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Re: First round goes to Hyperion
Posted on 18-Jun-2007 2:54:52
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Sep-2003
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Sure, a company may declare themselves insolvent to a court as a means to get help with sorting out the debts.

No they may not. That's the Corporations problem. If they want the court's help, then they need to file for bankruptcy. Insolvency is a prerequisite to bankruptcy, they are not the same thing. It's just one number being bigger than another.

In fact, as Kronos mentioned earlier, it's against the law to not do it in some countries, like Germany for example. However, if a company doesn't do it because they think they are still able to get out of the insolvency on their own, it would take a petition filed in a court of law to and a judge's decision to have a company declared insolvent.

Insolvency means something different there legally. I think Tigger said over there it's similar to bankruptcy as a legal device. This contract uses our legal devices though, agreed to by all parties.

Of course they could argue that they wern't insolvent, but that would require explaining how the assets were sold and the debts not paid. That's a funny case of not being insolvent, especially when you are in court over a contract where insolvency triggers rights of another party of the contract.

I guess they could argue that they sold before the company went insolvent

That would be another funny case. If X is the value of assets, and Y is debt, and X-Y= the same before and after the sale, how does the date of the sale show they were only insolvent after it? How does that change any numbers? If they are insolvent after the sale, then they obviously were before it too.

but such argument would be easy enough to verify by checking their creditors papers. Now who have they not payed and how recent is this information?

There are at least hundreds of members here owed thousands of dollars by Amiga Washington. I'm sure if someone got their refund we'd have heard.


The day we need an auditor to determine if one integer is larger than another one, is the day I decide to get my CPA.

Oh, you're one of those guys who think we don't actually need auditor's, right?

Did I violate political correctness by saying you don't need an auditor for the task of determining if one integer is larger than another one?

If you only knew how much the income can change by simply filling out the tax return forms a bit differently

That's irrelevant. Insolvency only deals with assets and debts.
(Come to think of it though, taxes were one of their debts.)


... Sorry, this really isn't a math problem and your argument doesn't apply in any way.

