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News   News : Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
   posted by DaveyD on 27-Apr-2003 11:58:47 (37872 reads)
Given the rumours, we asked fleecy the following...

"Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?"

Fleecy: As of this moment Bill McEwen is the CEO of Amiga and if a new CEO was to be brought in, it would be because of Amiga expanding as a company and Bill needing to concentrate on being Chairman and President - currently he is CEO as well and three top jobs in a company that is attracting the attention we are is at least one job too many.

Any CEO to be brought in would be as part of the team and would be totally in sync with the current strategic direction of the company.

If someone is posting information to the contrary then it can only be for ulterior motives.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 13:40:35
#21 ]
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Ever the diplomat

So who's Gary Hare?

How would they know ?

PowerTower A1200, 060/80Mhz, Heatsink & Fan, 66MBRam, PowerFlyerGold, 50xCDRomdrive, 250Zip, 2.1

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 13:41:10
#22 ]
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From: Adelaide Australia.

Up util this point I have tried to be fair to Genesi.Being newly returned I have had no bias against them.I supported Amiga Inc as they hold the IP trademarks etc and are the "Official Amiga"

Now I read this:

His intentions are now perfectly clear for all to see.
He had absolutely no intention of working with Amiga, he has no intetention to bring Amiga back to the forefront.All this small little man is interested in is money, to use the Amiga community to line his own damn pockets using every sleazy underhanded bullsh*t tactic he can think of.
And now he want to pawn this off onto a Gary Hare (who does in fact exist as a vice chairman of a company, the name of which I forget)
I tell you, considering this guys resume if Amiga Inc had him as CEO we would have gained a very valueable asset for the community.
And Bill Buck has effectively split the Amiga community.
I put this guy in the same league as Harold Frank, only worse.

For some dispute with Bill McEwen, and to line his own pockets he has engaged in an unceasing campaign splitting the Amiga community and risked the comeback of our beloved machine, and has nearly screwed it up for everybody.

Its petty, its immoral, and now that I know the truth I am more than a little p*ssed off about the entire situation.


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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 13:44:57
#23 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

I think this has all to do with the fact that Genesi never ever had expected that the AOne-XE G4 would be available in such high numbers.

The fact that Vesalia now have them too and are shipping makes them a little bit nervous.

I think it's just an attempt of pushing sales down which really is not going to happen.

I hope I get mine soon too.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 13:47:24
#24 ]
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From: Charlotte, NC

For some dispute with Bill McEwen, and to line his own pockets he has engaged in an unceasing campaign splitting the Amiga community and risked the comeback of our beloved machine, and has nearly screwed it up for everybody.

Read back awhile... He has done this type thing over and over for the last year or so... sad.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 13:49:36
#25 ]
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i really dont know what to say, this is tearing my interests apart even... i am so fed up of pegasos*mos, and atm..., one is feeding us with stuff to hate the other, and the other really doesnt do anything to prevent it from happening, its like a big mean BULLY at school who attacks the smart kid , but lets hope it will be like its always been, the smart kid (with no muscles) revisits in the future and beeing alot stronger in many areas, unlike the bully who ended up as a sports fan and drank himself to death or ended up as a totally moron in his town/community.

i hope that this is JUST FUD! , i am so sick and tired of this back and forth ####...

good luck on solving this fleecy and the rest of , to bill buck and his team....maybe for once you should have all the aspects cleared before u post stuff like you did? , this is really pissing me off and in the end you will regret it.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 14:03:03
#26 ]

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I find it a tad funny that people in general dont see through the smoke and mirrors and looks at who gains what from this.

Does Amiga gain anything from not announcing a new CEO leaving that up to a competitor?

Is there an alterior motive to this from the competitor and what do they gain from that?

Maybe the person spreading this should figure out what title they have before they talk of others(hint hint).

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 14:31:15
# ]

This sort of News made by stupid lies made by stupid people.Stupid is a stupid does.This is the biggest pack of lies I have ever herd.Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get!

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 14:38:00
#28 ]
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From: Norrköping, Sweden

and the other really doesnt do anything to prevent it from happening,

Eeeehh.. And how are they supposed to "prevent" Bill Buck from spreading FUD? All they *can* do is what Fleecy is currently doing; officially denying these unfounded accusations to the public.

Sammy Nordström, A.K.A. "Samface" - The Non-Commercial Network of Digital Arts.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 14:42:00
#29 ]
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I liked this bit best:
The whole AmigaDE lawsuit was just a means to shut Bill McEwen up and force Amiga Inc. into a settlement that might include us obtaining the rights to the Amiga trademarks and the classic OS

How would sueing them over DE allow them access to the Classic OS? I mean, I understand that they are suing AmigaINC because they won't let them intergrate DE into MOS. Fine, all Amiga have to say is "Off you go then"#, intergrrate it".

And I also liked:
Back to the lawsuit...the worst case for us would be enforcing our license agreement that would require Amiga Inc. to integrate DE for use in some way with the Pegasos which would then allow us to use the trademarks (as there are some that would prefer to call the Pegasos an Amiga).

