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News   News : Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
   posted by DaveyD on 27-Apr-2003 11:58:47 (37875 reads)
Given the rumours, we asked fleecy the following...

"Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?"

Fleecy: As of this moment Bill McEwen is the CEO of Amiga and if a new CEO was to be brought in, it would be because of Amiga expanding as a company and Bill needing to concentrate on being Chairman and President - currently he is CEO as well and three top jobs in a company that is attracting the attention we are is at least one job too many.

Any CEO to be brought in would be as part of the team and would be totally in sync with the current strategic direction of the company.

If someone is posting information to the contrary then it can only be for ulterior motives.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 28-Apr-2003 23:39:58
#161 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Jan-2003
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From: Charlotte, NC

Wouldn't really bother me that much if it was real, but I think there is a decent chance that it is not. One thing is that it is increadibly blurry (just like those UFO pictures), another thing is that it is apparently...uhh...square (as someone at AOrg pointed out). Never seen a square business card before (not that I've seen many, so I could be wrong).

Yeah, they are usually rectangular 99.9% of the time. There is a common format for that. And while it's possible for them to be black & white, I would seriously think that Amiga would go the extra few bucks to put some color on that Boing Ball(tm).

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 8:17:48
#162 ]
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Joined: 29-Apr-2003
Posts: 742
From: Unknown

Since Fleecy is here, let us just ask. Why speculate!

Fleecy, is the posted fax copy of a business card, allegedly of Garry Hare, listing him as Chairman/CEO of Amiga Inc., authentic or a fake?

You have already commented on the status of the CEO of Amiga Inc., which you told us is Bill McEwen, and you have acknowledged that Garry works with Amiga Inc. in some other capacity, so no need to go there. I'm only asking you whether or not, to the best of your knowledge, this is the business card of the Garry Hare who works with Amiga Inc.?

A simple yes (the card is real even if he is not the CEO) or no (the card is a fake), will do, I'm sure. Also, feel free to say that you don't know, if you don't know. Thanks!

That should put it to rest?

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 8:18:20
#163 ]
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From: Yharnam

Ok, let's play they have a new CEO now or later. What bad could follow from that? I mean, could things be worse?

AI can't stop Hyperion to release OS4, for example.

Things might look brighter after all.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 8:21:28
#164 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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seriously this is the worst looking biz card i have ever seen, black and white is the first thing...secondly its like blurred and it aint really good at all, and the cards is always about bringing your company in good light aint it?

i have seen many of the former amiga cards and the never looked like this, so i guess either this is fake or amigainc is in serious money problems or has been, as theese cards havent costed more than 2 bucks or less i guess...
what a shame...

good luck on solving this guys (amigainc) and to all the people in this forum, hey why not help everyone and clear this up eh? , there has been amigainc stuff sold on ebay lately, among that there was buisniss cards etc, i couldnt find the link anymore...aaargh, but i guess some of u gyuys can find it faster than me :)

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 8:27:15
#165 ]
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the bad thing to come out of this if there is a new cEo is that amigainc might be close to a liquidation and if that is so, then the cash holders/investors will do anything to make money and that is why bill buck did what he did i guess, a really lame strike just to make noise and turmoil and then in the end get it like he would... aos and the stuff. (for his computer brand)

anyway this was just speculations and still is.

also marktime on said that the deal between hyperion and amigainc aint waterproof if such a thing happens (liquidation) , so indeed its scary..

my personal feeling is that this is vERY scary!!!
just when everything was going so well, its kinda typical for us amiga users to get it like this??? , well i feel like that.

bill buck will have to answer to this in the future, if he is right or wrong...easy as will be in his blood forever....

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 9:09:37
#166 ]
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From: Azjol-Nerub

To be honest, I'm increasingly interested in finding out who Garry Hare actually is. Based on what Fleecy stated above (ie a veteran in content) I did a quick database search at Uni today and came across an article which gave some interesting info. If this is indeed the same man. Click here to see the article..

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 12:45:18
#167 ]
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From: West of the Mississippi

As I read more about this, I am sadden. There may parts of truth being said from both side. What brother me if Amiga Inc is looking at this Garry guy, is why are things being deal with the way they are?? Garry can't say anything, yet he may of been handding out some type of card?? Why hand them out?? Is the type of CEO that will be running Amiga Inc. What a sad thing for me. Amiga Inc. may get a new CEO, that happens, but if it is this Garry Hare, then I am not impressed byt the way he is handling the current matter. All in all I think it is a sad day for the Amiga. If it was such a great thing, then why is it being handled this way?? Just my thought as I read about this. I hope that I am proven wrong and that this will turn out to be the best thing that has happened for Amiga up to this time. Time will tell.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 15:46:06
# ]

Hi all,

If Amiga Inc. elected a new CEO it would be documented. My main concern with a possible new CEO is that a change of direction could happen.

How often does a new CEO come in and keep all things as they were? Things will change, even if the changes are minor. Of course this all depends *if* Amiga has elected a new CEO.

Personally, I want a new AmigaOS or some form of it. I am debating on the multiple solutions (AmigaDE +/- AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, AROS, etc). I don't care if the solution runs on x86, PowerPC, AMD's x86 compatibles, etc. I want the experience to be productive and fun.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 16:24:19
# ]

based my earlier comment on our little conversation a short while ago and your reaction was kind of unexpected for me considering all the effort and time I invested in the conversation to pursuade you that I wasn't lying. For instance why not state: "Regardless of anything you say it's not a big deal IMO" instead of asking me to provide proof.

