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Software News   Software News : Hollywood now also available for Windows
   posted by softwarefailure on 7-Feb-2010 10:48:13 (9458 reads)
Airsoft Softwair are proud to announce the immediate availability of Hollywood for the Windows operating system. The Windows version of Hollywood is identical to the Amiga version, except that the Windows version comes with a convenient integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to create Hollywood programs fast and easy. The Windows version of Hollywood is perfect for users who need to work with Hollywood in places where they don't have access to their Amiga system, e.g. at work or on notebooks while travelling. Scripts can be easily developed under Windows and then compiled for all platforms supported by Hollywood, i.e. AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS, Windows, Mac OS X PowerPC and Mac OS X Intel.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of features of the Hollywood Windows IDE:

- Ultra-fast syntax highlighting even for large projects
- Multiple projects can be opened at the same time
- Syntax of inbuilt functions is shown during typing
- Comprehensive context sensitive online help
- Browser allows convenient project management
- User-defined functions can be easily accessed through the function list
- Easy access to project data files using an integrated viewer
- IDE is highly customizable (appearance & behaviour)
- Scripts can be saved as AVI videos
- Full printer support
- Unlimited undo & redo support
- Convenient context menus and shortcuts
- Extensive (30,000+ lines) of searchable documentation
- System integration (launch Hollywood scripts directly by double-clicking the .hws!)
- Many colorful icons designed by Martin "Mason" Merz
- Native Win32 application: no additional software required
- Runs on Windows 2000 and up

Please keep in mind that these were only the features of Hollywood's Windows IDE. The IDE is of course just the front-end for Hollywood's incredible multimedia power. To learn more about Hollywood itself, please visit the Airsoft Softwair homepage. There are also plenty of screenshots of the Hollywood IDE available here

Hollywood for Windows is available on CD-ROM or as a download version. Users who already own the Amiga version of Hollywood can buy a discounted crossgrade to the Windows version of Hollywood. Please note that this crossgrade is a special offer only available for users of the very latest Hollywood version (4.5).

Hollywood is the ultimate bridge between all the different platforms because it allows you to easily save your projects for many different platforms! And the best thing is that you do not even have to have the operating system you are targetting because Hollywood can compile for all platforms from every platforms it is running on. I.e., you can cross-compile Mac OS X application bundles right from Windows, or you can cross-compile AmigaOS 4 binaries from Windows. Only Hollywood makes it possible!

All this makes Hollywood The Cross-Platform Multimedia Application Layer. Join the Multimedia revolution and get your personal copy of Hollywood now!

Airsoft Softwair - talk less, deliver more.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 11:34:38
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2003
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From: Croatia

Very nice..again quality apps from AmigaOS get to Win :)


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 11:47:27
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

Is the IDE going to be available also for Amiga?

Or is the IDE a kind of "Hollywood Designer" for Windows?

Last edited by KimmoK on 07-Feb-2010 at 11:50 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 11:48:35
#3 ]
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Joined: 24-Mar-2003
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From: Haugesund, Norway

Congratulations with this release! :) I hope you get even more customers this way!

Torgeir :)

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 11:59:53
#4 ]
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Joined: 17-Sep-2003
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From: Lyon, France

I hope it will bring a lot more users to Hollywood.

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 12:09:45
#5 ]
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From: Sweden

Spread it like a virus on all platforms :)

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 12:11:28
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

Great !

But.... I predict the end of the Amiga version of Hollywood. Just like all the other programs that got a Windows version along side the Amiga version....

edit: ok, so Pagestream is an exeption...

Mark my words.


Last edited by Metalheart on 07-Feb-2010 at 12:12 PM.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 12:17:50
#7 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2003
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From: Croatia

ahh yeah that is true..but maybe this is not Hollywood story ?!


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 12:21:45
#8 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia

Imho the story of Hollywood it's reality: Give to any user who do not have amigaos and amiga like oses possible to create amiga programms. Imho that is very nice step, because many of the ppls who in interest about amiga, for now does not have that. Also better write programm over windows, because of easy usability such as MP, TaskManager (for kill bad programm) and so on. And later, just test it on amigaos/morphos or whatever.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 12:22:37
#9 ]
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From: Haugesund, Norway

@ Metalheart

I do not think you should worry about that - remember that Andreas is also the author of Designer. Since the Designer-gui is MUI-based I really doubt it will ever be ported to Windows. So Hollywood on Amiga will live on for sure!

Im confident that Airsoft Softwair will not stop supporting AmigaOS :)


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 12:39:31
#10 ]
Elite Member
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

Well, I AM worried !

Dopus Magelan, Lightwave, what was that music tracker programs name ?, and there are more...

Again, why would anyone in their right minds still support a platform with 1000s of users when they can support a platform with a gazilion users, faster hardware, more OS options like the taskmanager mentioned above, realtime video recording, and so on.

