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News   News : Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
   posted by DiscreetFX on 20-Nov-2009 2:23:32 (40201 reads)
Chicago, Illinois November 19th, 2009

For Immediate Release

It's with great sadness that we must announce the end of the AmiZilla Booty. The former Netscape Executive has been concerned with the length of the contest for some time and now no longer wishes to participant. Listed below is a statement in his own words about why the contest is over.

"Today I wish to end the AmiZilla Contest, this project has gone on way too long with no project updates from any coders that might have been involved. Some that never even donated to the contest have tried to use it to cast DiscreetFX and myself in a bad light. Rumors were spread that the funds were being used for other things. I take this as a personal insult myself since I am in control of the funds and am of high ethical character. AmiZilla was always about helping the Amiga, AROS & MorphOS community get a modern browser. It was a contest though and without a clear winner the contest was not helping it's sponsors, mainly DiscreetFX and myself.

Many times I was going to increase my contribution to the bounty considerably but I did not because of rumor spreading and in-fighting. I advise everyone in the Amiga community to do more and talk less in the future. I officially withdraw my AmiZilla funds and hopefully make the Amiga community wiser for it. Actions speak louder than words, this is my action. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel though. The developers of Amiga OS 4.1 have taken it upon themselves to actually do the hard work of porting Firefox to AmigaOS. They would have made the programming team from Netscape proud."

That's the end of his statement. He did say the CD is maturing and all the funds minus his contribution will be transferred back to DiscreetFX. Listed below are the options that those that donated have.

1. Transfer your donation to Timberwolf to help that Firefox bounty succeed.

2. Request a refund and have it processed through our accounting department. Your donation was always safe with DiscreetFX. We have never done any type of coupon scams or anything else unethical in the history of the company.

3. Transfer donation to Open Video Toaster. This effort to bring video editing and effects to Amiga OS 4.x, AROS and MorphOS is in need of more donations to make it thrive. AmigaOS, MorphOS & AROS have no video editing applications anywhere near the quality of the Amiga Video Toaster. What they do have is the rare opportunity of the complete source code to this classic best selling system. Use that opportunity wisely!

4. Receive the equivalent of your donation in DFX products.

5. Request your donation goes to Charity Water. Many people in the world are suffering because they don't have clean water. Help them by transferring your AmiZilla Booty donation to this great charity.

Sorry for the bad news but AmiZilla's key backer has spoken.

Best regards

DiscreetFX Team

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 14:40:12
#181 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA


Your information is not correct, our friend the former Netscape executive and DiscreetFX have been questioned over the years many times over AmiZilla.

Where and when in the past did anyone from the community, besides you, know that the former Netscape executive was the one really in charge of the money and holding it? Because so far its been a surprise to everyone in this thread. No one can question the former Netscape exec if we all thought he was just a kind hearted donor.

And someone questioning DiscreetFX is not someone questioning the former Netscape exec if they thought only DFX handled and held the money.

I think when you reach a certain level in your life where money is no longer a problem your personal reputation becomes even more important.

This person is ANONYMOUS. This person was not known as the money holder. He was simply seen as a very generous donor. If anything he was esteemed!

Someone questioning DFX does not equal someone questioning him. After all, DFX portrayed itself as holders of the bounty all this time, from anything I have seen anyway.

You seem to be working hard at trying to tie anyone who ever questioned DFX as having questioned the anonymous guy. But your money arrangement with him was not known to the public. So if someone thought you might have been doing something wrong it was based on your public face that DFX held the cash. Its irrational for the anonymous guy to be upset at anyone questioning DFX's handling of the cash when he knew that he actually had the cash and when he knew that the public was operating under the wrong idea, an idea DFX perpetuated.

Lets use an example. Tim lends Jed $500 for food. Jed gives the money to Ron to hold (for whatever reason). Tim sees Jed with expensive clothes he never saw him with before. Tim gets upset at Jed, thinking the money was misused. Now why on earth would Ron think that reflects on him at all? He wouldn't, not if he is rational anyway.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 14:42:09
#182 ]
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From: Tortuga

I think qwertz story qualifies. You could argue about the meaning, but it draws a direct connection.

