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 matthey:  1 hr 10 mins ago
 Rob:  1 hr 25 mins ago
 Dwyloc:  1 hr 36 mins ago
 towo2099:  2 hrs 57 mins ago
 Marcian:  3 hrs 2 mins ago
 amigakit:  3 hrs 47 mins ago
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 BigD:  4 hrs 21 mins ago
 zipper:  4 hrs 22 mins ago
 t0lkien:  4 hrs 38 mins ago News News : New indieGO! Appstore available for all Amigans
   posted by phoenixkonsole on 12-Apr-2016 18:37:01 (1147 reads)
We are glad to announce the availability of an updated version of our Appstore for AmigaOS, AROS, MorphOS, Windows, Linux and OSX.

You can grab it from

- FIX : The bug that was causing hangs showing text with long sequqeces of asterisks, dashes, dots and so on should be fixed now.
- NEW : Dropped the old file-based communication system between the AppStore and the Download Manager (DLM), now both programs talk each other using local network messages.
- FIX : Fixed and improved the notification system, now important messages from the DLM will be showed using notifications pop-up.
- NEW : Added support for JoyPad/JoyStick to the entire interface system and to all requesters.
- NEW : AppStore and Download Manager can safely run separately.
- FIX : Huge optimizations of the libServer, one of the core libraries used by the AppStore to access remote server.
- NEW : If the Download Manager is not running and the user make an action on the AppStore that require the DLM to be performed (for example a download), the AppStore will ask the user if he want to execute the DLM to accomplish the task.
- FIX : Now if the DLM is not running when quitting the AppStore the requester asking if we want to quit also the DLM will not be showed because unecessary.
- FIX : When the terms and conditions was not accepted by the user, at the next run, a message showing an abnormal end was showed.
- FIX : When the user log-out and log-in in the same program session an abnormal end wrongly was detected.
- NEW : Complete overhaul of the debug system.
- NEW : Because of the new communication system between the AppStore and the DLM and a new implementation now the connection to the remote server is much faster.
- NEW : The application's details screen now show also the author name.
- NEW : Enabled the configuration section, now the user is able to switch the fullscreen mode on and off, switch the animations and transitions on and off, switch the special effects (shadows, background, borders, etc...) on and off, and is also able to configure the keyboard and the joystick/joypad.
- NEW : Changed and optimized many interface-related options to increase the application speed and smoothness.
- FIX : Downloads now go into the right folder also on the MacOS X versions.
- FIX : Hundreds of minor fixes.

::: TIPS :::
- Now the AppStore comes with all the graphics options switched off, if you want some eye-candy effects please use the new settings section to adjust it to your personal taste.
- Depending on your system and your screen resolution you may find the interface slow: try to reduce the resolution using the new settings menu.

The official support forum can be found here:

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