And who (exept us Amiga fanatics) would want to run Hollywood on an Amiga when the've got a WinPC next to it ?

Did I mention the IDE for Windows-Hollywood ?

Not to be negative about this, but Amiga again loses one AOS-only-killer-app.

btw, who wants to make a bet on Designer appearing on Windows ?


Good for Andreas and Windows users though !

Last edited by Metalheart on 07-Feb-2010 at 12:48 PM.
Last edited by Metalheart on 07-Feb-2010 at 12:42 PM.
Last edited by Metalheart on 07-Feb-2010 at 12:40 PM.

Theres a time to live and a time to die
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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 13:03:10
#11 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia

Good news for Hollywood. Great that cross compiling is built in. I wonder what Windows has that enables it to have an IDE? Does it have extra dev tools or 3rd party support for easily building an IDE that AmigaOS4 doesn't have?

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 13:24:29
#12 ]
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From: Australia

@Metal heart,

Partly in agreeance there.

I however also find it slightly annoying, how so many users or existing developers looked SOLELY on the money side of things, RATHER than the OS'es.

He already had Linux, Mac, and Amiga, Morph, so I suppose not enough advertisement or word of mouth was happening between these platforms perhaps to warrant a nice healthy income for the guy, but er, wasnt Hollywood not his job, but a hobby anyway?

If hobby or an after hours thing, then why the hell has he decided to support windows to begin with?

SOmething doesnt feel coacher about this at all.


P.S. ALSO, werent windoze users able to use an emulator to use Hollywood to begin with, again, just doesnt make sense to me for the Sudden change of heart his had.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 13:29:20
#13 ]
Cult Member
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From: Moers - Germany

yep, Amiga looses an "Amiga only Killer App".
Hope Designer stays "Amiga only". Which would be a compromise, because "Cross Developing" or lets say "Cross Coding" is widely accepted, and an Media Progamming IDE/Language is not an app. isn't it ?

I think Designer is a Killer App (using Hollywood), seen from User point of view (!). Hope Designer stays AOS only !!!

Anyway Hollywood is still great, and for Hollywood it is an advantage. On the other hand we might see some more apps on Amiga done by windows programmers....

BTW I like the Amiga Icons in HW IDE for Windows !!!!

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 13:40:22
#14 ]
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Not surprised (although a little saddened) by this, as I was expecting it since Hollywood was able to produce Windows executables. But I guess that's commercial reality - Windows is the only market that can really support continued commercial development of something this complex.

I hope people are wrong about this being the beginning of the end for Amiga support. Guess we'll have to wait for Hollywood 5 or 6 to find out. (You can imagine that they'd implement next version of Hollywood for Windows first, with Amiga/etc done afterwards. Then the thought might arise, "why bother" when we make so few sales... And so at some point they don't bother...)

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 13:43:14
#15 ]
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From: Perugia, ITALY

I Hope that it gives to Andreas really MUCH customers so he can improve Hollywood more and more!
With a good income...


Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:02:02
#16 ]
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Very good interesting options more when with this new feature of work in Windows also it allowes testing best the windows versions of our Amiga versions, besides to work in the cases spoken.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:08:25
#17 ]
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

Guess we'll have to wait for Hollywood 5 or 6 to find out. (You can imagine that they'd implement next version of Hollywood for Windows first, with Amiga/etc done afterwards. Then the thought might arise, "why bother" when we make so few sales... And so at some point they don't bother...)

Excactly what I meant to say !

The Windows version of Hollywood is perfect for users who need to work with Hollywood in places where they don't have access to their Amiga system

In other words: 'Why use an Amiga at all ? When you can use a laptop PC!'

I love it when they make it sound like it is a 'good thing' for Amiga users

Last edited by Metalheart on 07-Feb-2010 at 02:11 PM.

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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:10:16
#18 ]
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From: Athens/Greece

Best decision imo. It is much better and pleasant to run any app on modern fast and reliable hardware than the opposite.


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:21:26
#19 ]
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Just a question for the whiners:

Is it best to have a nice development tool working on a few users' machines that can produce executables for a much much much more larger userbase, or to have the same nice development tool working on that much much much more larger userbase, that can produce applications also for these few users' machines?

I vote for the 2nd. I prefer thinking about a greater number of potential coders that can produce much more programs that can easily compile and work ALSO for AROS, AmigaOS and company, than the opposite.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:28:53
#20 ]
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

@ paolone 

Thanks for calling me a whiner.....

You are talking about apps produced by Hollywood that can run on many platforms.
I'm talking about the program Hollywood itself, that creates those apps, wich many of us like to use and gives Amiga sort of an 'edge' as oposed to other platforms.

The advantage of having that killer app only for Amiga might disapear. (speculative, but based on past experiences in similar situations)
Also there might come a time when Amiga is not at all supported by Hollywood, but that is ofcourse also speculative.

Again, dont ever call me a whiner !!


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