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Software News : SmartFileSystem (1.227) released |
posted by _Steve_ on 18-Jul-2004 19:38:30 (5211 reads) |
The latest version of the atomic filesystem SmartFileSystem (SFS) has been released today.
Changes since v1.212 include:
- ACTION_ADD_NOTIFY now returns ERROR_BAD_NUMBER if the notification is neither a NRF_SEND_MESSAGE nor a NRF_SEND_SIGNAL notification.
- Finally checks for and disables RDB partitions on removable media abuse.
- Fixed a bug in the 1.219 ACTION_SET_FILESIZE changes.
- Fixed potential problem with the improved transaction failure block.
- Fixed a bug in the ':' removal, trying to access "abc:def:ghi" now returns an error instead of accessing "abc:ghi", reported by Mario Cattaneo.
- ACTION_SET_FILESIZE now works as in RAM-handler, old FFS and as documented in the dos autodoc, it doesn't mess around with the file offset in other locks anymore but enlarges the requested size if required.
- No longer uses MEMF_PUBLIC for buffers.
- Changed some Defragmeter parameters to speed it up on slow CPUs.
- Bug in the defragmenter fixed!
- Fixed enforcer hit when trying to delete something from an empty .recycled dir, reported by Detlef Würkner.
You can find the latest release on Aminet here. |
| STORYID: 1595
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