I don't think at all that this story qualifies. The only person able to cancel Amizilla is the person in charge of the Amizilla funds. This isn't Rogue or Enthilza, but some other guy (whom anyway, since DiscreetFX says it was not "him"?).
And even if Timberwolf would be a reason for them to cancel the bounty (I don't think it was like that), why would you be to blame for it?

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 14:49:24
#183 ]
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Joined: 31-Jul-2007
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From: Alpha Centauri

Is it so bloody hard to figure out what happened? Some idiot trolls ( dejavu from tlsfmem in the mists ) started speaking out their collective asses discussing various paranoid nonsense claims and intentions which i guess, the Netscape executive eventually probably got wind of or was contacted, or he is dead broke and needed the 10k.

Nevertheless Its now HIGHLY unlikely we´ll ever get a OS3.x aros & morphos port, atleast anytime soon.

Rouge :
Sure there was a query, i posted the MPL carefully questioning if it even allowed keeping any part of firefox closed, but now i cant find the post and it doesnt matter anyway.

One of the most preferable and beneficial scenarios would be that the timberworld code got committed to the amizilla project. However slow it might run on the original hw, we´ve now got the natami to consider, and probably various other projects, as well as emulation. And after all the Friedens have done around here, was there ever any real doubt they would be posting the code on frieden hq or amiga bounty?

Try being on live radio and eventually not make a mistake, the situation got blown out of proportions, they even said ops and sorry in the clip? ( You got a choice there, one month of editing or grow the ability to deal with witty comments and the occasional dirty word or dirty organ )

To be honest even i didnt know he was deaf, its not like it was advertised on his forehead. And i didnt know he was starting a magazine. But i do know he´s written for magazines in the past and did a good job there.

Hasnt troling, silly comments, and aggravated responses caused enough harm yet?
(nvm, i just realized im on earth)

Last edited by mike on 23-Nov-2009 at 02:57 PM.
Last edited by mike on 23-Nov-2009 at 02:54 PM.

C= Amiga addict
Couldn't care less what other people think, seeing that there's concrete evidence they don't.

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 14:59:25
#184 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington


My request to transfer my original Amizilla donation (with a copy of my original paypal transaction info) has been emailed to the support @ discreetfx . com address.

Many thanks


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 15:03:58
#185 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA


Try being on live radio and eventually not make a mistake, the situation got blown out of proportions

A couple of things.

This only came up because the episode was being advertised here and because in the news item's original description they referred to their talk on this person as a highlight of the show. A couple of the mods felt uncomfortable with this and we merely expressed our opinion as such, we did so with qualifiers that it was at least not going over the top. Its MobbyG who got all sensitive, not us. Even if he was not deaf, he is a well known member here. Advertising something here making fun of any member puts us in an awkward position no matter what. We took the middle ground, we edited out that as a highlight in the news item, we left the news item otherwise, but the couple of us who thought it was a bit out of line simply expressed such. I find that entirely fair and honest.

Secondly, the show could have been edited in post production if they wanted to. When it was advertised it was already in the can. Not saying they need to do that in the least, just speaking to your "live radio" comment.

Hasnt ...aggravated responses caused enough harm yet?

Yep it has. MobbyG's (to paraphrase) "you have vilified me and I am never ever coming back" was IMO aggravated and over the top. A couple of us gave an opinion that he was a bit unkind IN ONE INSTANCE, get over it, jeez.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 15:22:54
#186 ]
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From: Alpha Centauri

A couple of the mods felt uncomfortable with this and we merely expressed our opinion as such........
We took the middle ground.

Now that you mention it i remember you saying it was a collective decision from the original thread.

Live.. its broadcast live, saved then slightly touched, meaning slapped and strapped with a beginning and ending then uploaded. If nothing _really_ bad happenes.

C= Amiga addict
Couldn't care less what other people think, seeing that there's concrete evidence they don't.

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 15:46:27
#187 ]
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Joined: 12-Feb-2003
Posts: 2549
From: Chicago, IL


Per your request accounting has transferred your AmiZilla donation plus interest to Project Timberwolf.


