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Software News : Experimental new UAE for Linux |
posted by _Steve_ on 22-Nov-2003 15:31:57 (1757 reads) |
Richard Drummond of Amiga Format fame has recently been working on updating the UAE ports for Linux systems. His work has brought the Linux port up to WinUAEs 0.8.22R9 status.
You can find out all about it from his website here.
The source can be recompiled, but will only compile atm with GCC2.95. Do not try recompilation with GCC 3.x as it will fail. This is being worked on.
This new port will be good news for all those A1 owners out there as it features the chipset additions and speedups the more recent versions have added.
[edit - I may have slightly misread the JIT inclusion. It would appear the JIT will still only work for x86 based Linux distros. Some consolation was that Bernie Meyer was working on and has shown previously a PPC version of his JIT running under MOS and MacOSX earlier in the year, so that still may make its way into the PPC UAEs yet.] |
| STORYID: 1008
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