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Software News : SimpleMail (v0.19) released and new NListTree (18.16) for MUI |
posted by _Steve_ on 9-Feb-2003 0:25:43 (1725 reads) |
SimpleMail Version 0.19 has recently been released.
The changes since 0.18 are: PGP works again as it did (encrypt/decrypt) moving through mails updates their state again (Bernd Gollesch) proper secodary sort support (Bernd Gollesch) Can read signed S/MIME mails properly (displaing them at least, needs AmiSSL) importing the addressbook of YAM works for newer versions too
Other bug fixes SimpleMail is a mailer for the Amiga classic platform but it is intended to be as portable as possible...
New versions (18.16) of NListree MUI Custom Classes released.
| STORYID: 195
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