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Software News   Software News : ixemul V62.1 for 68k
   posted by bernd_afa on 11-Nov-2009 18:37:38 (2852 reads)
Here is ixemul for 68k.

there is also a warning file in that this should not install on MOS or OS4 because the 68k emu miss some features here(correct SSP USP stack Emulation of 68k registers).

this are new features, note also the SDK is more enhanced to compile modern Linux programs better.

The ChangeLog is as follow:

2009-09-01 Bernd_afa
* fix a problem when more child threads use network access (fix Internet stream play with ffplay without source changes)
* Linux return a address when call malloc(0), so there are some programs out (all that use milkshape loaders) that fail if this is not ixemul return too a address and this programs work.
* when there is no HOME enviroment var in your env dirs, then ./ is return from getenv. before it return 0 and this let some programs crash, or do no prefs save.
* This make complete remove of programs more easy and is amiga like. So there is no problem that HOME dir grow lots by saving all config files in 1 dir and fit better in amiga enviroment.
* If you dont like that config files are store in current dir and that it is called as HOME, then create a env var HOME with path to dir you want.

2009-07-11 Diegocr
*Added the task's blacklisting features to the buddy allocator.
* Improved poolmem to be somewhat faster...
* Removed a Forbid/Permit pair around malloc's b_alloc() call which does not seem to be needed.. (buddy allocator)
* Memory's Pool and Semaphore are created regardless of the allocator being used, but not freed on exit when using the buddy way - Fixed.

2009-07-01 Bernd_afa
* fixed a filesystem Bug introduce from MOS Version for programs that use AHI output (fopen("audio:..")).
sound is now play correct
* use now old buddy allocator again, because netsurf need very good memperformance but poolmem system do after some netsurf use lots slowdown (more than 3) because of mem fragmentation in poolmem.For using memtrackers, there is a poolmem version attached, named ixemul.library_poolmem.

2009-05-29 Diegocr
o Updated IXPrefs to Version 2.8 Added options which control how malloc() should react when running out of memory.
o Added a button which launches a external program to the Task's Blacklisting management, it's currently made using MUI, and loaded from SYS:Prefs/ixbl_MUI (either via WBRun if it's found, or falling back to 'C:Run <>NIL:')
* library/hwck.c
library/ix_blacklist.c (new)
library/malloc.c: Implemented task's blacklisting features.

Certain options can be configured globally (from ixprefs) or per-task (from ixbl_MUI), When a global option is enabled but the same option over a blacklisted task is disabled, the later is taking into account. Same if you disable a global option and it's enabled over a blacklisted task.

Those options should be intuitive and easy to use. However, you'll find additional info on the buble-helps from the ixbl_MUI program.

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 5:38:24
#1 ]
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Joined: 28-Jan-2007
Posts: 1396
From: French


there is also a warning file in that this should not install on MOS or OS4 because the 68k emu miss some features here(correct SSP USP stack Emulation of 68k registers).

There are a least the possibility to make a native morphOS version, using a C compiler, because this version use the original MorphOS version Or the source have changed to not do MorphOS or AOS4 version anymore ???

I said that because on the readme, previous versions have been made by Harry sintonen for Morphos.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 9:05:26
#2 ]
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The source done for MOS and OS4 do broken code, when compile for 68k.try the 68k ixemul V49 Diego build long time ago.there work only very few programs with owb, no ctrl+c work in shell programs and lots more.

For MOS they have a new task switcher/signal code add, to get the ixemul working on their systems.but to get this MOS ixemul working as before i must merge the old ixemul V48 taskswitcher in, but this not work on MOS or OS4 because of USP SSP and supervisor call Problem.

Last edited by bernd_afa on 12-Nov-2009 at 09:06 AM.

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 11:14:53
#3 ]
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From: French

The source done for MOS and OS4 do broken code, when compile for 68k.try the 68k ixemul V49 Diego build long time ago.there work only very few programs with owb, no ctrl+c work in shell programs and lots more.