Insolvency is a math problem, a simple one with two numbers.
What part are we disagreeing on? Insolvency? What have I said that doesn't hold water? I'll link to legal documentation backing up anything I've said if you wish.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger18-Jun-2007 22:10:27
          Re: First round goes to Hyperiondirigent19-Jun-2007 17:50:12
              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger19-Jun-2007 20:32:58
                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66019-Jun-2007 22:45:43
                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger19-Jun-2007 23:40:41
                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66020-Jun-2007 0:03:52
                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger20-Jun-2007 3:42:55
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionFoody20-Jun-2007 3:46:09
                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger20-Jun-2007 15:15:12
                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk20-Jun-2007 16:56:51
                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger20-Jun-2007 17:41:08
                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk20-Jun-2007 18:05:17
                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionRob20-Jun-2007 18:16:38
                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionFoody20-Jun-2007 18:20:51
                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionBoot_WB20-Jun-2007 18:51:37
                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef21-Jun-2007 1:30:21
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface21-Jun-2007 2:19:41
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperiongary_c21-Jun-2007 6:20:11
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface21-Jun-2007 6:59:16
                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionPyramider21-Jun-2007 10:28:03
                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66021-Jun-2007 12:09:20
                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66021-Jun-2007 12:06:49
                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionTurrican321-Jun-2007 10:12:55
                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 16:32:40
                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA21-Jun-2007 16:51:32
                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 18:23:01
                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA21-Jun-2007 18:53:19
                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 20:58:31
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA21-Jun-2007 22:30:02
                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionPyramider21-Jun-2007 19:11:41
                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 20:44:35
                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 2:04:08
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 1:43:14
                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA22-Jun-2007 7:54:48
                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 8:39:33
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionAlexC22-Jun-2007 10:13:49
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA22-Jun-2007 11:27:22
                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 15:36:53
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionssolie22-Jun-2007 17:40:40
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionManu23-Jun-2007 8:12:16
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA23-Jun-2007 6:43:28
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionacefnq25-Jun-2007 10:37:18
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger25-Jun-2007 16:34:19
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA25-Jun-2007 19:25:58
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger25-Jun-2007 22:03:44
                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA26-Jun-2007 11:00:03
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionedponpon26-Jun-2007 13:40:26
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi26-Jun-2007 13:45:38
                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionedponpon26-Jun-2007 13:47:47
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef26-Jun-2007 16:56:45
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA26-Jun-2007 19:09:23
                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 1:38:03
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSamwel27-Jun-2007 1:53:35
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionFoody27-Jun-2007 3:29:12
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCodeSmith27-Jun-2007 4:57:11
                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperiongregthecanuck27-Jun-2007 5:05:00
                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi27-Jun-2007 7:31:51
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionCodeSmith27-Jun-2007 8:29:35
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk27-Jun-2007 13:35:12
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionThe_Editor27-Jun-2007 15:15:34
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk27-Jun-2007 15:30:20
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 17:00:30
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 17:31:30
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger27-Jun-2007 17:47:33
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy29-Jun-2007 12:06:09
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger29-Jun-2007 15:35:17
                                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionInteresting30-Jun-2007 19:39:56
                                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger5-Jul-2007 23:15:52
                                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre6606-Jul-2007 2:33:24
                                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger6-Jul-2007 23:11:09
                                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionInteresting6-Jul-2007 3:00:51
                                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger7-Jul-2007 0:06:44
                                                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionCodeSmith7-Jul-2007 1:10:24
                                                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger11-Jul-2007 13:27:49
                                                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionPyramider26-Jul-2007 22:03:06
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionDerfs26-Jul-2007 22:55:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionPyramider27-Jul-2007 18:43:36
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjtsiren27-Jun-2007 22:06:25
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef28-Jun-2007 0:42:55
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjtsiren28-Jun-2007 0:51:05
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionherewegoagain27-Jun-2007 20:39:54
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionInteresting28-Jun-2007 1:07:56
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback28-Jun-2007 1:44:00
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef28-Jun-2007 2:02:34
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionInteresting28-Jun-2007 3:06:09
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionColin_Camper7-Jul-2007 10:20:08
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionPyramider11-Jul-2007 8:58:29
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionCrumb11-Jul-2007 9:13:05
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSwoop28-Jun-2007 9:38:56
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback27-Jun-2007 16:45:14
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger27-Jun-2007 16:46:43
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Power28-Jun-2007 0:11:40
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionInteresting28-Jun-2007 1:00:48
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger28-Jun-2007 5:24:06
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy29-Jun-2007 12:35:54
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger29-Jun-2007 16:13:10
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy2-Jul-2007 9:18:16
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionPyramider3-Jul-2007 9:44:17
                                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperiond0c5-Jul-2007 19:01:27
                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 8:20:57
