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Internet News   Internet News : Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
   posted by Gebrochen on 26-Jul-2010 10:37:04 (7948 reads)
Hello Amigans, Monthly Page 13 is out now.


- Interview with online Amiga shop

- Uno Kraeppe Article by Damien also known as Hypex.

- Some advert pictures.

- x1000 Show - Article by micknish also known as 1mouse

One can go to and then to the Monhly tab to download Monthly Page 13 along with older issues.

For those not interested in the index page or any other pages, Direct Link is here :

And feel free to check out our Workbench magazine, freely downloadable from one of our Amiga clubs in Victoria from the direct link here :

The 2009 and 2010 issues will also eventually appear on this website, atm there are technical difficulties, so I am told.

Hope everyone has some nice reading here.


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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:33:30
#21 ]
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@ minuos

PDF is viewable on all platforms, dont know about ascii, sorry.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:48:15
#22 ]
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@ kas1e :

Unless you have something positive to say by way of criticism, I will from now on ignore any comments made by you, and, in all honesty, our magazine is only meant to be informative, not EYE CANDY like your magazine, different taste and different situation.


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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:48:43
#23 ]
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He mean plain .txt files by ascii (back in time was released many ascii mags, which use only ascii table of characters for). I.e no graphics, no any tags, just plain text. That format was very popular for the ms-dos's mags, because graphics on PC machines with EGA/CGA was very sucky. On amiga i also remember plain-text magazines, but that was no so popular , because even OCS chipset give the coders features by which they do good looking engines (diskmags like ROM and RAW was out at these time when ms-dos mags mostly was ascii/ansi).

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:49:36
#24 ]
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Blaah, i am off from discussion. Be happy with your crap.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:50:08
#25 ]
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@ ChrisH

Thank you for your positive constructive feedback.

I agree, but it seems good in Pagestream 4, then when exporting to PDF, things hit the fan, so from now on, until I update to PageStream 5, out team member 1mouse will do the final PDF.

* Large font size - at least 10 point. (Of course this increases the number of pages - and maybe will please Kas1e!)
* Only two columns per page. (Even three might be ok, but four is way too much.)
* Automatic spacing between paragraphs. At the moment it seems to be manually done (if at all), and makes reading much harder.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:53:01
#26 ]
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@ Troels,

Thank you for feedback, yes, but I figured PDF would be nicer, just in case some people want to take it to an amiga meeting, and read it in their spare time, without the need for an internet connection.

Maybe in distant future this will become a possibility, to have both options available to the community, HTML live version, as well as a take away version in PDF format.


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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:54:08
#27 ]
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@ Mechanic

I am glad you enjoyed this Magazine, have you read the past issues and their interviews?

Some interesting interviews.

Also, seems in future you may even like the magazine even better.

Cheers and thank you for your kindness.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 9:56:56
#28 ]
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@ Bitman

Although you like the format, we will change it every month, until more amigans like it, but what the other amigans that don't like it must understand is this :

it is only meant to be an informative PDF mag that is 1 - 4 pages in length, with a nice interview from an fellow amigan, and that fellow amigan does not have to be a big guy, like vesalia, audio evolution, amiboing, boing attitude, etc, but can also be anyone from the community that would like to share his / her passion and tell the world all the things they have created, etc.

Thank you for positive feedback.

Hope you like future Monthly Pages, with the small changes that may take place per issue.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 14:31:50
#29 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Poorly edited, too short and with nothing interesting in it

Well thanks. I used to get annoyed when I saw someone blog on the internet and drop their crap everywhere! But now I feel I've uploaded my faeces into a small PDF each month.

I hope the people interviewed from the Amiga commuity don't feel the same way!

Straight ASCII would be better.

Yeah, if it were the 70's. What would we call it? That 70's Page? Haha!

You say it's too short but now you want the Monthly Readme? C'mon! Obviously you haven't read the whole series.

Wait, did you read the last one? If you didn't see any graphics your PDF reader is broken or you disabled graphics. Hang on, you said graphics; sorry the Monthly Page contains images!

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 14:35:08
#30 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia



Now really, did your drag selection go wrong there?

Check other mags, check other PDF mags. Download all the amiga PDF mags and compare.

Okay King of the kas1e. How about a few links to compare?

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 15:35:49
#31 ]
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Now i understand why you work with gebrochen. I wish you luck :)

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 16:38:55
#32 ]
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>PDF is viewable on all platforms, dont know about ascii, sorry.

That was a joke, right? Or are you really saying that you produce a computer magazine yet do not know what ASCII is?! That would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 28-Jul-2010 20:36:17
#33 ]
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Just wanted to say I appreciate your effort and enjoy reading your monthly page.
I contains more than just repeating what has been posted on websites and It's the perfect size for a quick read during my lunch hour.

