posted by yoodoo2 on 25-Jun-2006 13:47:11 (3501 reads)
MindSpace 1.0 for Amiga OS4 will be released on 29 July 2006 on CD and as a downloadable archive. With a bit of luck and a following wind, a 68k version for OS3.x will be included. To fill up some of the spare 640MB on the CD, we would like to include loads of example .mso files from beta-testers and other users of the development versions of MindSpace.
Could you do better than this? Almost certainly. Could you do better than this? Possibly. Could you do better than this? Maybe not
To enter the competition, just send your .mso files to us (mindspaceATast-workshopsDOTcoDOTuk) by Monday 24 July with a note saying you'd like the files included with the MindSpace distribution.
We are looking for a range of example files: drawings, Mind Maps, diagrams etc. The 2 files that we think show off MindSpace the best will earn their authors £25 each. 10% of all entrants (selected at random) will receive a complimentary MindSpace 1.0 registration worth £15.
Have fun.
PS If you don't have the latest development version of MindSpace, visit our website.