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 pixie:  2 hrs 2 mins ago News News : MPlayer optimization fundraiser
   posted by tommysammy on 3-May-2015 4:56:50 (3620 reads)
Please donate!!!

Here get you all background information:

Click READ MORE for details ===>

AmigaOs4.1 MPlayer optimization

P96_pip fixes
Implementing menus in mplayer
Drag and Drop
Adding Screenshotdir and EXTPATTERN
New feanor ffmpeg integration
64Bit fix
Transferring of bounty will happens after beta-tests and before public release

1300 Euro
+10% bountysource fee

+1,9% + 0,35 Euro per transaction
1455,05 Euro
1577,11 US Dollar
Since there are always fluctuations, i would collect 1.600 USD

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 3-May-2015 17:09:55
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY

links not working(empty), plz fix.

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 3-May-2015 23:27:39
#2 ]
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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 5:17:21
#3 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 11-Apr-2005
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From: .fi

Umm.. is this for "MUI-MPlayer" or for some other MPlayer port? Shouldn't MUI port already have at least menus and d&d?

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 7:38:18
#4 ]
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Joined: 17-Mar-2004
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From: Unknown


MUI Mplayer has all this already, and merging OS4 specific video drivers would of course be the easiest way (a 1 hour job or so), but it seems developing one mplayer fork for each new "feature" is more fun. :)
Why not!

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 8:27:03
#5 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2100
From: Czech Republic


merging OS4 specific video drivers would of course be the easiest way (a 1 hour job or so), but it seems developing one mplayer fork for each new "feature" is more fun.

Exactly what I think about this fun raiser :)

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 9:11:21
#6 ]
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From: Norway

You did say somewhere that you did not want your latest MuiMplayer in a repository, this is partly way I'm working on the earlier one from AfxGroup.

The source code is open to everyone so, if Ka1e wanted to do back port the video outputs into MUIMplayer, he can do that.

Porting the video outputs in my version into the MorphOS version will require some new features in MorphOS I think.

a 1 hour job or so

Yes that is about the time it takes to compile the mplayer code, after doing a make clean. Without doing any changes to the code.

The code I'm working is a bit of a mess, because the code was originally written to only to work with p96pip video output, now I need to make that code work with all video outputs.

The basic work that need to be done is clean the code up, a lot of tabs, add enum in stead of numeric values (hard to understand what the CASE does when you work with number instead of names), make the code more readable by moving code out of case switch's into functions.

Also the numeric values had to go, because, if change or add something to the menus, the number positions in the menus be all wrong.

Remove the "Interface", I compile with –D__USE_INLINE__, no need to make code less portable. And I kind of like not to need to type IExec, IDOS, way should I when the macros do it for me.

Now after all that; test and make sure it works. Then fix bugs, which might have been in the original code, or because Mplayer core code is more up to date, or maybe because of all the changes.

Then I have to make it work with all video outputs, and get feedback from beta testers and possible fix more bugs.

So most definitely, more than 1-hour job.

I'm sure Ka1e spent more than 1 hour poring MUIMplayer, most developers are over optimistic when they make time estimates, while AmigaOS4 and MPlayer has common past, I bet you used things is only work on MorphOS, and there are things needs to done on AmigaOS4 version like opening and closing interfaces.

but it seems developing one mplayer fork for each new "feature"

This not the case, the code is in repository, so other developers can help out, but that does not happen for the most part. I started with mplayer because nothing was happening. The X1000 does not have Overlay, so a different way displaying graphics was needed, at the time.

There are some individual ports like one from MikeJT, I think he is compiling directly from MplayerHQ, there are some AmigaOS stuff in there, but he does not change the code; he only ports mplayer. (Recompile mplayer.)

There might be 4 or 5 mplayers for AmigaOS/MorphOS, but there is only 3 places the sources come from.

MPlayerHQ, MUIMplayer, or AFXGroup Mplayer.

(LiveForIt-Mplayer is sort of a reboot of AFXGroup version.)

more fun. :)

Working on this version of mplayer, I think people do expect things to stay true to AfxGroup MPlayer look and feel, this also something I try to keep in mind when working on the code.

