Description: These are a set of PNG icons called 'GANT'. They're PNG now at least, some of the archives come as .ico files for Windoze. Now converted to PNG's & resized.
As with most icon sets that aren't made specifically for the Amiga, there's certain icons that just don't exist. Fortunately the artist behind these has made quite a lot so you can usually find something that dows a similar job.
Although my personal fave here is the Grim Reaper icon, the glass icons in Workbench: look pretty swish too!
Also, if you do grab these icons prepare yourself for some mental icon names. A couple of examples:
- "One time, this big moth almost flew into my mouth. Good thing it was no where near me.png" - "Programs that take forEVER to start!.png" - "Punch Your Keyboard When You Cant Come Up with a Good Name.png" - "Reasonably priced (in the US) hardware that is indeed good for enticing switchers, but don't really fit into the multicolored mini paradigm.png" (Hehe, this is the MiniMac icon) - "Private, yet See-through, Folder.png" - "Badger eater Badger eater Badger eater Badger eater Badger eater Badger eater firefox, FIREFOX!! I use Opera by the way.png" - "MmmMMmmm Chacklate.png" - "Windows Mean...Pacifier. Yea, Pacifier.ico"
There's a fair few normal names too & I could go on, but you get the point.
Hope you like.
Submitter: FuZion - More Photos from FuZion Last Update: 2-Apr-2005 Hits: 18139 Rating: 7.44 (9 votes)Comments: 6 posts
Re: The SUPERB Gant icon collection! Posted on 11-Apr-2005 10:27:19