functional site in the whole entire amiga community.

Does everyone here want it to remain an 'exclusive' amigaOS4 site?

Perhaps its time to leave Amigaworld as it is, an 'exclusive' amigaOS4 site and open a NEW amiga community website for EVERYONE!

Imagine a website for the Amiga community based on tolerance, mutual respect, and 'inclusion'.. where you can freely talk about any personification of 'Amiga', from classic amigas, to emulators and new PowerPC systems, etc.

From AmigaInc's point of view, the Official Amiga system is Amiga-Anywhere, and OS4 is just a licensed third party system that uses their trademark. I'm sure that many amigaOS4 users and develeopers here feel a lot differently about this. Wouldn't you guys like to see AmigaInc recognise amigaOS4 is being their official system?

On that note, the guys who designed the amigaworld site should be hired to replace AmigaInc's dreadful looking site!

Only Amiga makes it possible? Not anymore.. only the users & community make it possible now!

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 11:07:02
#56 ]
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Joined: 17-Sep-2003
Posts: 3428
From: Lyon, France




Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
Amiga Translator Organisation

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 13:09:49
#57 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042

weird thread :)

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 13:21:34
#58 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 3373
From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal

The AmigaWorld site is probably the BEST designed, professional looking and most functional site in the whole entire amiga community.

Functionality wise I find MorphZone closer to being the 'perfect'...

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
The Illusion of Choice | Am*ga

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 13:27:00
#59 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Mar-2003
Posts: 2209
From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


I think both sites are quite similar but MorphZone's bounty system would be a nice addition for amigaworld...

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Posted on 12-Jan-2006 14:56:22
#60 ]
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Joined: 29-Nov-2004
Posts: 8554

Does everyone here want it to remain an 'exclusive' amigaOS4 site?

That, obviously, is a touchy question, if it isn't apparent already!

Most statements can be picked apart into meaning something else, intentionally, or even unintentionally. If by exclusive, you mean no other subject matter may ever be discussed, then obviously the answer is no, and was the case previously as well, or there would not be a General Technology forum in the first place.

Did we expand coverage of the OS4 coverage in the re-org? Yes. Obviously, OS4 is very much the focus of this site, and will always be (well ok, so if err, OS5 comes out...).

From a non staff, personal standpoint only:
90% of the problems we have seen regarding 'different' OSes in various threads come continously from perhaps 5% of the people involved. Of these, many of them may think of themselves as just 'supportive' of their chosen platform or ideas, but too often, a reasonable discussion is occurring until derailed hopelessly into off-topic flames or similar. There's a big difference between a discussion of issues, even where involving opinions, versus the 'automatic branding' of people simply because they have a viewpoint different than your own. Most are capable of realizing that, and it shows when there have been sane discussions between different 'camp' members in the past, and those discussions while they may not be of interest to some, do not deserve to be spit on, flames, or derailed, simply because one of the '5% club' decides to come in with a one or two line trolling or abusive statement to derail the discussion. Remember the phrase, 'If you can't say anything nice, it's better to say nothing at all'? In some cases, you have to wonder why people seem to forsake that, along with common sense in many cases, simply because they are having a discussion online and not 'in person.' Personal attacks are very rarely the sign that someone is 'winning' a debate, and responding in kind does little to abate any of the seeming hate and bad feelings some carry on their shoulders, instead it simply fuels the fire.

I believe in freedom of speech, and fredom of information, yet the actions of a small minority would seem they alone would decide who is 'allowed' to speak without flaming or attacking them. For those of you saying, 'Well, but those evil < fill in the blank > users..' I'll simply ask this:

A MorphOS developer is porting KHTML, a not insignificant feat. Were AWeb to incorporate this work, and suddenly there was a modern standards compliant browser available for OS4, would you not use it? Or is your 'hate' selective instead only to where it ignores any benefit to yourself and your chosen platform? Should instead his efforts be ignored, or in the event he chose to participate on AW, should he be attacked simply because he is porting against the 3.X API provided by MOS?

The above example obviously will hit home right now more with OS4 users than AROS or MorphOS users, but applies all around regardless. If your honest answer to the above is yes, he should be attacked, and you will not use anything to come out of such a project, then not only do I feel sorry for you, but I hope you seek some help.

Freedom of speech is something not guaranteed on private systems, which any 'public' web server or forum like AW, MZ, and others are. Their 'rules' may be the absence of rules altogether, such as MooBunny, or whatever the site owners decide. That's a fact, and is not specific to AW any more than any other site in existence. Having said that, I would certainly want to know about things that have the potential to affect my chosen platform in some fashion, and yes, even when they may be negative at times.

I guess in the end, the question is really - are you in the 95% of people, who have different opinions from each other but can mostly manage to get along, or at least show some common sense and courtesy while debating with someone with a different opionion, or is the sole reason for being here to attack others and see what can be stirred up? If you are in the latter category, you may find your stay a difficult or brief one, regardless of what 'camp' you claim to be in.

If instead, you want to be around people who share your passion and hope for AmigaOS4, and are able to understand that MOS and AROS are not 'dirty words,' and share some ancestry and similarities, as well as offering the potential to increase both the software and knowledge bases of each....come on in, grab a cup of coffee, beer, whatever...the water's fine. And if a subject from time to time doesn't appeal to you, no problem, participation is each thread entirely voluntary.

Last edited by wegster on 12-Jan-2006 at 02:57 PM.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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