posted by Evillord68 on 4-Jan-2014 17:49:23 (4139 reads)
SOLID GOLD is a Jump'n Run with 8-way soft scrolling. It's written for the classic Amiga hardware and designed in the style of the early 90s.
The game features ten levels spanning four worlds, with different graphics and enemies. Each level's goal is to find an artefact which will lead the way to the next world.
Click "Read More" for more info.
License: --------
Solid Gold in electronic form (web download) is FREEWARE. A boxed version on a physical disk may be charged for, to cover expenses.
The source text and all its data are PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Solid Gold team: ----------------
Created by Night OWL Design in Herford/Germany.
Frank Wille - Code (main programme and level editor) Gerrit Wille - Graphics, Music, Sound, Level Design Pierre Horn - Story
David Steves - Beta testing Marcus Gerards - Beta testing
System Requirements: --------------------
Any OCS-PAL or ECS/AGA Amiga with a minimum of 1 MB RAM (512K Chip RAM required) will do. The game will also run on high-end Amigas but does not make full use of their capabilities. It also works on Minimig and emulators.
I wrote the adfs back to disk but they would not load on my Escom 1200.
I used the disks to install them to my 1200s HDD though with the whdload install package.
Great game. Thanks to the authors and everyone who worked on the game. How much is the physical product? Where do you get it from? Can someone post pictures of the physical boxed product?
Status: Offline
Re: Solid Gold released Posted on 5-Jan-2014 16:38:35
i have been an gamer since early 80s and i own several thousand boxed games and when i say it has a few obvious problems then it is true!. ;) 2d platformers being difficult is no news but it can put people off when a game is difficult from the get go and at the same time be confusing.
completed many levels now and it is a cool game and i'd happily buy a boxed version.