Description: MiniCalc (included in MorphOS 2) - A small, but highly usable calculator; Netlamps.sbar (included in MorphOS 2) - Network Statistics; Elements (included in MorphOS 2) - Periodic Table of Elements; Tips (included in MorphOS 2) - Tip of the Day featuring the real QBox; Fragment (included in MorphOS 2) - Shows memory fragmentation/ layout; CPU Monitor - Standalone Edition (new version at top, old version at bottom; they practically look the same though); MisterBanana 2 - has insider knowledge about all happenings in the MorphOS community; Statline 2 (at the screen bottom) - Shows various system status information; and many more.
See the Elephant? :)
(had to downscale a bit to meet size criteria here on, hope everything is still readable :) )
Submitter: tokai - More Photos from tokai Last Update: 29-Dec-2009 14:22:00 Hits: 1855 Rating: 6.00 (2 votes)Comments: 1 post