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Software News   Software News : New Sputnik Beta released!
   posted by Zardoz on 10-Mar-2007 0:53:56 (6639 reads)
The second beta of Sputnik has been released for MorphOS.

It can be found on the project's website.

Sputnik is a KHTML-based browser for Amiga-like systems, currently only available for MorphOS but an AmigaOS4 port is looking more and more likely.

This new version supports cookies, file downloading, fast-links, SLL, spoofing and significantly improves stability.
It requires the latest released MUI beta (22/9/2006) and a fairly up to date version of the Ambient desktop.

Note that this software is still under development, many features you would expect from a browser might be missing and you should read the documentation before using it.

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Re: New Sputnik Beta released!
Posted on 12-Mar-2007 19:25:46
#41 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Apr-2003
Posts: 820
From: Fargo, ND, USA

The Amiga(tm) people complain
alot about MorphOS and how that is just a bad
clone of AmigaOS and not the real deal. So if
you dislike MorphOS so much, why don't you
just leave us alone? But nooo.

Oh, the brutal, savage irony...

...wait... what?

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Re: New Sputnik Beta released!
Posted on 12-Mar-2007 19:49:35
#42 ]
Team Member
Joined: 13-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

The real irony is that both sides have always been doing exactly the same thing but neither ever realised it...


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Re: New Sputnik Beta released!
Posted on 12-Mar-2007 20:05:16
#43 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 3410
From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal

I won't be donating to this project for the one simple fact that I don't agree with his 'Demands' of a certain cash settlement before he even thinks about supporting a platform that he doesn't even like!

Just for coherence sake (no, not that one) I hope you won't be using it once released, one ought to have ethics..

I don't think it would take much for a dedicated programmer to follow on from what he has done.

You're surely don't... where's this 'dedicated programer' you're talking about who lives on thin air? I bet he's still on wonderland...

A more worthy donation would be to the IBrowse team for IBrowse3 instead lining some capitalistic Polish dude's pockets who's making a fortune off other people's work, i.e. Nokia, KHTML team etc.

Would you be any smarter and it could be you earning such easy money... the licence clearly allows 'this polish dude' to do it, you don't even wonder why Nokia, KHTML team allows him (as well as others) to do what he does... perhaps you're preaching the wrong people, you should talk directly to Nokia and KTeam as it were them who allowed him to...

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Re: New Sputnik Beta released!
Posted on 12-Mar-2007 20:18:52
#44 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Seems I've hit a nerve here doesn't it! Well sorry for voicing my opinion, a lot of people really need to start accepting other people's opinions, and especially when they're given without looking through rose-tinted Amiga glasses.

The idea itself is sound, and Marcik has done well to get this far, it's all of this bounty garbage that I'm in disagreement with.

The capitalistic Polish dude is a student in a country with low wages and while I understand that many people believe it's unfair that he's asking $4000 for the easy part of the port, which is fair enough, I do not believe that giving $4000 to the iBrowse or any other team would give the same return, a KHTML MUI custom class for anyone to use.

No, giving $4000 to the iBrowse team wouldn't end up with the same result, I agree, but then iBrowse is released for all to try before they decide to purchase it. I bought my iBrowse keyfile years ago, along with keyfiles for every major piece of software released that I use on a regular basis.

I have absolutely no quarms with paying developers for the time and effort they put into their software, I'll happily pay for OS4 Sputnik when I've tried it and it's as feature rich and stable as iBrowse, but this particular deal which involves an extra $4000 (and an µA1) being given to a developer that, by his own admission, has zero interest in AmigaOS 4 just seems so wrong.

What's to stop him just taking the cash and running after the first alpha release? Or upping the bounty when he realises that his unrealistic target has been met?

This might be a bit pesamistic but...

Don't take this the wrong way, I admire people doing development work because of pure interest and good intentions, it's just that in my world there should be room for a commercial approach aswell.

Well I must disagree here because anyone trying to earn a living off AmigaOS (or any of its clones) is seriously disillusioned. Maybe in time, commercial software development can return but certainly not at the moment.

And if you are going to go down the commercial route, do it properly and don't ask for huge sums of money up front... how many times have Amiga users' had their fingers burnt in the past because of this approach?

Luckily we all live in a free world (don't we?) and people can decide for themselves what to support.

Exactly, and the intention of my original post was to let my feelings be known why I've decided not to support this project at the minute.

Surely if we live in a free world, then my opinion should be observed and taken on board as my choice.

If $4k is much, then the $12k or so for the amizilla where progress is indicated each ½ year by a statusupdate, is surely more?

Yes, of course it is, that's why I haven't, and won't, donate to that project either.

Marcik is doing a great job on Sputnik.

And when was this ever in question? Of course it looks like he's doing a fantastic job, it shows in the work he has released so far.

-- 8< -- Boring MorphOS Rant -- 8< --


It's posts like Slash's that gives the entire Amiga(tm) side a very bad reputation.

Because I voiced an opinion which doesn't suit what you inevitably want to hear? Deal with it!

Just for coherence sake (no, not that one) I hope you won't be using it once released, one ought to have ethics..

Of course I will be using it if and when it's released, and if I find it to be useful then I'll gladly send Marick the same amount of cash as I paid for my iBrowse keyfile.

Like I said before, I don't have any problems with supporting developers with cash when I have something try, even in beta form.

where's this 'dedicated programer' you're talking about who lives on thin air? I bet he's still on wonderland

Oh come on, there are a lot of programmers dedicated to the AmigaOS, or MorphOS, cause who I'm sure if they weren't busy with their own projects, would like to take something like this on.

That's my last comment on this subject in this thread, if you want to argue the toss with me then PM me.

Last edited by Slash on 12-Mar-2007 at 08:28 PM.
Last edited by Slash on 12-Mar-2007 at 08:28 PM.

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It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: New Sputnik Beta released!
Posted on 12-Mar-2007 21:49:34
#45 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 5-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown

"What's to stop him just taking the cash and running after the first alpha release? Or upping the bounty when he realises that his unrealistic target has been met?

This might be a bit pesamistic but..."

this is highly offensive for the author AND for Troels who is doing a great job for free and for all (for you too).

I think that theese two guys, deserves an apology from you.

You are free to not agree with this project but at least avoid crap comments.


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Re: New Sputnik Beta released!
Posted on 12-Mar-2007 22:51:18
#46 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2005
From: Unknown

Well I must disagree here because anyone trying to earn a living off AmigaOS (or any of its clones) is seriously disillusioned. Maybe in time, commercial software development can return but certainly not at the moment.

You know it's possible to make money on software without that being your primary income, Marcin's certainly not trying to make a living from Sputnik. I am well aware living in Poland is cheaper but how long would 4K take you?

Anyway this is sort of a commercial approach and you are just about to be proven wrong.

And if you are going to go down the commercial route, do it properly and don't ask for huge sums of money up front... how many times have Amiga users' had their fingers burnt in the past because of this approach?

You said before anyone trying to earn a living on commercial Amiga software was disillusioned. I am not disillusioned and neither is Marcin. Disillusioned would be doing it "the proper" (or traditional) way. You should be well aware that in a community with 1000 users that would be commercial suicide.

I don't think $4000 is a huge sum and they won't be paid upfront. I don't remember any projects using this approach where people burnt their fingers, please name those projects!

Last edited by Troels on 12-Mar-2007 at 10:52 PM.


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