If he is so proud of the Pegasos, why is he so eager to call it something else? And not only something else, the same name as the competetors! It is like Microsoft suing Apple so they can call Windows, MacOS (Windows Version). Petty.

If we do obtain the rights to the classic AmigaOS one way or the other, we will even work with the OS4 development team.

Again, this seems to me to indicate that he is more interested in being able to call MorphOS "AmigaOS" then he is actually helping the community at large. Also what makes him think that Hyperion even need his help with OS4? They seem to be going along quite nicely!

Ok rant over... This will be the last I will say on the subject


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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 14:42:06
#30 ]
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From: Adelaide Australia.

As I said mate, I am recently returned to the Amiga scene and have been unable to track down the source of the problem, and have been unwilling to ask in case a flamewar ensues, nor did I want to bring bad blood back to the surface.

Amiga may have messed up with the coupon thing, but thats for them and the people involved to sort out, not for Bill Buck.

I am glad of this, for now I know the truth of just who and what Bill Buck is.Nothing more than a lying, greedy, small little man.

If Amiga Inc\Eyetech\hyeperion need a body in Australia, I'm your man.


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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 15:31:11
# ]

AmigaInc's performance has been so weak that rumours like this can exist.

Rumours need belivers. Every time someone like BBRV brings some up, there is a couple of zelots standing by to sing his praise, and a couple more followers spearding the word. No one of the lot ever questions what he says, or care to ask the other side.

And they call me a "blind follower". Irony isn't it.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 15:46:43
#32 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

And they call me a "blind follower". Irony isn't it.

Indeed. Couldn't agree more.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 15:56:56
#33 ]
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Well, one thing to keep in mind about Bill Buck is that he was part of VisCorp (I forget exactly what his position was). A company that had it's own dubious reputation.

When searching the 'histories' of Amiga, take special note of VisCorp's role and you'll get a much clearer perspective on Bill Buck. He is one of the many reasons why I back(ed) AI instead of bplan/MOS/Genesi.

Unless otherwise explicitly stated, this message is not meant to affirm nor deny, defend nor offend any faction within the 'Amiga' Community.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 16:21:02
#34 ]
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From: Denmark

Nice to hear ... and one more evidence that we can not trust 'any' word by Bill Buck!

Best regards,
hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund [Denmark]

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 16:35:37
#35 ]
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It was heard all around Gary Hare was the new Amiga Inc’s CEO, but despite stating Bill McEwen still is Amiga Inc’s CEO, you’d never had refuted the idea of Gary Hare as the new CEO regardless of having the opportunity to do just that.
Can we deduce that he is indeed the new CEO to be!?

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 16:38:32
#36 ]
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I agree. I haven't liked Bill Buck since I "met" him (as in reading his posts on the net). I don't know why, it is unlike me to dislike people I actually meet let alone people I only know from online.

I have only really disliked one person at first sight, which scared me. I thought, no, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt, but ultimately my first impression was right.

I have learned to listen to my instincts, and while I don't always obey them, more often then not they are right and I am wrong!

I want to belive BB, but I just can't.


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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 16:45:21
#37 ]

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not to mention the obvious, but as far as I know a company can only have one CEO at the time.
If Bill McEwen is the CEO then the validity of the reasoning falls flat on its face.
But then again you are free to take the word of some wannabe representing another company over the CTO of Amiga Inc. regarding Amiga corporate structure.

Oh well


Jonas Gustavsson
Amiga Inc.

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 16:56:37
#38 ]
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Poster: pixie Date: 2003/4/27 17:35:37


It was heard all around Gary Hare was the new Amiga Inc s CEO, but despite stating Bill McEwen still is Amiga Inc s CEO, you d never had refuted the idea of Gary Hare as the new CEO regardless of having the opportunity to do just that.
Can we deduce that he is indeed the new CEO to be!?

No lets think about that.

Even if it were true i doubt that this CEO would be talking with Genesi to get Aos4 on the Peg/Peg2.

But BillBuck is saying he is so to get ppl who for the only reason for not buying a peg is the fact that there will be no Aos4 on the peg to think that there will be Aos4 on the peg so that they will buy a peg & think that aos4 will be available for it in the future.

But by the time ppl have worked out that it was all a story to get them to buy a Peg it will all be to late.

PowerTower A1200, 060/80Mhz, Heatsink & Fan, 66MBRam, PowerFlyerGold, 50xCDRomdrive, 250Zip, 2.1

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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 17:02:35
#39 ]
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From: Adelaide Australia.

There is no need for fleecy to do such a thing.The suggestion that Gary Hare(whoever he may be) will be the next CEO is based on a lie to begin with.As the lie has been exposed, the reasoning behind the suggestion has no basis in fact, and no rebuttal is required.
In fact, a rebuttal would just further attention on the topic, and arouse even more intrest which is the exact desired effect of the lie to begin with.Better to simply ignore it


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Re: Has Amiga Inc changed CEO?
Posted on 27-Apr-2003 17:59:07
#40 ]
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hmm bill buck hare? :)

from this time on, when ever i think of mos or pegasos i will think of "HARE" , so i will now officially name it the billbuckhare scandal , TM 2003 april.

See my blog and collection website! .

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