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Announcement   Announcement : Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
   posted by ShInKurO on 16-Sep-2010 9:26:05 (9149 reads)
Zune is an open source implementation of MUI which is included in AROS project, it is compatible with MUI3.8 APIs and it has some features which are missed on MUI3.8. In the latest years Zune was ported from AROS to AmigaOS3, and so the only MUI registered features and Zune modern features can be used on OS3 for free.
Zune is even ready to be ported on AmigaOS4.

Many OS4/AROS/OS3 users are interested to have software like OWB-MOS and Ambient on their systems, but these software use new API of MUI4, so the better way to have these software on OS4/AROS/OS3 would be to have MUI4 on these systems. Even many developers waited to have MUI4 API avaible for all Amiga systems.

However MUI author seems not to be interested to do a port of his latest framework version to OS4/AROS/OS3, so only MorphOS users can use these software and only MorphOS developers can use MUI4 for their software.

This new bounty is opened to goal Zune MUI4 compatible. In a similar form Zune can give to their users software like OWB-MorphOS and Ambient with few work on system where Zune is avaiable.
To third parts developers a Zune MUI4 compatible would give an easy way to write their software in a easy portable way between different Amiga flavours without too much work because they could use a only powerful framework API instead to workaround different behaviours of MUI3.8/MUI3.9/Zune.

Please donate!

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 12:12:23
#1 ]
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This is very important! This is so important that i would think that parts of the AROS fund could be used for this...

This will bring us all closer together : )

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 12:57:18
#2 ]
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Joined: 15-Mar-2003
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From: Växjö, Sweden

Sounds good if it's the only way to get mui4 features.
Is there anyone capable/willing to work on this project?

Last edited by smf on 16-Sep-2010 at 01:10 PM.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 13:06:29
#3 ]
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Would it not be easier, more compatible and less time consuming to simply create external MCC's for MUI3.9 and/or 3.8 for 68k and OS4 to replace any missing functionality that is now standard in MUI4?

For example, I have an external MCC already written for OS4 that allows dynamic tabs to be created, moved, and removed at run time. It even allows for small images in the tab itself, ala Firefox and OWB-MOS.

Just my 2p-worth!

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 13:30:26
#4 ]
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@Slash Quote:
Would it not be easier, more compatible and less time consuming to simply create external MCC's for MUI3.9 and/or 3.8 for 68k and OS4 to replace any missing functionality that is now standard in MUI4?

Fab (author of MorphOS OWB) thought that route would be better, and I think it would be less work, but those behind this bounty seem to have rejected this idea, sadly.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 13:42:16
#5 ]
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Would it not be easier, more compatible and less time consuming to simply create external MCC's for MUI3.9 and/or 3.8 for 68k and OS4 to replace any missing functionality that is now standard in MUI4?

For example, I have an external MCC already written for OS4 that allows dynamic tabs to be created, moved, and removed at run time. It even allows for small images in the tab itself, ala Firefox and OWB-MOS.

It's not necessary an external MCC class, it's necessary at least a MCC which has THE SAME APIs of MUI4 Title class... So when you write a similar class I don't see why you shouldn't integrate it into a project like Zune, which gives more opportunities to all Amiga flavours (OS3/OS4/AROS) to have an Amiga cross-dev framework.

In addition to this, users don't like MCC external classes and they blame to have always difficulties to understand right version of an MCC and how to install them...

Last edited by ShInKurO on 16-Sep-2010 at 01:45 PM.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 13:45:04
#6 ]
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Fab (author of MorphOS OWB) thought that route would be better, and I think it would be less work, but those behind this bounty seem to have rejected this idea, sadly.

To get OWB up, perhaps. But I think it's worth ensuring that Zune gets an *identical* API to MUI4 even if it's more work to start with.

I wish the bounty had been broken into smaller pieces, though - a smaller bounty for adding / updating each of the classes necessary for example

Anyway, just sent $50.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 15:48:22
#7 ]
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just donated


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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 17:00:20
#8 ]
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Sounds like a wonderfull idea.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 17:36:37
#9 ]
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Who is blocking access to the MUI 4 sources?

Looks like you are jumping the gun to me.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 17:50:26
#10 ]
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Donated as well!


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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 17:53:27
#11 ]
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Who is blocking access to the MUI 4 sources?

Why are you saying that, ssolie ????