However, I think I have more freedom to do things the way I like things to be done.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 10:16 AM.
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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 10:04:38
#7 ]
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From: Sweden

My incentive to donate for this is to get an MPlayer with the Altivec optimizations done by feanor to get more HD videos to play at full speed on the X1000.

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 10:38:13
#8 ]
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From: Norway

Yes, that was original idea.

Fix the 64bit off_t stuff, copy the new FFMEG into mplayer, recompile, DONE.
Then some suggested we need to add/do more stuff, to get people to donate. As not everyone has AltiVec.

My original idea was that might donate for thing they won't, not for everything as package.

Not everyone agreed, so we ended with package deal, this is way the bounty contains things like Menus and Drag and Drop and so on, and other fixes.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 10:42 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 10:39 AM.

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 12:26:49
#9 ]
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From: Sweden


That's fine, as long as you manage a SCRUM-like development scheme with incremental releases

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 19:39:20
#10 ]
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From: Norway

Even now SCRUM, like approach dictated what I was going to do, what people wonted to pay for or not.

Product Owner: Was the community.
Business value is what the community is willing to pay for item x.

Estimated the time need to write an install script and put a price tag on writing a install script, people did not wont me to do it.

That's was okay for me I only wonted to wast my time on this if generated a income.

"Business Value" for install script was less then the effort needed to write it, and test it.

Sprint backlog is sort of the things we agree on the bunty.
Was dictated by the upper value of the community was willing to donate.
(Already gave a 50% discount and donated 50$ my self.)

Sprint was agreed to be around 27 days. (based on the time estimate for etch item in back backlog)

Working increment is what goes back to the repository.

Sure I can divide the backlog into 2 or 3 sprints, that's what I'm thinking, but first the money needs to be collected, so I can get to work.

Beta testers is written in the bunty, if people like to get BETA versions before the Bunty is completed they need to agree to BETA testing, I will only accept people who has donated as beta testers.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 08:08 PM.
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Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 07:44 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 07:40 PM.

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 20:29:28
#11 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG

Hey, let's invent the wheel once more. There are way too few wheels invented yet...

Always funny. I have a brilliant idea for the next stupid money tp spend: What about a fundraiser for OWB to bring it on par with MUI-OWB?

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 4-May-2015 21:01:34
#12 ]
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From: Norway


If I was able to get OWB compiling (I have tried before and failed), I be happy to do work on OWB, if people are willing to pay for it. It's nothing wrong in having different versions of things, people like different things.

I think the number one thing people wont in MUIOWB is faster video playback on X1000, and full screen support. Like you have on MorphOS. I bet few people will donate to get that. So if there is developer willing to do that kind of work, step forward.

Sure it benefit more people if we worked on same source code. keeping mplayer up to date whit latest patches and versions.

But it's not easy to commit changes to TAR balls, I need repository, and need a bug tracker to see what needs fixing, so if FAB don't wont to keep the source in repository, its not easy to cooperate.

Merging TAR balls manually is not fun, we need better developement tools.
Even SVN is stinking old, it does not support SSL, like requires, so I'm trying out SGIT now.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 11:11 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-May-2015 at 09:35 PM.
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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 5-May-2015 8:49:16
#13 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Feb-2006
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK


It's nothing wrong in having different versions of things, people like different things.

Isn't the point of the bounty to reduce the number of baffling choices, and just provide one mplayer that does all the stuff people have created in separate builds?

Last edited by Boot_WB on 05-May-2015 at 08:50 AM.

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Re: MPlayer optimization fundraiser
Posted on 5-May-2015 10:30:26
#14 ]
Elite Member
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From: Sweden




Please don't spend time on the old OWB. Odyssey needs a new webkit engine and some improvements in the video area, like composition scaling maybe, and a bigger stack! Otherwise it's GUI is complete, unlike OWB. It always gets unstable after playing any video in Odyssey and I suspect a too small hardcoded stack when launching it...

Last edited by Deniil715 on 06-May-2015 at 07:00 AM.

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