Per your request accounting has refunded your two AmiZilla donations plus interest.

Last edited by DiscreetFX on 23-Nov-2009 at 04:24 PM.
Last edited by DiscreetFX on 23-Nov-2009 at 03:57 PM.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 16:17:14
#188 ]
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Joined: 12-Feb-2003
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From: Chicago, IL


Per your request accounting has transferred your AmiZilla donation plus interest to Project Timberwolf.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 16:36:01
#189 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington


Just to let you know that, at my request, DiscreetFX have transferred my donation of $100 (made towards the Amizilla bounty in Nov 2004) to the Timberwolf bounty.

Details can be found on the Amiga Bounty website under donation #293

The $100 (plus interest) converted to 80 euro less Paypal charges.

DiscreetFX have also requested that the donation amount is reassigned to my name. If anyone else wants to transfer their original Amizilla donation to Timberwolf, just contact DiscreetFX. It will help if you have your original paypal transaction details and these can be found by checking through your paypal account history online.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 17:44:51
#190 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG

@ Rogue

I have a Pegasos, and the only OS on it is AmigaOS. No MorphOS. I could get it of course, I could even go and BUY MorphOS 2.0, but that does not invalidate the fact that I don't have it. And I don't have any plans to get it.

You don't need to install MorphOS to test it. A CDR to boot off is enough to test. Even the unregistered 2.x version would do. Would require a download, a CDR and a little good will.
And, for the nitpicking, you cannot buy MorphOS 2.0 you can buy a key for MorphOS 2.x (and probably above). Current version is 2.4. Earlier versions (except 1.4.5) are not provided publically.

Last edited by Zylesea on 23-Nov-2009 at 05:49 PM.

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 18:08:20
#191 ]
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105. Gianfranco Gignina, $5
My 5$ to Timberwolf project please :)

Tranfert done by DiscreeteFX today, thanks!

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 19:43:00
#192 ]
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Joined: 25-Oct-2005
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From: Michigan, USA

@ DiscreetFX Team and thread

For the record my donation is transferred from Amizilla to Timberwolf :
Your right, you were donator #83 and you gave $25. Per your request we will send your $25 plus interest to Project Timberwolf. If you don't mind please post in the following threads and mention we contacted you and sent your AmiZilla donation to where you wished.

Thanks DiscreetFX for the update. I thought the money should go the Timberwolf project because of my original desire - a Mozilla browser for the Amiga! It's a shame an Amiga browser for Amiga is in such a sorry state-of-affairs.
I hope the Friedens can turn this around with their expert skill and experiences!

And finally from me personally- I have no problems with shutting it down- it didn't fail from lack of trying, just a lack of experienced programmers willing to work on it...

Thanks for giving a go! I kind of knew that from the 'get-go', but hoped that the skills would have came later.


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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 23-Nov-2009 22:44:30
#193 ]
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From: Scunthorpe

Got my 2 donations back, very quickly too. Now I just need to decide where I donate to now...

Darren 'Ryu' Glenn
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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 2:13:00
#194 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

@ fairlanefastback
Where and when in the past did anyone from the community, besides you, know that the former Netscape executive was the one really in charge of the money and holding it? Because so far its been a surprise to everyone in this thread. No one can question the former Netscape exec if we all thought he was just a kind hearted donor.

I'm very surprised no-one knows about this- I knew about it from a discussion Forum or two here on AmiZilla- can't remember- either a request for an AmiZilla Update, or the discussion about splitting the bounty into 4- either way, there was a lot of people interested in the AmiZilla project involved the the thread. And there was a reasonable amount of discussion about it too, in the thread.

AmiZilla Team Coordinator

- Ants

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 3:35:51
#195 ]
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It seems to not have been common knowledge.

I've done some searches and can not find what you mention (so far at least).

number6 quotes Bill from April 2007 though here.

Bill simply says the money is "safe and sound" and is the project's "sponsor". Its certainly does not hint at anyone but him holding the money.

