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Software News : Hatari A68k available |
posted by x303 on 27-Mar-2009 11:59:26 (2424 reads) |
Just recently Michel 'DMX' Bagmeijer compiled an a68k version of the atari st and ste emulator 'Hatari'.
2009-01-24 Thomas Huth
* doc/release-notes.txt: Updated release-notes for version 1.2.0 [cb68d9e26e92]
* src/gui-sdl/dlgAbout.c: Adjusted About-dialog title (version number is longer nowadays) [a160c28cffca]
* doc/authors.txt: Added Tobe to authors.txt [97109e1d79f6]
* doc/, tools/ Moved MIDI ring shell script to tools folder [ec5ff5914128]
* src/dialog.c, src/gui-sdl/dlgMain.c, src/gui-sdl/dlgMemory.c, src/includes/dialog.h: Fixed inappropriate "Emulator must be reset..." dialogs when loading memory snapshots. The dialogs occured when loading a memory snapshot with a different machine type than the previous one. To avoid these, the emulator must not do the normal configuration post-processing when loading a memory snapshot. [89be70b9fdff]
* doc/todo.txt: Updated TODO list. [f595f5da4b71]
* src/audio.c, src/bios.c, src/blitter.c, src/cart.c, src/cartData.c, src/cfgopts.c, src/configuration.c, src/control.c, src/createBlankImage.c, src/cycles.c, src/debugui.c, src/dialog.c, src/dim.c, src/dmaSnd.c, src/fdc.c, src/file.c, src/gemdos.c, src/hdc.c, src/ikbd.c, src/int.c, src/ioMem.c, src/ioMemTabFalcon.c, src/ioMemTabST.c, src/ioMemTabSTE.c, src/ioMemTabTT.c, src/joy.c, src/keymap.c, src/log.c, src/m68000.c, src/memorySnapShot.c, src/mfp.c, src/msa.c, src/options.c, src/paths.c, src/printer.c, src /uae-cpu/hatari-glue.c: Replaced the obsolete RCSIDs with new file-ID strings [4f62ef3707c1]
* Info-Hatari.plist, src/gui-osx/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: Increased version number in the Mac OS X files to 1.2.0, too
*, doc/doxygen/Doxyfile, hatari.spec, readme.txt, src/includes/main.h, src/memorySnapShot.c: Increased version number to 1.2.0 [ab6a74b1f638]
* src/falcon/dsp_cpu.c: dsp56k: Fix decoding for NORM instruction (thanks to Matthias Alles). [63d282ebc118] [63d282ebc118
You can download it here
| STORYID: 4832
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