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Small update.. in the meanwhile we (Michal Schulz and me) have spend a bit time with bringing Broadway X to the EFIKA..
Broadway hosted for ARM is available here Broadway hosted
Broadway X is the AROS part of (AEROS). AEROS is meant as debian based distribution.
On Efika we will do 3 things: 1. I will make an Ubuntu desktop/ openbox - Broadway X image (You can switch at login between the systems) 2. Michal will try to offer a slimmed down image (minimal Linux) with Broadway X (smaller, faster, slimmer)
3. AEROS for ARM will be the same as the x86 version: debian with AROS on top. This is step 3 and I would like to have AROS hosted ported over to ARMhf
The x86-version of AEROS like shown in the past will be uploaded as it is on saturday.
Thanks for your patience : )
More images and a video of Broadway X on Efika MX:

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