                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCodeSmith27-Jun-2007 8:28:56
                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionAmigaHeretic27-Jun-2007 8:30:42
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 9:08:47
                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionAmigaHeretic27-Jun-2007 8:23:44
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA27-Jun-2007 8:03:36
                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 8:55:24
                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA27-Jun-2007 9:29:46
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 10:03:08
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA27-Jun-2007 10:46:28
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef27-Jun-2007 11:11:51
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA27-Jun-2007 11:39:56
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionAndroxyn27-Jun-2007 11:49:41
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionBit727-Jun-2007 13:29:48
                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionafxgroup27-Jun-2007 10:38:43
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionxe5427-Jun-2007 11:17:49
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionafxgroup27-Jun-2007 11:48:06
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionKronos26-Jun-2007 17:44:03
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionwhose26-Jun-2007 17:47:40
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA26-Jun-2007 19:12:51
                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 8:42:53
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperiondirigent21-Jun-2007 17:55:39
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 1:53:23
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperiondirigent22-Jun-2007 7:38:27
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback21-Jun-2007 20:39:27
                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 20:56:52
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback21-Jun-2007 21:07:30
                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 21:38:18
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback21-Jun-2007 22:11:47
                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 23:12:50
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionDonnieA221-Jun-2007 23:17:34
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 23:19:07
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjtsiren21-Jun-2007 23:21:53
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 23:23:53
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjtsiren21-Jun-2007 23:25:15
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback22-Jun-2007 0:02:09
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger22-Jun-2007 16:59:22
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionpixie22-Jun-2007 17:19:28
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger22-Jun-2007 17:52:54
                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionDerfs22-Jun-2007 19:53:40
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjorkany22-Jun-2007 20:27:16
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionLou22-Jun-2007 20:27:19
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionDerfs22-Jun-2007 20:42:32
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger22-Jun-2007 20:42:08
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionChip25-Jun-2007 14:05:48
                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface25-Jun-2007 14:48:37
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA25-Jun-2007 14:54:32
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionChip25-Jun-2007 15:13:29
                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger25-Jun-2007 16:24:07
                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionChip25-Jun-2007 19:55:02
                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger25-Jun-2007 22:41:26
                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback25-Jun-2007 23:14:02
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 5:20:59
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionedponpon26-Jun-2007 9:58:15
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 15:28:31
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionBoot_WB26-Jun-2007 15:40:06
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 16:01:42
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionBoot_WB26-Jun-2007 17:58:23
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperiondirigent26-Jun-2007 18:42:41
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionBoot_WB26-Jun-2007 19:14:19
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 20:47:55
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback26-Jun-2007 14:08:45
                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 15:48:18
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionLou26-Jun-2007 16:03:53
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 20:14:45
                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback26-Jun-2007 16:17:50
                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 20:10:13
                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback26-Jun-2007 20:24:06
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionCodeSmith26-Jun-2007 20:42:18
                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 20:56:06
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback26-Jun-2007 21:15:02
                                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 21:24:56
                                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback26-Jun-2007 22:08:33
                                                                                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 22:26:50
                                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSeer26-Jun-2007 22:32:47
                                                                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger26-Jun-2007 22:39:52
                                                                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionDonnieA227-Jun-2007 0:56:16
                                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy27-Jun-2007 12:16:37
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy27-Jun-2007 12:11:12
                                                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsyrtran26-Jun-2007 19:04:49
                                                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionRob26-Jun-2007 19:33:16
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback25-Jun-2007 17:19:50
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger25-Jun-2007 17:44:50
                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback25-Jun-2007 18:33:51
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger25-Jun-2007 21:57:42
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback25-Jun-2007 22:45:51
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 10:58:37
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionmadtrekker21-Jun-2007 11:05:30
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionedponpon21-Jun-2007 11:21:22
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi21-Jun-2007 11:45:43
                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy25-Jun-2007 9:54:27
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66020-Jun-2007 5:44:08
                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger20-Jun-2007 15:27:42
                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66020-Jun-2007 19:40:04
                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface20-Jun-2007 20:49:23
                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66020-Jun-2007 23:40:21
                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface21-Jun-2007 0:06:25
                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66021-Jun-2007 1:23:30
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface21-Jun-2007 1:39:35
                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66021-Jun-2007 12:37:23
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjtsiren21-Jun-2007 13:23:43
                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 16:16:07
                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66022-Jun-2007 1:40:01
                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66022-Jun-2007 1:53:12
                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66022-Jun-2007 2:36:06

