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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 12:33:26
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 2-Sep-2010
Posts: 1351
From: CRO


Hyperion is the owner of the OS4.... that does not preclude a Amiga OSX on x86, done by someone else, if hyperion doesn't own the exclusive "Amiga OS"/"Amiga OS" license any more.

Only Amiga Inc own the rights on the Amiga OS and all of the variations, and Hyperion owns OS4(it's theri code, afterall)


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      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 12:37:05
          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 12:42:01
              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djrikki6-Sep-2010 12:47:20
                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 12:50:32
              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 12:50:39
                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 13:01:51
                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djrikki6-Sep-2010 13:09:46
                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 13:12:51
                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J6-Sep-2010 13:35:12
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 13:40:49
                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 13:42:34
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!_ThEcRoW6-Sep-2010 13:49:01
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 13:52:24
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 13:55:57
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 13:59:11
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 14:01:17
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 14:01:52
                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 14:03:02
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 14:04:06
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!TCMSLP6-Sep-2010 14:06:01
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 14:09:50
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!TCMSLP6-Sep-2010 14:14:45
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 14:30:58
                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!TCMSLP6-Sep-2010 14:39:45
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J6-Sep-2010 15:04:34
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 15:37:58
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djrikki6-Sep-2010 15:39:47
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 16:01:30
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 15:44:20
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!vidarh6-Sep-2010 16:50:43
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer7-Sep-2010 12:36:33
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!RedMelons6-Sep-2010 14:50:46
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben6-Sep-2010 15:18:18
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH6-Sep-2010 20:15:38
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben6-Sep-2010 14:13:42
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!TCMSLP6-Sep-2010 14:20:25
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben6-Sep-2010 14:41:57
                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 14:43:54
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djrikki6-Sep-2010 14:56:46
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!terminills6-Sep-2010 15:02:28
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 15:05:43
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 15:14:48
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J6-Sep-2010 15:18:46
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djrikki6-Sep-2010 15:35:01
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!terminills6-Sep-2010 15:44:03
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 15:35:07
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 15:51:59
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 15:54:08
                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic6-Sep-2010 16:04:54
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!terminills6-Sep-2010 22:29:16
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis6-Sep-2010 23:26:24
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!cha05e907-Sep-2010 10:53:08
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 11:43:57
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 12:13:41
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor7-Sep-2010 8:37:23
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 10:33:55
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 12:18:30
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo7-Sep-2010 12:20:34
                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 12:24:45
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pixie7-Sep-2010 12:28:11
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Gleng7-Sep-2010 12:36:30
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 12:21:41
                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!hardwired7-Sep-2010 12:43:22
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 12:54:39
                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 15:09:50
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon7-Sep-2010 15:18:54
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J7-Sep-2010 15:20:49
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 15:28:23
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J7-Sep-2010 16:11:25
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 17:56:06
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 15:53:28
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 16:01:47
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo7-Sep-2010 17:52:50
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 17:57:47
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Daemon7-Sep-2010 18:11:18
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo7-Sep-2010 18:11:45
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nimrod77-Sep-2010 22:40:52
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu7-Sep-2010 23:00:39
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nimrod77-Sep-2010 23:16:49
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J8-Sep-2010 0:19:47
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu8-Sep-2010 0:33:56
                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J8-Sep-2010 1:04:33
                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer8-Sep-2010 1:36:34
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH7-Sep-2010 23:54:38
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu8-Sep-2010 0:03:22
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH8-Sep-2010 0:25:27
                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour7-Sep-2010 21:02:59
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 12:29:54
                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo7-Sep-2010 12:31:34
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 12:35:40
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 12:41:40
                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 12:48:29
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon7-Sep-2010 12:57:39
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nikosidis7-Sep-2010 13:01:12
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Dandy7-Sep-2010 13:43:48
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo7-Sep-2010 15:18:37
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 15:25:07
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon7-Sep-2010 15:28:33
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WillKar7-Sep-2010 18:23:19
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben7-Sep-2010 18:44:43
                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WillKar7-Sep-2010 19:00:35
                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J7-Sep-2010 13:46:12
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer7-Sep-2010 14:09:42
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon7-Sep-2010 14:12:23
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!cha05e907-Sep-2010 14:28:08
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer8-Sep-2010 1:48:19
                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eXec7-Sep-2010 21:22:08
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Dandy8-Sep-2010 13:17:15
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eXec8-Sep-2010 15:33:58
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nimrod78-Sep-2010 19:44:57
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Rob8-Sep-2010 20:58:41
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Daemon8-Sep-2010 21:07:05
                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eXec8-Sep-2010 23:11:19
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djrikki6-Sep-2010 15:07:16
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!terminills6-Sep-2010 15:11:55
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 15:04:04
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!TCMSLP6-Sep-2010 15:11:07
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!TCMSLP6-Sep-2010 14:06:20
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 14:09:56
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!vidarh6-Sep-2010 14:17:20
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH6-Sep-2010 20:04:10
                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 20:09:00
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J6-Sep-2010 20:30:49
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH6-Sep-2010 22:07:42
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer8-Sep-2010 2:55:15
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!longbow758-Sep-2010 7:02:08
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J8-Sep-2010 11:23:57
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo8-Sep-2010 11:48:07
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour16-Sep-2010 15:26:55
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number616-Sep-2010 16:19:59
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar16-Sep-2010 17:38:18
                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 13:12:53
                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 13:22:00
                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 13:23:30
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 13:28:41
                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor6-Sep-2010 13:30:56
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer6-Sep-2010 13:35:58
                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon6-Sep-2010 13:41:07
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!rebraist6-Sep-2010 13:50:09
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!cha05e906-Sep-2010 13:56:10
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number66-Sep-2010 15:44:02
              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic6-Sep-2010 12:59:39
                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!cha05e906-Sep-2010 13:03:57

Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 13:41:58
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 12-Nov-2007
Posts: 728
From: Unknown



Hardware doesn't make a Mac a Mac, hardware doesn't make a PC a PC, hardware doesn't make an Amiga an Amiga. Those ways of thinking died decades ago.

Yes its true Amiga did have some hardware features that made it unique at the time, but it was the underlying operating system that brought it altogether and made it work and that was the Amiga.

And once again AROS isn't the official Amiga Operating System therefore no point comparing that either.

I thought you might say something along those lines, but you've missed the point.

Let me put it to you another way, all those people who had Amigas back in the day and never touched the OS (apart from the kickstart ROM), were they running Amigas? Of course they were.

To me the definition of an Amiga is with the hardware, and with that point of view it doesn't matter what software you run on a real Amiga, it is still an Amiga. The same cannot be said of newer boards... if you only ran Debian on a Sam, would it still be an Amiga? Barely.

So I'm not saying AROS is the official OS, but I'm saying AmigaOS systems aren't Amigas to me. To answer your earlier points, yes to me hardware does make a Mac a Mac, etc... It's not irrational, it's just a different point of view, and it's equally valid to seeing only the software side of the equation. Therefore, whilst you're entitled to your point of view, don't believe that you speak from any position of authority, you've just got an opinion.

Last edited by HenryCase on 06-Sep-2010 at 01:45 PM.

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