Well, mainly I wanted to see what you had regarding proof. Once I saw that, I could come to my own conclusions about that whole "campaign to discredit" thing. It's not that I necessarily think you are lying; I have a hard time actually accusing anyone of that. What it seems like to me is just that people interpret things in very different ways, or are affected by things in very different ways. As I mentioned earlier, what to you seemed like an organized campaign of evil appeared to me like a rather ordinary appeal by a company to have its users comment to the press about the company's products. This is done sometimes and it isn't underhanded or evil, it's just a PR tool. But your opinion of Bill Buck is so negative that to you it seems like something extremely evil. Your example didn't bear that out. Still, I don't think you were dishonest, or at least there was nothing in your explanation that would cause me to think that. It's just a matter of interpretation of events, based on your examples of "proof."

-- gary_c

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 16:28:59
# ]

seriously this is the worst looking biz card i have ever seen, black and white is the first thing...secondly its like blurred and it aint really good at all, and the cards is always about bringing your company in good light aint it?

The image we've seen is actually a scan of a fax of the actual card; that's why it's fuzzy and black and white instead of color. The email address and phone number where shortened to keep them private. Really, no body is trying to pass off a square, fuzzy, black-and-white image as how the business card really looked. That'd be, uh, kinda dumb, wouldn't it? I hear there's a clearer scan on its way.

-- gary_c

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 16:35:43
#171 ]
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From: Europe

@ gary_C

There's more 'proof', but I will not reveal this unless both BB and I agree to this or he reveals parts of our discussions out of context first.

But you greatly doubted that he would contact almost anyone within the Amiga community with a leading press, dealers, usergroups, etc function (as well as some endusers) to try to discredit me, even after I pledged not to review any of their products.

Now you know he did.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 17:13:50
#172 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 693
From: Uppsala, Sweden

The "clearer card scan" is here:

And it's in colour. Too bad it is also very small, so it's
difficult to read... Anyway.

I agree with gary_c that it's a lot of polarization going on in
the Amiga community, and has for some time, where a part
is labelled "evil" and all that he/she/they say must be a lie
and wicked. I can accept that for some having had personal
experiences and reason to dislike a person/firm (like if
someone having paid AInc now feel cheated - you
have to respect that sentiment, even if you don't yourself
feel cheated), but many take this stance merely by
principle (to support their own choice of hobby computer)
It's human, but not very productive.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 18:08:56
# ]

173rd comment and still the question is open: "has Amiga got a new CEO"?

Feels like waste of time, doesn't it?

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 19:57:48
#174 ]
Elite Member
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From: Europe

173rd comment and still the question is open: "has Amiga got a new CEO"?

172 comments later and still you don't get there's no new CEO at Amiga.

There's still much doubt surrounding the new Genesi CEO though.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 20:34:30
# ]

If you have been so sure, why wasn't the thread deleted in the first place as being useless and FUD?
If there is no news why is this in news category? Incompetent moderators?

Taking a guess.. you have no clue whats happening, neither do I...

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:01:38
#176 ]
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From: Europe

Why should I have deleted the thread? If I did then IMO people would not have been given a chance to talk about what was on their minds. The thread regarded Amiga Inc and there was no trolling or name calling involved.

I am just glad Amiga Inc responded this quickly, I was expecting Amiga to respond on an ordinary working day. I have heard from Amiga's CEO Bill McEwen privately and several Amiga employees shared their views with the Amiga community as well.

IMO everything important is now cleared up for the Amiga community. And personally I trust Amiga employees alot more regarding Amiga Inc news than 'information' provided by rival competitors. Especially 'information' originating from someone known to spread misinformation/FUD regarding 3rd parties on a regular basis.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:27:55
# ]

>IMO everything important is now cleared up for the Amiga community

I am part of Amiga community, and it's not nearly clear to me. Nothing is clear, no proofs have been given from either side, we're still at the same situation when Buck decided to give this thing out in comment of his.

Its definetely NOT clear to Amiga community.

Of course one can argue back and say I am retarded, don't got it all, am slow to understand, too thick to believe what Amiga Inc has to say, belong to "MOS-camp"... such I don't even bother to comment.

When you had your phonecall or five-minute coffee with McEwen, did you ask why there is a guy spreading a crd stating he is the CEO of Amiga Inc.? I am a curious about that

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:41:43
# ]

Go figure. Now we wait for Bucks answer and explanations

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:43:20
#179 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2003
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From: Europe

Nothing is clear, no proofs have been given from either side, we're still at the same situation when Buck decided to give this thing out in comment of his.

What kind of 'proof' would you like from Amiga Inc? A scan of Bill McEwen's business card?

It's 100% clear that Amiga (just like any other company) has one CEO, his name is Bill McEwen. Despite claims Bill McEwen hasn't fired himself and is Amiga's CEO, Chairman and President.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:47:03
# ]

You did not answer my question. Why is there a dude walking around with cards stating he is the CEO of Amiga Inc.?

You have ten hours, I'll go to sleep :)

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