Here you talk about the original AOS4 and MorphOS source.

For MOS they have a new task switcher/signal code add, to get the ixemul working on their systems.but to get this MOS ixemul working as before i must merge the old ixemul V48 taskswitcher in, but this not work on MOS or OS4 because of USP SSP and supervisor call Problem.

Here you talk about making the 68k version working on MorpHOS and Aos4, isn't it ???

And if comiling this last ixemul Native for AOS4 and morphOS and AROS, same problem ???

Sorry fo not understanding but I'm not a programmer and It's difficult for me to understand

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 11:44:39
#4 ]
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From: Freedom world


Changes done in bernd_afa's ixemul fork are not relevant for MorphOS and MorphOS version is still maintained by Harry Sintonen.

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 11:59:24
#5 ]
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From: Unknown

>Here you talk about making the 68k version working on MorpHOS and Aos4, isn't >it ???

no, i mean the MOS/OS4 taskswitcher code work only with the natice MOS or OS4 build.

but also you know, nzbget and 7z do not work on OS4 native lib.

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 14:07:28
#6 ]
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From: Unknown

Thank you for this update friend.

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 12-Nov-2009 18:22:04
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From: Houston, Texas USA

@Bernd & Diego:


Wanna try a wonderfull magical Amiga strategy game?
Total Chaos AGA

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 14-Nov-2009 13:39:53
#8 ]
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Joined: 13-Feb-2003
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From: Italy, Perugia

How about merging all release in a single lha or atleast working togheter ?

I'll be crazy just to understand how is the latest release and when it works :-/


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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 15-Nov-2009 7:13:12
#9 ]
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Joined: 28-Jan-2007
Posts: 1396
From: French


A question: Why not compiling ixemul for 68020 (also or only) ???

Like that 020+ users could also use ixemul on their amiga.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: ixemul V62.1 for 68k
Posted on 15-Nov-2009 11:35:40
#10 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2006
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From: Unknown

>Like that 020+ users could also use ixemul on their amiga.

there are just no active 68020/030 users that use it.this 68020 or 68030 systems are only usefull for gaming and are too slow for daily use.I am sure they have a PC/Mac/playstation etc and can run UAE.also wirthout JIT UAE is faster as a 020.

building more versions cost more time and need testing, and when there is no active 68020 user that test use or help to find bugs, its waste time.

same is with non FPU versions.I always release testet software, release software that only compile well i do not.I have also a ixemul without FPU for 68060 that is build automatic.

also the progress that ixemul offer no limits to libnix is not complete.
I need add a command that the Unix path translaten cxan switch off, so its same as libnix.

when a program call func before open ix_UseAmigaPaths(true) or ix_UseAmigaPaths(1)then ixemul should use same file path syntax as libnix.

but of course linux programs must then a little change.

I get report that a open of / when you are at dir tools not work in ixemul as in libnix.

This function is very selden need, but i want do it perfect.and its not much work to ad that feature.

>How about merging all release in a single lha or atleast working togheter ?

I dont know what you mean.but the MOS devs dont want that modernize ixemul, so it seem no working together possible.MOS have a enhanced closesource libnix,so this cant use on 68k.

and enhance libnix to support more Linux funcs i think is not good and its also lots work.ixemul have more than 400 Unix funcs more than 68k libnix

Because libnix should be small and for Amiga only Software and ixemul is for Unix software, but the modernize i do is, that it also should allow all amiga OS funcs, so big Linux programs can too enhance with AOS function.

netsurf and ffplay show that Artur and ami_stuff have add lots amiga features to it.
for example the sdl netsurf get the videos from youtube with getvideo and ffplay can play, can use tooltypes for options etc.

Last edited by bernd_afa on 15-Nov-2009 at 11:46 AM.
Last edited by bernd_afa on 15-Nov-2009 at 11:44 AM.
Last edited by bernd_afa on 15-Nov-2009 at 11:38 AM.

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