posted by phoenixkonsole on 1-Jun-2024 18:42:03 (884 reads)
I am glad to announce the availability of the the ARESONE SL (2024) Enjoy 24 month warranty and a buy buck cycle offering. The machine is compatible to native AROS Distributions and you can ask us to install any of the available options.
"buy back cycle" means that if we introduce an improved model, you will get an offer for buying back your old model. Trade in basically.
The Systems comes with a Geforce 8400GS 256MB GPU which features 3D acceleration under AROS.
And here I am fiddling around with my OG ARESOne (DualCore AM2 with 2GB and HD4200 onboard GFX).
But it would be really nice if the ebay listings would specify what generation of i5/7 as these number alone mean absolute nothing and can swing the system from bargain to borderline scam at that price.
Exact RAM specs and motherboard used would also be nice.
Also: A 8400GS is a "slightly" different card than the 1660 you list on ebay.
Which is it ? Or both?
Or is it one of those really old mobos with NVidia GFX onboard?
The machine looks cool and the price seems reasonable I guess. The ebay listing is german so I dont understand everything, but I notice that there is no mention of the Ares operating system, nor any of the images showing anything amiga-like.