posted by Anonymous on 3-May-2003 13:18:42 (1714 reads)
I met with 1.0 today, and it gave me a card which revealed it to be the new version of SuperTV. 1.0 has taken over from the previous version, 0.8 beta.
SuperTV is a replacement for Elbox's TV card software, with the following advantages:
· MUI GUI · Channel select gadgets in the TV window border · Keyboard control · ARexx port · Fullscreen borderless mode · Pop up menus · Easily selectable channel presets
Changes since 0.8 beta:
· Localisation. Italian and Suomi catalogs included. · Double clicking in the TV window toggles fullscreen · Optional custom picture settings for each channel · Cancel button now actually reverts to the last saved or used settings
Well, I've heard a bad report from someone who bought a really cheap brandless card, but the ones i've seen (mostly WinTV cards) have all been as good as watching a normal TV.
The only time it isn't as good as a normal TV is with horizontal scrolling text; the de-interlaced display makes it hard to read, but that is only a really very minor niggle.
I use my TV card instead of my actual television.
Re: 1.0 is the new version of SuperTV Posted on 7-May-2003 8:10:59