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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Aug-2019 16:41:56
#1121 ]
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outlawal2 wrote:

not mentioning Tabor makes no sense at all.

It's Tabor per se that makes no sense at all. It didn't make sense half a decade ago when it was announced, and even less so today. It was a mistake from the beginning, crippled and with poor performance at way too high cost, by today's standards it will just be embarrassing. I pity those who would "support-purchase" that product while trying to convince themselves they are not fooled. No, that terrible idea should be forgotten already. Shelved and left behind.

What A-Eon should do instead, is to piggyback the Open Source PPC Laptop project, but instead designing a Mini-ITX (or even Flex ATX) desktop motherboard with a proper PCI-E slot for a real graphics card and a PCI-E x4 M.2 slot. A board like that for a reasonable price tag could actually be interesting.

Last edited by TRIPOS on 11-Aug-2019 at 04:43 PM.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Aug-2019 17:10:17
#1122 ]
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Joined: 15-Nov-2016
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From: Israel, Haderah


All you ever do is this. You did it with both the X1k and the X5k. You are going on and on and on for years regardless of what's being done on the A1 front, so it seems to me that what this community can do without are peeps like you.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Aug-2019 17:25:55
#1123 ]
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Joined: 13-Jun-2005
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What A-Eon should do instead, is to piggyback the Open Source PPC Laptop project, but instead designing a Mini-ITX (or even Flex ATX) desktop motherboard with a proper PCI-E slot for a real graphics card and a PCI-E x4 M.2 slot. A board like that for a reasonable price tag could actually be interesting...

It's Tabor per se that makes no sense at all. It didn't make sense half a decade ago when it was announced, and even less so today. It was a mistake from the beginning, crippled and with poor performance at way too high cost, by today's standards it will just be embarrassing.

So you're effectively suggesting that one ill-conceived hardware effort should be replaced with the equivalent.

For 25 years, the problem has been the software but there's this inane insistence that preserving the status quo through lateral moves will somehow help the platform. There are already lots of ways to do more of the same. Adding another one just compounds the problem.

Hardware is a throw-away commodity.

If the resources are available to do anything for the Amiga they should be devoted to decoupling the OS from its long dead CPU architecture - at best a rewrite and at worst a port.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Aug-2019 17:50:43
#1124 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


What A-Eon should do instead, is to piggyback the Open Source PPC Laptop project,

How many years away do you think that will be?

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 0:36:20
#1125 ]
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I didn't ask you if you agreed with the Tabor I was asking for information from Trevor regarding it.
You have proven time and time again what your opinion of the board is and no one wants to hear it anymore.

IF you have specific information regarding the Tabor (and not your repeated trolling statements) then please let us know.

Otherwise please keep scrolling and keep the trolling drivel to yourself.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 0:50:41
#1126 ]
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From: S.Wales


Trevor will be at Gamescon along with Daniel who will be showing his X5000 and A1222. If anyone here got tickets before they sold out they can check out the Tabor in person and also ask Trevor relevant questions. It would be interesting to know if Daniel's A1222 has an audio driver and the turbo FPU emulation yet.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 10:29:09
#1127 ]
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interesting for what and whom?

It makes no sense at all to do custom hardware in low batches

It would only make sense to use mass-produced hardware and do no custom design at all

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 11:36:11
#1128 ]
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Not if AmigaOS runs on said custom hardware. The Tabor is as low cost as A-EON has managed. Low batches allows A-EON to test the market without over producing (we don't want a A600 scenario). Maybe there could be a CPU revision further down the line?

Most people have another computer for regular work but not everyone likes emulation or dual booting. The A1222 is already designed, tested and waiting to be shipped so there is no point aguing over its reason to be. It exists, will provide a relatively cheap way to run AmigaOS and so it should be released.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 12:07:11
#1129 ]
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From: Unknown


That is already being done and if that is what you want then please go with MORPHOS. Some of us understand that small batches of custom hardware does not make MONETARY sense, but we love a 30 year old system that we already know will never beat mainstream. A big part of WHY we love the Amiga was the different architecture / hardware and I for one still want a RISC based system. Period. The fact that one MAY POSSIBLY be provided for under $500 makes it finally attainable. Not affordable mind you but far more attainable than the Multi Thousand dollar offerings we have had in the past.

No one here is going to make an argument that it makes any kind of fiscal sense, but we want custom hardware and will pay for it. At least pay SOME for it.

And for the record I have all kinds of Amigas.. Several kinds of 68k boxes, a MorphOS box and now I want a 4.1 box....

With that in mind I wonder at Trevor and his insistence that we consult a magazine for information when he frequents this very site himself. I do not currently subscribe to said magazine and it rather pisses me off that he doesn't bother to answer our questions with anything meaningful.

Do you feel you have so many customers just throwing money at your 1222 that you can afford to blow us off?


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 12:17:02
#1130 ]
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From: UK


It sometimes makes me feel ill seeing all the frustration, argumentative spirit and sometimes just rudeness towards people who are trying to help! While it is disappointing that Trevor has not even confirmed what issue of the publication he is refering to. Trevor is probably just trying to help the Amiga magazine in question, that's all.

