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Miscellaneous News   Miscellaneous News : Mobilezone and Amiga Introduce Amiga Content Across Brazilian Digital Devices
   posted by AF on 2-May-2006 14:24:03 (6128 reads)
May 1, 2006 - San Francisco, CA/Sao Paolo, Brazil.– Mobilezone and Amiga bring AmigaAnywhere™ applications to Mobilezone's customers worldwide. Now, visitors to Mobilezone can purchase their favorite Amiga content for their Microsoft Windows PCs, Smartphones, and PDAs. Amiga's innovative technology allows mobile users to take advantage of emerging technologies such as media storage cards and U3 mobile storage devices.

This announcement brings another strong channel for application developers that are looking for a refined and efficient solution to developing content one-time and running it across a myriad of devices.

MobileZone gives current information about mobile technologies and provides a local web reference for PDAs, smartphones, Pocket PCs and wireless technologies like Wi-Fi. It has quickly grown into Brazil's leading and most complete Wi-Fi hotspot locator, earning well over 400,000 unique visitors to Mobilezone webpages since it was created, 3 years ago. The "Plugged" section of the site gives up to date news about what's happening with the wireless market inside and outside the country. It also carries monthly articles about interesting related subjects, such as mobile content and WiMax "hype" analysis.

Brazil is part of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) group of countries with the fastest expanding wireless markets, is the second largest mobile market in South America and 6th largest in the world. The country's mobile penetration rate is 41.1%, reaching 79.9 million customers through September 2005. Further, Brazil dominates the Latin American Internet market with broadband growth of 31% in 2005. "The growth in complex mobile and web usage in Brazil is very attractive to Amiga", said Gregory Sigel, Amiga's vice president of sales and marketing. "MobileZone provides a great entrée to this market, given their popularity with wireless and wired subscribers."

Amiga's cross-platform technologies fit well with Brazil, given the growing popularity of convergence strategies. In October 2004, TV Cidade and TVA were the first Brazilian operators to adopt the triple play strategy, combining VoIP, broadband and pay TV services. It also meshes well with MobileZone's combined mobile and WiFi target areas. "Brazilians continue to be big fans of the Amiga name", said Ricardo Menezes, President of Mobilezone. "We are very excited to provide our customers with rich graphical Amiga content and let them run it across their mobile, desktops and ultimately TV-based devices."

Mobilezone is highlighting Amiga with an About Amiga section ("Sobre Amiga") and an updated News/Interview ("Entrevista") section. The Amiga Games ("Jogos") section on the website lets Mobilezone's customers from over 20 countries purchase Amiga content for their devices of choice. As Amiga grows its applications and content portfolio, the two companies will work together to update the Mobilezone-Amiga site with the most market-relevant content.

About MobileZone:

MobileZone is a Brazilian portal that focuses on wireless and mobile technologies, news and related content. With its operations started in early 2004, MobileZone has, since then, received more than 360.000 unique visitors searching for Wi-Fi hotspots, news and exclusive content covering a variety of subjects including WiMax, UMTS, UWB and EVDO.

The majority of Mobilezone’s visitors, can be classified as IT professionals, wireless providers, doctors, business executives, government organizations and university students.


About Amiga:

Amiga, Inc. is the world’s premier provider of multimedia enabling technologies. For almost two decades its award-winning software has been a mainstay for motion picture studios, multimedia creators, and digital entertainment enthusiasts around the world. Today Amiga builds on this legacy leading the way in multimedia development by providing developers with hardware-independent technologies for writing and porting applications to new platforms and interactive devices. AmigaAnywhere™ enables applications to run on a broad range of processors including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, OMAP, MIPS, x86, and Hitachi SH series and to run hosted on a wide variety of operating systems including Linux, Windows CE .NET, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. AmigaAnywhere™ applications are available online at For more information visit

AmigaAnywhere™ is a registered trademark of Amiga, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.



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Re: Mobilezone and Amiga Introduce Amiga Content Across Braz
Posted on 4-May-2006 10:39:00
#41 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 14-Aug-2003
Posts: 299
From: Just imminent danger and in the middle of it me


Whilst the email didnd't contain anything new at least it was a response.

Last edited by daydreamer on 05-May-2006 at 07:42 AM.

"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule"

Randal Graves - "Clerks"

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