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software OS4   software OS4 : NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
   posted by zerohero on 15-Apr-2012 10:17:35 (4845 reads)
NetSurf 2.9 is a small, fast, CSS capable web browser for
AmigaOS 4.1. It sports an OS4 native GUI and does not require AmiCygnix. The OS4 code is not related to NetSurf-68k, which in turn is not representative of the user interface of NetSurf on any other platform.

This is a pre-release, there may be minor changes before a final release of v2.9.

The redraw method has been changed to conserve graphics memory, and the default options are set so users with low amounts of graphics card memory can enjoy NetSurf. Consequently performance can be improved by doing one or both of the following:
(a) Toggling "Cache native versions" in the Rendering tab of NetSurf's configuration, to "All".
(b) Increasing the values of redraw_tile_size_x and redraw_tile_size_y in Resources/Options, or setting them to 0.
There are further suggestions in the "optimising for speed" section of, included in the distribution.

See for more information about NetSurf.

This software is licensed under the GPL, and the sources are available from A copy can also be obtained directly from the maintainer of this port,, in the event that the website is unavailable.


* Improved internal management of simultaneously occurring operations.
* Rewritten and streamlined URL handling.
* Improved handling of frames and iframes.
* Improved handling of min/max-width on replaced elements.
* Simplified layout object dimension calculations.
* Reduced memory usage in the fetch layer.
* Disabled extraneous fetch debug code when built without debugging.
* Optimised fetchers.
* Updated MIME sniff handling in accordance with evolution of spec.
* Optimised cache layer.
* Enabled yield and resumption of box tree construction.
* Improved resource handling.
* Added new support for favicons.
* Increased default memory cache size.
* Added about :imagecache status page.
* Optimised URL fragment handling.
* Made meta refresh handling more robust.
* Various minor table layout fixes.
* Cleaned up fetch callback API.
* New hotlist entries can be inserted into defined or selected folder.
* Enabled resizing of textarea widget.
* Fixed cookie expiration.
* Improved handling of CSS overflow scrollbars.
* Fixed caret position after deleting selection in textarea widget.
* Enabled mouse wheel scrolling of frames and other scrollable content.
* Improved handling of file drops, e.g. for HTML form file submission.
* Added the beginnings of a gstreamer binding.
* Fixed some content cache layer issues.
* Improved handling of deletion of nodes from treeviews.
* Added options to disable fetching of images.
* Simplified redraw API rendering options.
* Improved support for drag operations.

* Hubbub library (HTML parser):
+ Fixed xmlns attribute handling.

* LibCSS library (CSS parser and selection engine):
+ Avoid interning standard strings for every stylesheet, style tag and style attribute.
+ Made significant optimisations to style selection.
+ Fixed case where font-family is unspecified in input CSS.
+ Added some support for @font-face.
+ Fixed !important on opacity property.
+ Added support for parsing CSS3 Multi-column layout properties.

* Improved mouse handling.
* Improved multi-tasking behaviour.
* Increased keyboard scroll speed.
* Better MIME type handling.
* Improved contextual menu handling.
* Enabled context menu for frames.
* Enabled context menu for plain text contents.
* Improved aspect ratio handling.
* Consolidated user file operations.
* Fixed scrolling issues.
* Improved resource handling.
* Improved tab bar handling.
* Improved drag handling.
* Improved font handling.
* Improved clipboard support.

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 10:28:35
#1 ]
Team Member
Joined: 4-May-2004
Posts: 2524
From: Uddevalla, Sweden

Tested this briefly and it seems there is a significant speed increase when loading and displaying pages, but image handling off-screen and when scrolling back seems very slow. Don't remember that from previous versions.

This is a nice update none the less.

Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 11:28:48
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


You beat me!

Slower images might be because now they are decoded when they are displayed, rather than when they are loaded. You might need to increase the memory cache size (the image cache is some % of that).

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 11:38:16
#3 ]
Team Member
Joined: 4-May-2004
Posts: 2524
From: Uddevalla, Sweden


Increasing the memory cache didn't seem to help. I'll investigate it further.

Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 13:44:54
#4 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


nice update, pages do seem to load more quickly. but the redraw during scrolling is noticeably worse, nearly as bad as MUIOWB. i've mucked about with the redraw parameters, boosting them and also trying to set to zero. the memory cache is 64MB, and increasing showed no difference.

i still prefer this version to v2.8, but if the scrolling issues could be addressed somehow, that would be terrific. is there any data i can capture for you that would aid further development towards the final v2.9 release?

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 13:54:55
#5 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 11-Dec-2004
Posts: 206
From: Mississauga, Canada


Nice update. Noticeably faster.

