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Software News : MediatorUP 3.9 |
posted by DJS on 30-Jan-2004 10:26:49 (1816 reads) |
The MediatorUP 3.9 update for Mediator PCI 3/4000T, Mediator PCI 4000D, Mediator PCI 4000Di, Mediator PCI 4000, Mediator PCI 3000D, Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI 1200LT4, Mediator PCI 1200, Mediator PCI 1200LT and Mediator PCI ZIV has been made available today.
The MediatorUP 3.9 update includes new tools: ? MedConfig ver. 1.0 ? PowerOff
MedConfig helps configuring all Mediator jumpers and all variables of Mediator drivers for the PCI cards.
PowerOff switches off the computer equipped with Mediator PCI 1200SX and ATX PSU.
The update includes new versions of: ? pci.library ? Voodoo.card ? MediatorNET.device
pci.library ver. 6.2 - many internal changes
Voodoo.card ver. 2.20 - support for Mediator PCI 1200LT and LT4 added
MediatorNET.device ver. 2.8 - support for Mediator PCI 1200LT and LT4 added |
| STORYID: 1178
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