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Software News   Software News : Hollywood now also available for Windows
   posted by softwarefailure on 7-Feb-2010 10:48:13 (9485 reads)
Airsoft Softwair are proud to announce the immediate availability of Hollywood for the Windows operating system. The Windows version of Hollywood is identical to the Amiga version, except that the Windows version comes with a convenient integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to create Hollywood programs fast and easy. The Windows version of Hollywood is perfect for users who need to work with Hollywood in places where they don't have access to their Amiga system, e.g. at work or on notebooks while travelling. Scripts can be easily developed under Windows and then compiled for all platforms supported by Hollywood, i.e. AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS, Windows, Mac OS X PowerPC and Mac OS X Intel.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of features of the Hollywood Windows IDE:

- Ultra-fast syntax highlighting even for large projects
- Multiple projects can be opened at the same time
- Syntax of inbuilt functions is shown during typing
- Comprehensive context sensitive online help
- Browser allows convenient project management
- User-defined functions can be easily accessed through the function list
- Easy access to project data files using an integrated viewer
- IDE is highly customizable (appearance & behaviour)
- Scripts can be saved as AVI videos
- Full printer support
- Unlimited undo & redo support
- Convenient context menus and shortcuts
- Extensive (30,000+ lines) of searchable documentation
- System integration (launch Hollywood scripts directly by double-clicking the .hws!)
- Many colorful icons designed by Martin "Mason" Merz
- Native Win32 application: no additional software required
- Runs on Windows 2000 and up

Please keep in mind that these were only the features of Hollywood's Windows IDE. The IDE is of course just the front-end for Hollywood's incredible multimedia power. To learn more about Hollywood itself, please visit the Airsoft Softwair homepage. There are also plenty of screenshots of the Hollywood IDE available here

Hollywood for Windows is available on CD-ROM or as a download version. Users who already own the Amiga version of Hollywood can buy a discounted crossgrade to the Windows version of Hollywood. Please note that this crossgrade is a special offer only available for users of the very latest Hollywood version (4.5).

Hollywood is the ultimate bridge between all the different platforms because it allows you to easily save your projects for many different platforms! And the best thing is that you do not even have to have the operating system you are targetting because Hollywood can compile for all platforms from every platforms it is running on. I.e., you can cross-compile Mac OS X application bundles right from Windows, or you can cross-compile AmigaOS 4 binaries from Windows. Only Hollywood makes it possible!

All this makes Hollywood The Cross-Platform Multimedia Application Layer. Join the Multimedia revolution and get your personal copy of Hollywood now!

Airsoft Softwair - talk less, deliver more.

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:31:00
#21 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Nov-2003
Posts: 1195
From: Northern Scotland

Very nice..again quality apps from AmigaOS get to Win :)

Which usually means the Amiga version gets dumped not soon after

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:41:05
#22 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I think its a good thing, lets just hope it does not go unnoticed at many things do if its not produced by Microsoft.

and lets hope Airsoft Softwair does not forget about amiga in the process.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 14:46:21
#23 ]
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Joined: 16-Feb-2005
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From: Norway

Bye bye, future Amiga version


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 15:17:33
#24 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Oct-2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia

I am perplexed as to how so many perceive this added functionality for the Windows version is a bad thing.

I am tempted to make purchase now, in a way I was not before. In which case you would see more software for your Amiga.

I think it would be insanely easier to develop an IDE for the Windows platform than any other. They either used a higher level language than is available on Amiga platforms, or modified an open-source IDE.

It looks like a decent IDE. I would think congratulations are in order, rather than commiserations.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
Opinions expressed are my own and not those of C= USA.
Commodore/AMIGA "Beautiful, High-Performance, Home Computers for Creativity and Entertainment."

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 15:30:55
#25 ]
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Joined: 16-Feb-2005
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From: Norway


Look at our past history of native amiga apps,getting ported to windows,and the answer is pretty clear.


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 15:55:02
#26 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Oct-2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia

Look at our past history of native amiga apps,getting ported to windows,and the answer is pretty clear.

It is clearly a labour of love. I see no reason for a technology that already supports ALL Amiga variants to vanish. All it does is open up more possibilities. They have stuck with the Amiga platform so far, why would it disappear now? At least that is how I would approach it if I was in their shoes. Honestly, should they be re-affirming their commitment to the Amiga platform on every release, when it is clear they are still supporting it. Everyone seems to be getting so jumpy.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
Opinions expressed are my own and not those of C= USA.
Commodore/AMIGA "Beautiful, High-Performance, Home Computers for Creativity and Entertainment."

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 15:56:08
#27 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

The IDE could be the first of the 'added extras' in the Windows version that doesnt appear on AmigaOS. Add some more 'extra features' and soon people will not look at AmigaOS with Hollywood anymore and development could stop 'cause of 'lack of interest' from customers in the Amiga version of Hollywood.

A statement from Andreas could easy our minds a little, but I've seen that before also. Developers asuring that Amiga version will not stop being updated, but eventualy they where....

Ofcourse there is nothing 'happening' yet, but again, the signs are not good. IMVHO..

Theres a time to live and a time to die
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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 15:57:18
#28 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle

I can't stop thinking that one of the very few Amiga only applications left is now available for Windows is bad news but I am also thinking about the developers of this application who can't live on Amiga users alone...

If you wanted to get Hollywood you needed an Amiga now you don't anymore, any Windows box will do.

Let's face it, Amiga is doomed, unless some proper money gets behind it and unifies the efforts this is and will remain a hobby with a hint of nostalgia attached to it for a few thousands people.

