Announcement : Order software from DiscreetFX and win a free SGI system
posted by DiscreetFX on 25-Aug-2004 11:00:13 (2754 reads)
Any order placed in Aug and Sept 2004 for DiscreetFX software gets entered into a drawing to win a free SGI O2 system. This system was used to develop the Video Toaster [2], VT[3] & Amiga Video Toaster Flyer version of Spontaneous Combustion. This system includes video/audio in/out so it can be an input or output to the SX-8 on your VT[3]! More information about the SGI O2 can be found here.
This system sold for well over $5000 new and cost DiscreetFX almost $4000. Enjoy a piece of computer history and experience the fun excitement of having a real SGI in your studio. System has Irix 6.4 already installed and is ready to capture video/audio. System includes SCSI hard drive, RAM, CD-ROM drive, mouse, keyboard and everything needed to boot and run. You have to supply your own monitor but it will work with any modern PC monitor or HDTV.
Many open-source and freeware graphics tools exist for SGI
There is even a version of Photoshop, & Illustrator for it.
Pictures of the computer you can win will be on the DiscreetFX website in a few hours and the contest winner will be announced at the end of September. The winner of this system will get to enjoy a piece of DiscreetFX history and can even have the system signed by DiscreetFx staff if they want. Please call if you have any questions.
Thanks for the kind words Toaks. A few customers have asked us if we are getting out of the SGI software development business. The answer is no, we still have 4 other SGI machines (two more O2s and two Octanes). We just don't need five machines thats all, one had to go and I thought it would be a nice idea to give it away for free to one of our customers.
We still have contracts with SGI to develop more software for them and we still value thier business with us. Amiga OS is our fav operating system of choice though.
Best regards
Founder/CEO DiscreetFX
_________________ Sent from my Quantum Computer.
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Re: Order software from DiscreetFX in Aug and Sept 2004 and Posted on 27-Aug-2004 7:36:49
I used to work with an O2 3 years ago when I needed a Unix machine and everyone else in the lab were with wintels. It was the most powerful Unix machine we had outside our SPARC Sun web server. Nobody dared to touch the SGIs back then (they were just leftovers from an older era) and the available software was getting rather old (Photoshop 4 and Netscape 4). But the SCSI drive, the RISC CPU (MIPS R12000), the UMA (Unified Memory Architecture) and the robust OS (Irix 6.5) formed an efficient system which performed better than expected. And the case was a beauty. Definetely a collectable item.