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News   News : The new
   posted by mjohnson on 18-Mar-2005 10:21:04 (13830 reads)
The new Amiga Inc. website has finally been unveiled.

Apart from the updated design and new content, there are also a few interesting news item, especially this one: "KMOS, Inc. announces the formal change of its corporate name and legal identity to Amiga, Inc."

It also seems that AmigaAnywhere is back in the game, now released at version 1.5

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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 21:46:41
#81 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Apr-2003
Posts: 1081
From: Italy

The layout design ? . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(This has been really a . . . "surprise")

The content ? . . . . . . . . . . .

(But, unfortunately, I was expecting it... )

AmigaOS, the last hope...

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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 21:52:32
#82 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA

Either that or the AmigaOne partners (Eyetech and Hyperion) have exclusive worldwide licenced rights to their respective parts of the project. This would exclude any other third party licencing deals with Amiga OS.
The Amiga OS part of the site basically says we own it but don't talk to us about it, talk to the AmigaOne Project parterners.
I assume that what it really means, is that as long as there is a dedicated third party developer for Amiga OS there will be future versions.

Then again there is that IRC Q&A with Gary Hare coming up...


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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 22:25:19
#83 ]
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From: Italy

@ Argo

Then again there is that IRC Q&A with Gary Hare coming up...

I wouldn't expect too much from that...

AmigaOS, the last hope...

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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 23:13:19
#84 ]
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Joined: 18-Apr-2003
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom

So just for fun this is a proposal of how I want it to look.

Wow. This is vastly better. It even uses the correct corporate Amiga colours which they seem to have unforgivably forgotten.


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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 23:17:08
#85 ]
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Joined: 18-Apr-2003
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom

But again, as I said, I think it works. And it's at least very thrilling to see some movement behind the curtains. I definitely believe it's a move in the right direction, now let's hope for a few more moves along the same path.

But nothing has really changed. It's just a rehashed version of the old site with very little new info just a heavier bias towards DE.


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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 23:32:17
#86 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: West of the Mississippi

Personally, I belong to the design school of "less design, please". I found the webpage to be browsable. That's the important thing for me. No javascript-css-menues that doesn't work on my browser, no java, no flash, just a website. Thank you, Amiga Inc.

Wow, I am amazed that people are worried "how" the site "looks", I find that very interesting. The site does what it needs to do. I too am glad that I do not have to worry about javascript-css-menues. Please keep it simple so all can use it.

I too would like to see more content . . . I do hope that it will not take as long for updates of information . . . .

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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 23:38:42
#87 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 430
From: West of the Mississippi


God this thread makes me sick. This is so typical of what the Amiga community has become. KMOS/Amiga finnaly seems to be making some progress and all we do is bitch about it. Give me a break.

Right on! It is so Typical . . . . It makes one wonder . . . if I was why brother. No matter what you do, it gets shot at.

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Re: The new
Posted on 18-Mar-2005 23:43:15
#88 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Sydney (of course)

Guys, we seem to be deliberately forgetting what we didn't want to hear.

It's been said many times by Bill McEwen, Garry Hare and probably Fleecy Moss as well - OS4 and the AmigaOne are only a distraction to keep us (the Kommunity) amused. They are not interested in a desktop, since there is no market for it and it can not make them any money. That's why OS4 and the A1 project were hived off to Eyetech and Hyperion - so that Amiga Inc could wash their hands of it and concentrate on AmigaDE.

Don't go looking for any mention or interest in OS4, the AmigaOne or any other Amiga hardware from Amiga Inc - it isn't there. OS4.x is the end of the line for them (Amiga Inc) and they do not and will not support it. It's up to us, Hyperion and smaller software companies. Amiga Inc will not design, build or sell hardware ever again - they can't do it and compete.

I would be pleased to hear to the contrary, but a desktop machine and desktop software are not in Amiga Inc's best interests. We must rely on Eyetech, Hyperion and third parties.