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 18:11:01
#12 ]
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what's the idea with this blocking? it's "blocked" by being MorphOS component developed by MorphOS developers. Same as all amigaos components are "blocked" by amigaos developers.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 18:45:21
#13 ]
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@kiero Quote:
it's "blocked" by being MorphOS component developed by MorphOS developers.

Going back a few years, the original author of MUI4 (Stefan) apparently didn't think there was anything legal blocking MUI4 for other systems (which you can find posted on's site). And going by a later quote attributed to him, he was even willing to do it. But some years have past since then, and no-one seems to have been able to get a current answer from him .

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 18:48:02
#14 ]
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yeah, a "few" years ago. at that time almost nobody except stefan worked on mui (except doing morphos port probably). times changed and i see no reason to apply same rules now. i as one of the people who contributed my time into current mui version will do everything i can to prevent mui port to other systems.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 18:48:35
#15 ]
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IMHO you guys should "block" MUI4. Why? Because it's one of the main parts of MorphOS
identity. If MUI4 is out for every Amiga or compatible platforms then what would be unique
with MorphOS? Looks-wise I mean..
So I say let them do an API compatible version but never let go of the sources for it.
Let Zune always be one step behind.

The same goes for OS4 if the other platforms would want to copy ReAction for some reason.


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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 18:48:46
#16 ]
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@vidarh Quote:
To get OWB up, perhaps. But I think it's worth ensuring that Zune gets an *identical* API to MUI4 even if it's more work to start with.

The problem with huge goals is that they often don't even get started (see Amizilla), or otherwise don't get very far (see any number of projects).

If instead it was done piece by piece, with just the pieces needed to get OWB ported to OS3/OS4 (and eventually AROS), then that would be a TERRIFIC starting point, and also very motivating for those doing the work. One could always integrate the resulting pieces into Zune at a later date.

I wish the bounty had been broken into smaller pieces, though - a smaller bounty for adding / updating each of the classes necessary for example

Yes, I'd agree with that whole-heartedly (and see above).

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 18:53:10
#17 ]
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@kiero Quote:
yeah, a "few" years ago. at that time almost nobody except stefan worked on mui (except doing morphos port probably). times changed and i see no reason to apply same rules now.

Well, why not port the early version of MUI4 (which was only done by Stefan)? I'm sure others could help bring it up to scratch, where needed.

i as one of the people who contributed my time into current mui version will do everything i can to prevent mui port to other systems.

That seems to be an enormously short-sighted view: MUI4 would not be a one-way street, as it would result in more apps that could be ported to MorphOS too.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 19:01:07
#18 ]
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Well, why not port the early version of MUI4 (which was only done by Stefan)? I'm sure others could help bring it up to scratch, where needed.

because. check second part of my previous reply and previous one too. if it's not clear to you.

That seems to be an enormously short-sighted view: MUI4 would not be a one-way street, as it would result in more apps that could be ported to MorphOS too.

short sighted? what kind of reason is that? argument about applications can be also used for opening amigaos kernel or other components because it could result in more applications coming to it. see how ridiculous it is?

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 19:28:46
#19 ]
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While i want (as user) to see MUI4 on aos4 too, i still fully understand Kiero: Why they (morphos team) should open their work (and be friendly to aos4), while Hyperion of course will not help and not open anything for morphos from aos4.

Related to bounty, imho its too big for one bounty. There should be 3 minumum:

1. Fix all the bugs in Zune to make it the same as mui3.9
2. Add that mui4 parts, which need to compiling Fab's OWB and make it working
3. Add anything else from mui4

Then pretty possible to found volunteers for work. But do all that heavy jobs at on bounty its hell of work

Last edited by kas1e on 16-Sep-2010 at 07:31 PM.

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Re: Zune Enhancement Bounty opened!
Posted on 16-Sep-2010 19:28:47
#20 ]
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From: London, UK (ex-pat; originally from Norway)

yeah, a "few" years ago. at that time almost nobody except stefan worked on mui (except doing morphos port probably). times changed and i see no reason to apply same rules now. i as one of the people who contributed my time into current mui version will do everything i can to prevent mui port to other systems.

The only thing you're achieving is a delay while we make Zune catch up.

It's not an "if", it's a *when*, simply for the reason that the advantages of improving Zune means it'll more than pay for itself in developer resources spent over time.

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