posted by tokai on 11-Oct-2009 11:30:42 (2912 reads)
Keymap.sbar (Screenshot) is a plugin for the screen titlebar and allows comfortable switching between multiple keymaps without having to open MorphOS' System Preferences each time.
* Support for MorphOS and legacy (AmigaOS 3.1) keymaps * A configurable keymap selection * Beautiful hand-pixeled images in two sizes * Hotkey for opening the quick selection menu * Hotkey for cycling between activated keymaps * Quick launching of Keystroke (character overview and selection) * Fully localized.
* MorphOS 2.1 or better * 200 KB free hard disk space
Following a brief list of all changes since the first public beta release (version 20.3).
* Fixed two NULL reads (thanks to Nicolas Sallin for reporting) * Defer keymap scanning; do it on demand rather than init * Do not load config two times on init. * New configurable hotkey to trigger opening of menu * New configurable hotkey to cycle between active keymaps * Localization * Added help bubbles to preference page options * German translation * Installer improvements and updated documentation
Very nice. One thing/idea to add [how I do it from Windows]:
Would be very useful to attach keyboard shortcut for each language as [for example] - using Photoshop and click CTRL + SPACE makes some stuff to do in Illustrator [panning] while you are in Edit mode, so when I use it very often it swaps languages.
So I set up:
CTRL+LSHIFT+1 for English keyboard layout, CTRL+LSHIFT+2 for Serbian latinic keyboard layout & CTRL+LSHIFT+3 for Serbian Ћирилица keyboard layout.
Think about something similar in either OS4 or MorphOs :)