[edit - Sorry, I must have skipped a page earlier - this has all been said already]


Last edited by tonyw on 18-Mar-2005 at 11:51 PM.


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 4:26:01
#89 ]
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Joined: 29-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown

Personally, the site looks great. It is simple and easy to navigate, more info IMO will be added. The only negative is the long loading times.


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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 7:16:35
# ]

Hmm, having read all of the posts, i add me to the "like it"

It's nice, easy to navigate and USEABLE with any Amiga browser...
(that's the message, kids, the MOTHER-Amiga-company which puts up a website
one can only USE or ENJOY when browsing on WINSUCKS or LINSUX isn't
[just my humble opinion] NOT a good way to start it, don't you think?)

Of course, there would have been far less people crying out, they that cannot
use it right on their Amiga browsers, but, hey it's VERY cool and brave from
Amiga, Inc. to keep it simple!

The content?
Well, could have been more, WILL definitely be more when time flows. Give em a
few months, heck, it's the FIRST website they brought up and for that's it's a
very nice start.

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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 8:51:43
#91 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

Well, as a test I let my missus browse to the new site and the first thing she said was... "Whats gambling got to do with their site"?

So the fruit machines obviously have far too much prominence, for a front page anyway.

they should be in the Amiga Shop page.

I hate to poo poo peoples work but the fact Edit-Chick said what she did does prove something is out of place.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 8:52:36
#92 ]
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From: Merrie Olde England

We plan to bring innovative technology and rich-media applications to most modern processors and all major operating systems

I assume that does not include AmigaOS?

Amiga, Inc. is the world?s premier provider of multimedia enabling technologies...Today Amiga builds on this legacy leading the way in multimedia development

I think somebody at Amiga Inc needs a reality check. OK, present yourself in a positive light, but surely your claims have to have SOME basis in reality?

Does anybody actually know anybody using an Amiga DE product? How many of your colleagues have heard of Amiga DE?

I don't personally own a mobile phone or PDA, but most people do. Yet I don't know ANYBODY who has any interest in playing games on these products. Has AInc done any real market research?

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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 10:07:17
#93 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2002
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From: Italy


Why not a php backend?


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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 12:34:05
#94 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2005
From: Unknown


Well there's thousands of small JAva games being advertised via intenet and magazines here in Denmark so I guess there's a market for mobile gaming.

Whether Amiga can make an impact in that area depends on their distribution methods and products IMO.

People will feel safer buying a product from a well known company than from a small online store, virus will probably hit the mobile market big liek it has happened with the desktop market, just wait and see :)
Amiga needs to get distribution deals with bigger well known companies, whether that is MS, ISP's, or Wallmart is not the issue IMO.

Anyway they need a large product range and many new games/applications each month..

I guess Garry will tell us whether AA will be availble for OS4.x, at the sunday IRC event. If it won't Amiga Inc will be of no interest to me.


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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 13:09:53
#95 ]
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 71
From: Oxfordshire, uk

I watched the website go live yesterday, and then witnessed with some dismay the way the community picked apart every sentance from that site and read doom & gloom, conpirsacy, and deciept into every phrase. This was soon followed by cries of "this is the end", and then more cries for Garry Hare to explain himself in the forthcoming IRC session.

This whole thing seemed to be just a storm in a tea cup.

The new site while basic and very ugly , (but I won't go into that here,) was quite clearly meant as a very simple overview of the current state of AmigaOS, aimed at the general public. This is an introduction for outsiders and NOT for the amiga community.

As such the statements on the page represent no change and business as usual for everyone here. Amiga Inc own AmigaOS; Hyperion (& Eyetech) have a special agreement to licence, and develop AmigaOS4, and as such they are the ones who provide user support (and in return get the revenue); Other third parties are welcome the licence the OS, but cannot develop it.

The use of language, grammer, and phraseology was poor, and may have led to some confusion, especially for those for who English is a second (or third language). I'd change things like "Amiga, Inc. does not distribute or support AmigaOS 4.0." to "Amiga, Inc. does not distribute or provide user support for AmigaOS 4.0.", just to clarify the meaning.