Let's see what the x1000 brings...

Last edited by TheDaddy on 07-Feb-2010 at 03:59 PM.
Last edited by TheDaddy on 07-Feb-2010 at 03:58 PM.


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:04:39
#29 ]
Elite Member
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....


If you wanted to get Hollywood you needed an Amiga now you don't anymore, any Windows box will do.

Yes, I agree...

We needed apps of this porportion to be Amiga only. Now another reason to get an Amiga is gone.
It was or could have been a major selling point for Amiga hardware.

Theres a time to live and a time to die
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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:06:45
#30 ]
Joined: 16-Feb-2004
Posts: 88
From: Germany

No worries. We at Airsoft Softwair are Amiga fanatics, otherwise we obviously would have left long time ago. I can assure you that Hollywood on Amiga won't be cancelled. Heck, we're even still supporting highly exotic systems like the m68k/ppc hybrid driver named WarpOS! Who else is doing commercial software for WarpOS these days? You name it, nobody.
Still, everybody who is interested in Hollywood should buy it because only that makes future developments possible. I need to see how much customers there are. It doesn't help to say "I will buy it as soon as it can do [insert random feature here]"...

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:13:12
#31 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle

>>We needed apps of this porportion to be Amiga only. Now another reason to get an Amiga is gone.
It was or could have been a major selling point for Amiga hardware.

Of course, but I also understand that they need to make money so they need to branch out.

The fact remains that Hollywood could have been bundled with the X1000 and could have been THE or one of the killer apps.

Even from an Amigan point of view let's say there is an Amiga only game, a fantastic 3D shooter and then the developer ports it to Windows and I can run the same game with a super card (Radeon 5970 2GB GDDR5) with directX 11 and all the special effects, on which machine do you think I would run that game? On Amiga at 25FPS or a Windows box at 500FPS+?

I have Quake1, 2 and 3 on my SAMs and PC when I play Q1 online I use the PC...high frame rate and lower ping.

Last edited by TheDaddy on 07-Feb-2010 at 04:14 PM.


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:15:35
#32 ]
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Joined: 16-Feb-2005
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From: Norway


Other native amiga apps,probably also started out as labour of love,but as the apps them selfs grows more complex,and therefor needs more time to develop further. The actual cost to develop goes up,and that also mean they need better income, So i do understand why they ported it. The Amiga marked is not big enough,to sustain the increased cost,and that means "bye bye"...


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:23:46
#33 ]
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From: Russia

Will buy hollywood in next 20-30 days 100% :)

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:28:39
#34 ]
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....


Yes, I understand. But what will happen if the Windows version is (or is made) more apealing to customers ?

See the above mention of the game example.

So are we going to see an Amiga-Hollywood-IDE ?

And what happens if some Windows generated Hollywood apps, need more power that is available on PC's but not on Amigas ?

Will the Amiga version get support for -well, i don't know- the X1000 and it's programable Xmos chip ?

edit: What reason could a developer have for choosing Amiga Hollywood instead of Windows Hollywood to write stuff ? The nice OS ? Seriously, I see the Amiga Hollywood sales going down.
That said, I will keep on supporting Amiga Hollywood, until it becomes easier for me to do stuff on my WinPC with Hollywood. And I think many other will do the same.

Last edited by Metalheart on 07-Feb-2010 at 04:43 PM.

Theres a time to live and a time to die
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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:28:42
#35 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada

this is great news for us! more users = more cross paltform apps for us

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! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:35:41
#36 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 24-Mar-2003
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From: Haugesund, Norway

Cubic-IDE has got Hollywood-support already. Rigo is also working on a Hollywood-plugin to Codebench.

Personally i would prefer if Airsoft Softwair focused on improving Hollywood and Designer instead of making a new IDE to Amiga :)


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:49:49
#37 ]
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Joined: 14-Nov-2003
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From: Northern Scotland

this is great news for us! more users = more cross paltform apps for us

And Windows users will be compiling loads of Amiga versions of their Hollywood presentations will they ?

I doubt it, they will produce PC only stuff.

Everytime an application gets a Windows version, the original Amiga version dies.

Distant Suns, DOpus Magellan, Lightwave, Imagine, VistaPro etc.etc.etc. The list is endless.

No one will be producing any Amiga realted material nor anything that can be used on an Amiga with a Windows version

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:54:28
#38 ]
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Joined: 24-Mar-2003
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From: Haugesund, Norway

Even if Hollywood now supports Windows this is not the case when it comes to Hollywood Designer.

I really hope amigans actually show their interest and actually buys Designer whenever a new amiga-version is released.

It is frustrating that we on the one hand want Hollywood to be amiga-only, and yet so few actually buys it.

Hollywood / Designer is an amazing package and indeed the killer app amgia needs to attract new users. When Airsoft is so clear that they will continue to support amgiaOS I think we should believe them. When have they ever broken a promise!? The fact that they have stayed with us all they way to 2010 shows that they are serious!


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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 16:59:37
#39 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world


The advantage of having that killer app only for Amiga might disapear.

FYI before Windows version there existed OSX version. I wouldnt call it killer application either because it is not known by majority and is not "must have" application.


Again, dont ever call me a whiner !!

You are a whiner with "me! me! me!" attitude. There is no free lunch.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Hollywood now also available for Windows
Posted on 7-Feb-2010 17:08:18
#40 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

Hollywood is like AmigaDE, except better. ;-P


Hollywood & Co is very high also on my shopping list. (AOS4 version)

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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