Couple of questions:

1. How do you change the font size in the Hotlist & Cookies windows? The fonts are tiny and I can't seem to change them.
2. Can a URL be opened in the current window/tab when selecting from the Hotlist? It always opens a new window.

thank you for your efforts.

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 14:01:57
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


1. I think the only way is by increasing the "default font size" option. You might need to save and restart NetSurf for it to take effect in those windows.
2. Because the hotlist window has no concept of what the "current window" is, the only way is by dragging the bookmark from the hotlist into the window you want it to open in.


Is Fast Scrolling enabled?

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 14:24:23
#7 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 11-Dec-2004
Posts: 206
From: Mississauga, Canada


1. I think the only way is by increasing the "default font size" option. You might need to save and restart NetSurf for it to take effect in those windows

Tried that. Doesn't seem to have an effect on Hotlist or Cookie windows.

2. Because the hotlist window has no concept of what the "current window" is, the only way is by dragging the bookmark from the hotlist into the window you want it to open in.

That works. Thanks.

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 15:36:33
#8 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


Is Fast Scrolling enabled?

yup. sure is. should i disable it?

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 16:23:49
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


Um, you could try.

Hold on.. 64MB for memory cache? How much memory does your graphics card have? If you have "cache native versions" set then NetSurf stores bitmaps in graphics card RAM up to 25% of the memory cache size, add on tile size x * y * 4 plus anything else in use. If gfx mem runs out then everything grinds to a halt as OS4 swaps things out to main memory, which could be your problem.

Add %mg to your WB title bar to check if it is.

Last edited by Chris_Y on 15-Apr-2012 at 04:38 PM.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 16:36:12
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


Tried that. Doesn't seem to have an effect on Hotlist or Cookie windows.

You're right, it has been fixed to 11pt text size. This means it will be affected by the DPI setting, so please check that is set correctly (in prefs => rendering => vertical resolution).

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 17:25:32
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042

damn!, this is getting really good ! , i will try and use it as much as possible to compare results between the 3 other browsers i use.

wonderfull work Chris!

Chris: my website does strange things with netsurf , have a looksie :)

Last edited by Toaks on 15-Apr-2012 at 05:32 PM.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 18:03:52
#12 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 5009
From: Sweden

Thanks for the update.

When i try to delete the netsurf drawer from ram: , dopus complains the .png images in
Netsurf/Resources/Themes/Default are in use.

If they just were locked i could use unlock file from aminet or scout to unlock them but these shows "in use" even if i quit netsurf. So i cant delete them until reboot.

I didnt install netsurf, i just tried it from ram.

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 19:18:17
#13 ]
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Joined: 28-Oct-2003
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From: I'm actually flying into a bug!

In general it would be nice to be able to run software from RAM disk effortlessly, since they are often just a few percent of the available RAM and people are starting to use SSD as well.

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Praise seitan.

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 15-Apr-2012 21:14:49
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


Looks fine here, what are you seeing?


Any images I load should get freed automatically when the window is disposed (there are exceptions). Is it really all the images? That would suggest bitmap.image's built-in caching is keeping the files open.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 16-Apr-2012 18:51:10
#15 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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3 seperate windows pop up here instead of one, the toolbar on the left pops up in its own "non close able window" etc.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 16-Apr-2012 20:08:22
#16 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2003
Posts: 1503
From: Croatia

For me run just fine and speed is OK! Faster than before..only what is missing like Kicko say is javascript ..


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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 16-Apr-2012 20:21:36
#17 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
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From: Beds, UK


That isn't v2.9... or even 2.8.

Please re-download and reinstall!

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 16-Apr-2012 20:47:35
#18 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Oct-2006
Posts: 747
From: Havixbeck / Germany

Sadly i don't get em to run:

- The provided Installer breaks after some steps in the Installation process. I had to replace the Installer with the one provided by AmigaOS4.1 (in Utilities)
- Netsurf is crashing with "some elf thing" says grim reaper directly on startup

I was using all shared objects except the last one, because its filesize was much more smaller...

I´m back in 2023 on Classic Amiga with my A1200/Blizzard1230IB@50Mhz, 32MB RAM, AmigaOS3.2 and ROMs, Indivision AGA MK3, Author of Amiga-Flipclock (OS4)

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 16-Apr-2012 20:54:33
#19 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042


my mistake, i had it installed 2 places , i tried 2.9 first and then i posted here and i fired it up again a little later and... umm it was 2.7.

Sorry for the fuss..

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: NetSurf 2.9 - Fast CSS capable web browser
Posted on 16-Apr-2012 20:59:33
#20 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


- There isn't a copy of Installer in the archive, so I don't know where you are getting that from.
- "Some elf thing" isn't an error message! Please be more specific.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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