But the main problem with the sitefor me, is it's lack of content. The AmigaOS4 features list, selected screenshots etc need reinstating along with links to other sources of information (such as the excellent IntuitionBase). I'd also like to see an general history of Amiga and it's OS, with links to the Amiga History guide and other cool sites for newcomers. Then in a separate new "Community" section, I'd put all the old CAM articles, a new CAM for subscribers (hopefully), and the old forums. Information on what the DE/AmigaAnywhere would also be welcome, because if I didn't already know I'd have no idea from looking at the site.

So to sum up. Poor site, but no drama. Lets have a nice cup of tea.

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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 16:47:03
#96 ]
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003
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From: Uppsala, Sweden

I made sure I checked out the site *before* reading the forum comments about it, and I must say I like the site. Sure, it's not the prettiest site on the face of the Earth - but I certainly don't agree with it being ugly either. It's clean and functional. The only plain bad-looking thing people commented on which I agree with is the blatant casino advert on the first page.

As for content ... KMOS turning into was news to me. So was the release of the new AA SDK and the partnership to get a proper IDE into Amiga Anywhere development. I wasn't expecting much on AmigaOS from AInc at this point -- we are getting all our tech-goodies from Hyperion anyways. The mention of a final release of the OS by early 2005 is in itself very interesting to me. So was the mention of Bill McEwen still being with the company.

So, to summarize, it's good to see SOME change on that site. Hopefully it will improve with time. Let's hope AInc can begin making money sometime soon the future. It's long overdue.

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Re: The new
Posted on 19-Mar-2005 17:59:13
#97 ]
Joined: 2-Apr-2004
Posts: 73
From: Melbourne Australia

Ayalo, you've got a job :)

Like many others, my first reaction to the new site is a sinking feeling in my stomach. The keyword is - amateurish, IMO.

I was concerned that OS4 appears to get a mention only as an afterthought.

And I too am worried about this statement that later versions of the OS will not be available for third party development.. Worried, and quite frankly, steamed. Surely they must realize that ambiguous statements like this are bound to send shock waves through the community? Haven't we been tortured enough with this sort of cryptic nonsense over the years?

Having read through all 90 odd posts in this thread, I've had time to calm down somewhat. I went back and had another look at the site and it seems to me its basically designed as a sales site for AmigaAnywhere apps. Well, that's fair enough, I guess that's what KMOS is all about, but this is still a poorly presented site and the lack of info about OS4 is a disappointment. Not just a disappointment, but quite frankly, a concern.

Oh, and they really need to get rid of that awful link to the Amiga's history - it links to a site that gives you the ugliest, most rambling blow by blow account you could ever have the misfortune to encounter. And it's old! - it was last updated in 2003, for goodness' sake. It's a VERY BAD link to have there, it could only confuse potential customers and turn them right off the company..

Okay, so much for the new website, now let's here what Mr Hare's got to say...

Last edited by uboat on 19-Mar-2005 at 06:12 PM.

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Re: The new
Posted on 20-Mar-2005 5:25:40
#98 ]
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Joined: 2-Oct-2003
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From: Atlanta

One american slang qoute..... piss poor.
Either do something interesting with the amiga brand
or give it up to someone who can.

(being more critical and cynical than usual)

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Re: The new
Posted on 21-Mar-2005 10:08:12
#99 ]
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Joined: 24-Feb-2004
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From: Coventry, Midlands, UK

wow, stabbed in the back again

how much more of this #### can we as a community take from the brainless morons reportedly 'in control' of the amiga flag ship.

god, it makes me sick. but i'm glad to see that i'm not alone in this reaction to their betrayal


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Re: The new
Posted on 21-Mar-2005 14:43:42
#100 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Stockholm (Sweden)


Ok people, I know that some of you feel like venting, but please try and keep a civilized tone when you do so.

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