I'd be curious to read any link you can provide. But so far it does not seem that was widely known at all.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 9:31:51
#196 ]
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From: Tortuga


I'm very surprised no-one knows about this- I knew about it from a discussion Forum or two here on AmiZilla- can't remember- either a request for an AmiZilla Update, or the discussion about splitting the bounty into 4- either way, there was a lot of people interested in the AmiZilla project involved the the thread. And there was a reasonable amount of discussion about it too, in the thread.

This was indeed not common knowledge. Basically no one knew about it. In my view, this should have also been clearly communicated to all donators.

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 9:55:53
#197 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.

sundown wrote:

I think we both know that people aren't perfect in the way that they present things. It's just sad that we pick apart every little thing that others do to promote our hobby & fail. Threads like this only scare off the people that would try to make our hobby better for us, we're just shooting ourselves in the foot.

There's a great desire by some to see our OS die, threads like this only help them.

Right on the money sundown. This kind of crap happens way too often around here and sadly at other Amiga related sites too.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 17:54:33
#198 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


Sure, but if the "netscape executive" cared about Amiga and Mozilla/FireFox - he could transfer all or part of his donation to Timberwolf...

Maybe if the Timberwolf developers had indicated that they were going to meet the conditions of the AmiZilla contest the "Netscape Executive" would have not pulled out his money and the contest would not have been canceled at all!

AmigaOS4.x users are only a small part of the overall Amiga community. (I know I'll get flamed for that one)

Last night after midnight I checked the donor list and found my two donations to the AmiZilla contest. Due to poor planning on my part this month, instead of redirecting those funds to some other bounty, I requested a refund of my money because I need it. Before I got on my computer this morning I had a reply from DiscreetFX and also the money in my PayPal account with interest (Thank you DiscreetFX for your quick response to my request).

I am beginning to think like MobbyG, that perhaps since the noise level here is again rising above anything useful, helpful, or positive for the Amiga community, perhaps I no longer need to visit this site.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 19:06:50
#199 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


Quote: Hasnt ...aggravated responses caused enough harm yet? Yep it has. MobbyG's (to paraphrase) "you have vilified me and I am never ever coming back" was IMO aggravated and over the top. A couple of us gave an opinion that he was a bit unkind IN ONE INSTANCE, get over it, jeez.

This comment is not aimed only at you, but your statement above that these kinds of attacks, or bad treatment are just "one instance" are not correct. I don't condone MobbyG's mistake that he may or may not have made (I have not taken the time to confirm it, because we all make mistakes from time to time), but I am trying to make the point that this community is too small already and growing smaller every day, or so it would seem, based on what it used to be only a few short years ago. So, perhaps the old saying "if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything" should be considered IN MOST CASES, unless someone here is clearly attacking another member, or otherwise harming the community at large, instead of picking apart every post that is written and jumping to conclusions, or making assumptions about people and then either making such conclusions and/or assumptions public in the forums contact the person with a PMail to clear any uncertainties or questions directly. I see this behavior growing and don't like where it might lead, or what damage it is already doing to diminish our community and user base.

I know we are not going to agree on everything, but there are ways of expressing different opinions without attacking others, or putting them down, and sometimes it just isn't that important to disagree publicly with every post that you don't agree with. IMHO there is just too much criticism, compared to the amount of help and slaps on the back for a job well done on the forums these days.

Maybe I just expect too much humanity, or a different kind of humanity than is the reality of today.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Former Netscape Executive Ends AmiZilla Booty
Posted on 24-Nov-2009 20:02:40
#200 ]
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Maybe if the Timberwolf developers had indicated that they were going to meet the conditions of the AmiZilla contest the "Netscape Executive" would have not pulled out his money and the contest would not have been canceled at all!

Possibly. Though Troels was making an effort at contact and said the individual was impossible to reach.

Even with his money pulled it still was a $6000 bounty/contest. Still rather a strong amount. There was certainly no necessity to end it. It was a choice really.

Its too bad the "Netscape executive" was (it seems) more concerned with reading Moo Bunny than answering emails from Troels.

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 24-Nov-2009 at 08:05 PM.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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