Re: First round goes to Hyperion
Posted on 18-Jun-2007 1:09:35
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 29-Jan-2004
Posts: 134
From: Unknown


Sure, a company may declare themselves insolvent to a court as a means to get help with sorting out the debts. In fact, as Kronos mentioned earlier, it's against the law to not do it in some countries, like Germany for example. However, if a company doesn't do it because they think they are still able to get out of the insolvency on their own, it would take a petition filed in a court of law to and a judge's decision to have a company declared insolvent.

Thats exactly why courts can declare a company bankrupt when it is in the state insolvent. Now we are talking about insolvent (the state) and not bankrupt (the legal term).

Oh, you're one of those guys who think we don't actually need auditor's, right?

Look, he was only talking about the skill to tell if the bottom line is less than or higher than zero. Not how to get there. If you start reading peoples post you might actually understand what they are trying to tell you.

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      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 1:38:11
          Re: First round goes to HyperionBoot_WB18-Jun-2007 2:06:24
              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 2:39:59
              Re: First round goes to HyperionOldFart18-Jun-2007 13:17:57
                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionpainter18-Jun-2007 16:45:24
                  Re: First round goes to HyperionBoot_WB18-Jun-2007 19:17:46
          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 3:14:07
              Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone18-Jun-2007 3:28:20
                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 3:39:31
          Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone18-Jun-2007 3:18:37
              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 3:47:43
                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 3:51:24
                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 4:11:22
                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 4:20:11
                          Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 4:31:20
                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 5:37:40
                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperiongary_c18-Jun-2007 6:33:35
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone18-Jun-2007 6:51:47
                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone18-Jun-2007 7:15:55
                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 7:34:00
                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback18-Jun-2007 4:44:24
                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 5:07:22
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionZardoz18-Jun-2007 5:22:17
                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback18-Jun-2007 7:51:25
                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 8:04:02
                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback18-Jun-2007 14:29:39
                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA18-Jun-2007 14:37:23
                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpaceDruid18-Jun-2007 19:44:00
                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 12:06:14
                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 12:46:48
                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 13:00:11
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 13:27:39
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 14:03:31
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 14:09:27
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback19-Jun-2007 14:26:05
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 15:58:17
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 16:06:21
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 17:10:41
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 17:15:56
                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 18:17:47
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 18:32:47
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback19-Jun-2007 17:34:38
                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 18:34:12
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk19-Jun-2007 18:40:06
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback19-Jun-2007 21:37:30
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionadiaux19-Jun-2007 21:01:53
                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone19-Jun-2007 20:40:02
                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionadiaux19-Jun-2007 20:59:09
                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface20-Jun-2007 1:53:12
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsyrtran20-Jun-2007 3:36:56
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk20-Jun-2007 5:23:45
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperiontomazkid20-Jun-2007 5:32:59
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface20-Jun-2007 17:13:08
                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionstew21-Jun-2007 0:14:23
                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 10:51:15
                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionstew21-Jun-2007 12:32:44
                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 13:06:20
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi21-Jun-2007 13:23:42
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 13:41:31
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi21-Jun-2007 14:04:02
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 14:27:46
                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi21-Jun-2007 14:42:44
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 14:46:16
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to HyperionCOBRA21-Jun-2007 14:48:56
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 15:23:44
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionhatschi21-Jun-2007 15:35:21
                                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionZardoz21-Jun-2007 16:10:32
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger21-Jun-2007 15:40:26
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 16:56:46
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionLou21-Jun-2007 13:25:36
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 13:47:50
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionZardoz21-Jun-2007 16:08:32
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk21-Jun-2007 17:01:33
                                                                                                          Re: First round goes to HyperionZardoz21-Jun-2007 17:57:28
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionumisef22-Jun-2007 1:59:59
                                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk22-Jun-2007 2:54:51
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionosco21-Jun-2007 14:05:54
                                                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionstew22-Jun-2007 2:03:15
                                                                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk22-Jun-2007 3:18:55
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionuboat22-Jun-2007 5:29:01
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionCool_amigaN22-Jun-2007 7:28:13
                                                                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionstew22-Jun-2007 12:31:43
                                                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionjkirk22-Jun-2007 12:47:26
                                                                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionadiaux21-Jun-2007 0:10:29
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionjorkany19-Jun-2007 21:15:16
                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback19-Jun-2007 14:14:45
                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionDandy18-Jun-2007 20:27:28
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionDonnieA218-Jun-2007 9:07:02
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionAlexC18-Jun-2007 11:28:51
                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger18-Jun-2007 22:27:37
                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionedponpon19-Jun-2007 10:47:42
                                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface19-Jun-2007 11:52:16
                                                  Re: First round goes to Hyperionedponpon19-Jun-2007 12:17:00
                                                      Re: First round goes to HyperionTigger19-Jun-2007 13:52:32
                                                          Re: First round goes to Hyperionfairlanefastback19-Jun-2007 15:39:32
                  Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone18-Jun-2007 6:46:27
                      Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 7:53:00
                          Re: First round goes to HyperionT_Bone18-Jun-2007 8:11:57
                              Re: First round goes to Hyperionsamface18-Jun-2007 8:18:19
                                  Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 22:03:33
                              Re: First round goes to HyperionSpectre66018-Jun-2007 12:49:04

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