Software News : AmiKit 1.1.1 Full and Update packages available!
posted by AmiKit on 7-Apr-2006 11:09:21 (2226 reads)
AmiKit: free preinstalled high-end classic Amiga environment for WinUAE has been updated! There's also a full 1.1.1 archive available for those who want to install AmiKit for the first time easily. For more information and free download please visit
AmiKit 1.1.1 update (07-Apr-2006) - updates your AmiKit v1.1.0 to version 1.1.1
- FIXED: Some TrueType fonts were not copied to AmiKit during previous update. Therefore, eg. AWeb did not work correctly with TrueType fonts enabled. - FIXED: Latest "Install Patches" failed in specific circumstances.
Would still like to se a version for real Amiga's, Emulators isn't the real thing and you need to use Windoze to use Amikit if you don't want to fiddle with un-user friendly Mac/Linux UAE