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Picture Transfer Protocol on AmigaOS 4.1 Popular
Description: The OS4.1 PTP window and Quake 2 running in a window.

To use PTP on OS4.1 change your camera's USB setting to PTP and plug in. I've always used mass storage mode in the past, but I was pleasantly surprised how well PTP works on OS4.1. The preview window comes come almost instantly (with thumbnails) when the camera is plugged in and copying photos over seems faster than working with the usual mass storage. PTP also has a few extra menu items, like format, which are handy. Camera used is Sony Cyber-shot DSC-S730.

Capehill's Quake 2 port running in the other window, enjoying this great game for the first time!

Submitter:  Daniel - More Photos from Daniel  
Last Update: 30-May-2010 Hits: 1570 Rating: 2.00 (1 vote)
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