Software News : Update on AmiGift 2.0 Prerelease Version
posted by Kicko on 17-Jul-2007 20:08:40 (4760 reads)
There is an update for the Amigift 2.0 prerelease version out now. As usual, bugfixes & optimizations. Amigift is a filesharing tool with both a deamon and a mui gui.
I dont get any context att all in the main list. Not over files and not on the column titles either. However under the scrollbar is a bar that when clicked on gets open download progress that can be used context. when clicking brings up another set of columns. Its a copy of transfer in progress i believe that i can use context menu over. But using RMB over the columns bring Column context Default width and default order that is ghosted.
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Re: Update on AmiGift 2.0 Prerelease Version Posted on 21-Jul-2007 16:53:50
I found the problem. In MUIPrefs change the NListViews -> Misc -> Misc5 -> default contextmenu i had "never". Should be always or Toponly. I choosed always and now i see the context for menus ;) Thanks FRamiga for making me find the problem.
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Re: Update on AmiGift 2.0 Prerelease Version Posted on 21-Jul-2007 17:55:20