Matthias has created the first buffered Clockport expander which allows up to 4 devices to be connected to an Amiga 1200's 22-pin clockport header. With such a rich array of clockport expansions available these days, this is a very popular expansion with A1200 users. We are pleased to be able to supply the latest revision C of this expander board.
Amiga Kit has been manufacturing, assembling and commissioning Amiga hardware and software for over 13 years. We have been assembling this product in house to ensure Classic Amiga users have a readily available supply of hardware at affordable prices. We will continue to show our commitment by investing in the Amiga market and sponsor hardware and software development.
interesting product.. i tried to find out more about the item but didnt find anything about it, clicking on the link showed me the wings battlefield game..
Why is what looks like a power socket on at a funny angle?
It is not a power socket, this cable connects two processor bus address lines (A14 and A15 namely) taken from Kickstart socket. These two lines are used to demultiplex SPARE_CS signal to the four clockports.
Last edited by g_kraszewski on 27-Jun-2017 at 02:33 PM.