I think I'll take a break from reading here for a while. Saw this piece of Amiga re-mixed music today which cheered me up!

Last edited by BigD on 12-Aug-2019 at 12:18 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 13:15:42
#1131 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

What's frustrating is seeing your favourite computer environment locked up and entangled in all kind of stupidity and nonsense, year, after year, decade after decade... and for what??

To site Prodigy - #### 'em and their law!

Last edited by kolla on 12-Aug-2019 at 01:18 PM.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 13:51:56
#1132 ]
Joined: 25-Mar-2017
Posts: 73
From: Unknown

Aros, Morphos and amigaos for ppc went into hibernation years ago so just forget about it.
There is no point using any of them. All they can offer is ports of really old games.
We have the vampireteam producing new systems for us and the real amigaos is updated again so the future is here.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 14:21:55
#1133 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2100
From: Czech Republic


We have the vampireteam producing new systems for us and the real amigaos is updated again so the future is here.

Yes of course.

Speaking of the "ports of really old games" we have on PPC AmigaOS (you probably mean those that use the shader-based Warp3D Nova and OpenGL ES): what new games does "the real amigaos" offer to get me interested in the future you are talking about?

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 15:35:16
#1134 ]
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From: Unknown


And I see you have reading comprehension issues as well just like TRIPOS.
If you go back and re read my posts you will notice that NOWHERE in there did I ask for your opinion on Amiga OS, Vampire or any other BS that you decided to dump into this thread.

What was requested was specific information regarding the Tabor and nothing else.

Please troll elsewhere as this thread is for the Tabor and your BS is rude and not wanted.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 15:47:52
#1135 ]
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I am not trying to be rude, I simply can't understand the thought process here...
Trevor states in his blog that he is actively marketing Amiga OS4.1 and yet not one word about the only machine that can currently use it.

Then when I ask about it and start a conversation he replies with some cryptic statement about "Go read it in some magazine" that I may or may not subscribe to. (In my case I do not)

My point is that to answer my question without answering it is rude in and of itself and does nothing to further his own agenda.

My pointing this out is not rude or disrespectful it is simply stating the facts.
And even if this is an attempt to help out the magazine, great I can see that ... But ignoring the question doesn't help anyone.

And for anyone else out there that wants to chime in and bash the Tabor, just don't. I am fully aware of what this product is and isn't and I am not interested in anyone trying to dissuade me to some other product. I don't care if you like the Tabor and I don't care what your pet peeve may be. So save it and stop trolling people like you are 3 years old.

Please add to this thread if you have something useful to add REGARDING THE TABOR. Otherwise please scroll on to something else

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 16:42:01
#1136 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England



Please troll elsewhere as this thread is for the Tabor and your BS is rude and not wanted.

This thread is titled "Trevor's Amiga Blog" . It's thus not about your questions about tabor but about the blog.

WRT to the article in forthcoming magazine, if you have written an article for magazine that requires people to buy it to read you DO NOT release the contents of said article for free on the interwebs days before release.

In terms of rudenes I doubt that Treveor intends to be rude, but if he were it would likely be aimed at the likes of TRIPOS not you.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 16:47:29
#1137 ]
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From: N-Space


I am fully aware of what this product is and isn't and I am not interested in anyone trying to dissuade me to some other product. I don't care if you like the Tabor and I don't care what your pet peeve may be.

I think you may have a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of open discussion forums.

Last edited by bison on 12-Aug-2019 at 04:49 PM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Aug-2019 18:54:20
#1138 ]
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I understand completely the use of a forum, but these types of responses are useless and are meant to be nothing other than annoying and have no bearing on the question at hand...

Too many people throw BS out there for no reason other than to be jerks.
I have zero tolerance for this crap.

And any ADULTS on this forum that are attempting to have a useful conversation should feel the same way as these comments add absolutely nothing to this thread.

Last edited by outlawal2 on 12-Aug-2019 at 06:54 PM.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Aug-2019 14:31:18
#1139 ]
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Joined: 9-Aug-2019
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From: Belgium, LImburg, Bilzen


i total agree with you.

I do like to have information about the Tabor.
Will the amigaXone 1222 come?

I did order the Checkmate 1500 to use with the Tabor.
I will receive this amazing computer case one of the coming weeks.
The Checkmate is there. Where is the A1222 Mr Trevor?

I was almost 2 years ago in Germany on amiga 32.
And no Tabor.
In oktober it is amiga34... i hope with the amiga 1222.
And i have Morphos on my powerbook 1,67 and 17" sreen, and yes it is great.
BUT i want really really really Amiga os4.
Some information is important .

Amiga 500+,
Pi 3b+ and Amiga os 3.10
Amikit XE usb Stick
Powerbook 17" and MorphOS 3.13
PowerMac G5 2.3 MP and MorphOS 3.13
Sam 460 with Amiga os 4.1 and checkmate 1500

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 19-Aug-2019 15:42:53
#1140 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


I think it is the issue that becomes available after the Gamescom show this week .

September 5, 2019 sounds right.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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