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Announcement : Magnetic Systems summer sale |
posted by realize on 21-Jun-2004 21:28:53 (2120 reads) |
Summer is upon us - time to upgrade and have fun with your Amiga - So here is our Summer Sale:
Magnetic Systems New York NY USA
For Sale :
Warp Engine 4040 040@40mhz w/64mb RAM and Fast SCSI 2 (10mb/sec) for A4000 4000T, 3000T. In original box with org disks and manuals.. $250
Amiga 4000 Desktop 040@25 18mb ram, HD, keyboard, mouse, extras $400
Video Toaster 2000 computer - New Tek Video Toaster, TBC IV time based corrector, expansion, Toaster 4.2 - $450
Y/c Plus ycp100 SVHS EXpansion card for Amiga Video Toaster or Flyer - gives your Toaster SVIDEO in and out w/ Farajouda labs comb filter: $250
Firecracker 24 graphics card for Amiga 2k,3k,4k - 24 bit framebuffer/display broadcast quality rgb gfx: $60
DCTV VideoFramegrabber/18bit Display unit for All Amigas $50
Commodore A2065 Ethernet Card w/Miami DX - get your Amiga on DSl/Cable modem! Network to Pcs and Macs! $75
Ariadne 1 Ethernet Card w/10baseT 10base2 and extra Amiga Parallel ports $90
New Tek Video Toaster 4000 board with Original like new Video Toaster 4000 disks : $250
DPS TBC IV time based corrector/frame grabber/proc amp for PC/Amiga with manual and software : $200
Amiga 500 with 2 joysticks, 2.04 Rom and games: $100
Amiga 2000 Computer w/030/SCSI/8mb Ram $200
CD32 in original box almost new w/controller and 3 games $150
Amiga 1200 HD in original CBM Box with psu+mouse/ Toshiba hd, GVP DSS 8 sound sampler and more: $250
GVP G-Loc Genlock - Like New in Original Box - SVHS and Composite in/out - acts as video switcher and audio mixer as well works with Scala: $150
8up! 8mb Ram expansion for A2000/3000 $40
Macrosystems VlabMotion and Toccata cards - Give your Amiga Non Linear Digital Editing capability and 16bit sound without TBC! Works with SCSI drives - 4gb SCSI = 1 hr video! With manual and latest software: $350
New Tek Video Toaster Flyer card w/Octopus Cable and 4.2 software $ 500
Commodore 1084S monitor w/cable for all Amigas + Toaster $75
Amiga 2000 Power Supply $35
Amiga 3000T Power Supply: $75
Amiga 4000D Power Supply: $60
Buster 11 chip for A3k/A4k : $40
Epson 24bit flatbed Scanner for Amiga - Epson 1200C (SCSI) Works with Image Fx : $50
Amiga "Crystal" Trackball - lights up when touched - $40
Amiga CD32 competition Pro Joystick like new: $35
We also have tons of Games in boxes and Original Productivity software for Amiga and Toaster just email what you need...
so if you need yours fix just email! |
| STORYID: 1537
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