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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 22-Jun-2008 23:15:25
#21 ]
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Joined: 7-Nov-2005
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From: Earth


We will certainly make sure they have the chance if they want to bring OS4 to the platform. MorphOS will, OS4 should have the opportunity too.

Genesi is managing the technology side-of-things for Cherrypal and THTF. We will have more news on that soon.



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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 22-Jun-2008 23:41:53
#22 ]
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From: Maryland, USA

I'm not very interested in what is pictured. I am very interested in the hint of a laptop version.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 2:22:53
#23 ]
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I had the feeling you where involved somehow, but why didn't you tell them CherryPal is an ugly name;)

How about a laptop, please..


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 5:43:40
#24 ]
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From: Under The Moon - Howling in the Blue Grass



bbrv wrote:

We will certainly make sure they have the chance if they want to bring OS4 to the platform. MorphOS will, OS4 should have the opportunity too.

Genesi is managing the technology side-of-things for Cherrypal and THTF. We will have more news on that soon.


MorphOS will support it or will be given a chance to support it?

Avatar babe - Monica Bellucci.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 9:52:08
#25 ]
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but why didn't you tell them CherryPal is an ugly name;)

Well it could be sold as "CherryNtsc" in North America

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 10:03:31
#26 ]
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Thanks for the link. It is a nice little ftp server. It could be used for many little things. I am not interested that much on OS4 but AROS and NetBSD can have a nice little home on this. What I cannot understand is if it is possible to use it as a PC.For example can I install Linux or NetBSD with a USB stick on it? With 512MB RAM it would be ideal for the Computer Vision apps we use here in NTUA (National Technical University of Athens Greece).. You know we need desperately some assembly and x86 is not an option.

For the MIPS lovers like me

a MIPS 32bit laptop.

Last edited by FithisUX on 23-Jun-2008 at 10:06 AM.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 12:41:08
#27 ]
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From: Blighty


We will certainly make sure they have the chance if they want to bring OS4 to the platform. MorphOS will, OS4 should have the opportunity too.

Cool! If MorphOS comes to it, then my A600 project may actually have a point.


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 1:34:08
#28 ]
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@all interested (sorry we missed this thread)

What do you think...

The case work will be more 'a work of art,' but you get the idea.

We will post more when we can.



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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 2:39:09
#29 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


mmm if os4 would run on that little thing i'd be all over it!

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 7:50:33
#30 ]
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One for me and one for my girlfriend.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 8:18:30
#31 ]
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From: Up Rough


Too slow CPU for what I'd need everyday.


AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 9:14:06
#32 ]
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@bbrv post #28

OS4 on that and you can consider this post as a preorder for 2 units. I'll let you have the shipping details via PM.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 9:19:47
#33 ]
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What would the battery life on that hardware be?

I've disliked laptops for a while now, but I could see myself forcing myself to get used to laptop keyboards and touchpads if an Amiga laptop made it. I like OS4,but Wookie and Sabre would still run on MOS. Could be cool. The community has been crying out for an Amiga-laptop since forever.

Also, is that a full size laptop too? Because I found the EEEPC laptop too small to type on..

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 10:31:11
#34 ]
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mmm if os4 would run on that little thing i'd be all over it!

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 10:56:52
#35 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


But even with MorphOS, you'd still have a good catalogue of AmigaOS software to run. (SimpleMail for instance.. available for all the Amiga-platforms).

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 12:05:20
#36 ]
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From: Athens/Greece


Please, I don't get it, since you have the power and the means to make a MOS/OS4 compatible computer, why do they have to be underpowered? Think about this laptop holding a 1 GHz CPU. I am not talking for anything else (ram, gfx, etc) but the cpu has to be something bigger. We are in 2008. Ten years ago maybe that could be sufficient, but now?

But still the pictures look very cool. If you could manage to put more mhz in it and ship it with MOS2 (since we all know the legal limbo of OS4), in a laptop version, then it could be a killer machine for the community!


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 13:21:52
#37 ]
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From: Earth

@all interested

The netbook will run on the MPC8610. The 8610 has an altivec engine. This processor works very well. If you are in Budapest this weekend stop by SceneCon. We are hosting a PowerDev Meeting where the development system will be demonstrated.



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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 13:34:32
#38 ]
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Joined: 6-Oct-2006
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From: Athens/Greece


It has altivec? That's awesome! Will the Mos team support it? Have you got any feedback on that? Thanks again!


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 13:38:15
#39 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


The dev system I saw was softwarewise not fully optimized back then, but still quite impressive. But now linux should really fly on that board.
The 8610 is the biggest opportunity for the PPC since quite some time IMO (outside the low end araea). The 8610 and the 512x together make a brilliant duett, covering quite a broad range (low end to advanced mid class). Hopefully MorphOS will soon meet the 8610 and 512x - on the 5200 it's great already (but the 5200 has its (minor) issues).

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 10-Jul-2008 20:12:26
#40 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Michigan


Hey!! I think I get it!!

Cherry. . . they made special Amiga keyboards years ago = = = = =

pal. . . a friend . . . an "Amiga" !!!

Eureka! That's it!! This is what all that mysterious talk about network devices was about a few years ago. Here we go!! The new Amiga is almost here!!!!

umm. . . how did I do? Was this a good imitation of Atheist?


Builder of Frankenthousand, the monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4

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