To some of the others here who are being so critical, I say you should be ashamed of yourselves! Here is a guy who VOLUNTEERS his time and effort to supply a FREE monthly page and all you can do is bash the effort! I'm really dissappointed in this element of the community. Constructive suggestions to help improve readibility is one thing, and I do appreciate that it is not in italics anymore, but bashing the effort is uncalled for. It's not like you PAY for it or even HAVE to read it if you don't like it.

Gebrochen, I hope you won't be discouraged and just wanted to say there are people out here that appreciate your efforts.

Sorry for the mini rant, which I rarely do, but it ticks me off when people bash efforts of someone who volunteers thier time and effort in an attempt to contribute something positive to the community. In my opinion Gebrochen certiantly does.

Kevin - X1000 First Contact / A1222+

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 5:54:16
#34 ]
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From: Australia

@ KAS1E :

I just read your reply on the other mag youve shown a few times, and so now realise that it seems any of the REAL design or GRAPHICS are mostly done OUTSIDE of the Amiga platform.


I rest my case, and would like to say I think we were doing ok, and will try to do a little better over time using 95% of Amiga Platform,

Especially since we havent spent 1 - 2 years on a magazine, doing it part time basis, and using only Amiga, excpet from now on the exporting of the final PDF.


While your mag might be good, you yourself only write two articles in it, HENCE, that means that many, MANY other people have contributed to the magazine, and so can not and should not be compared to our simple INFORMATIVE ONLY PDF pages.

Judging by your English skills, other people also edit what you write.


P.S. Looking forward to your next two articles, I'll make an effort to download the next one.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 6:19:05
#35 ]
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@ ktadd

No, I will continue to try being creative, and in my spare time will continue doing the PDF, now that I have two team members helping out with articles on the Monthly Page, suppose it may be more regular to see two pages.

Thank you for your encouragement though, was not sur eif anyone likes reading Interviews from Other Successful Amigans, and some other Amigans that are normal users.


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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 9:32:42
#36 ]
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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 13:34:02
#37 ]
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Why are you telling me this, I already know it! Even most lamers know this. Apparently not Gebrochen though which is entirely my point.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 15:07:19
#38 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Now i understand why you work with gebrochen.

Haha. Wait, why? Because I'm patient and understanding?

I wish you luck :)


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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 15:12:31
#39 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Even most lamers know this. Apparently not Gebrochen though

I guess by that logic Gebrochen isn't a lamer then

But knowing what ASCII means is a bit nerdy. I might have known for years and even spelled it out for my dad yesterday in conversation. But to pick a large populace, does the average Windows user know what an "Ascii" is? Sounds like some kind of star to me.

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Re: Monthly Page 13 and WorkBench Magazines from AUG.
Posted on 29-Jul-2010 22:02:24
#40 ]
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@ktadd Quote:
To some of the others here who are being so critical, I say you should be ashamed of yourselves! Here is a guy who VOLUNTEERS his time and effort to supply a FREE monthly page and all you can do is bash the effort! I'm really dissappointed in this element of the community. Constructive suggestions to help improve readibility is one thing, and I do appreciate that it is not in italics anymore, but bashing the effort is uncalled for. It's not like you PAY for it or even HAVE to read it if you don't like it.

I definitely agree! First someone repeatedly crapping on Joerg's wonderful OWB effort. Now someone else repeatedly crapping on Gebrochen's nice little magazine. Jesus, it's a wonder anybody's still trying to do anything nice for us Amigans, when there are so many seemingly ready to crap on other people's efforts that they generously do for FREE.

If someone really thinks something is utterly crap, (and especially if they don't know how to be polite/subtle,) then they should keep quiet & do something better themselves, to show how it can be done. It's easy to be an armchair critic, it's a lot harder to actually do something.

I hope you won't take Kas1e's ummm "feedback" badly. It's easier to said than done, but best if you just ignore such over-the-top criticism.

BTW, from what I've seen, I think your mag has a lot of potential - the content itself is pretty good, even if the layout needs improving (as you already know).

Shame you were limited by Amiga programs. I wonder if you could use Wordworth, generate a PostScript file, and then use PS2PDF to convert that to a PDF? Might work...

@kas1e Quote:
Blaah, i am off from discussion.

Dropping it would a good idea I think, after you've tried & failed a number of times to be understood in the way you expected. No need to keep digging yourself deeper. (And yes, I've made this mistake a few times myself, but sadly on much more emotive issues than a PDF magazine...)

Most likely I'll have to drop this issue as well (you don't seem to be heeding my criticisms in the way I hoped either!), but I would be happy to discuss it privately, if you wished.

Be happy with your crap.

OMG. What the h**l do you hope to achieve by being *extra rude* at the end?

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