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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 13:40:19
#681 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England



Cyborg who is heavily involved in AOS 4.X development wrote that they will not start with Tabor before finishing X5000

so we will see...

Do you think that things written in forums are eternally binding business plans? Perhaps they chnaged their minds, I mean when coding I work on several projects in pararlel, it's not exactly unheard of for others todo the same.

The picture is of a tabor booting to the insert disk screen, which is an important step, because it means HAL and kernel etc are running on it. It'sgreat news for those that boot beta test tabor boards.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 13:49:28
#682 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Jun-2005
Posts: 3918
From: Unknown


Some people just have to be negative.
I use to think that some of them knew what they were talking about.
The Tabor has caused them to reveal themselves for what they really are .

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 14:21:56
#683 ]
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Joined: 5-Apr-2007
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From: Zurich, Switzerland


Well, there are different points of view...

My opinion is that, if someone finished some work for Tabor, it could easily just been written down.

Instead of telling us how far the developement of AmigaOS for X5000 and Tabor really is, I only see a Kickstart image. Why not just tell us about the developement.

We have to wait until the product is available anyway.

Yes, it's true, I'm not the most optimistic person in Amiga land, but the past 20 years have been a bit disappointing to me in terms of Amiga software and hardware. That's why a Kickstart image is not saying anything to me.

Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 14:37:49
#684 ]
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These days a screen shot in Amigaland is the ultimate expression that the developer has reached what he or she considers an important landmark. That screen shot can represent
many hours of work to reach that point. Without kickstart loading the Tabor port could not move forward regardless of the intended time frame .


Birbo wrote:

Well, there are different points of view...

My opinion is that, if someone finished some work for Tabor, it could easily just been written down.

Instead of telling us how far the developement of AmigaOS for X5000 and Tabor really is, I only see a Kickstart image. Why not just tell us about the developement.

We have to wait until the product is available anyway.

Yes, it's true, I'm not the most optimistic person in Amiga land, but the past 20 years have been a bit disappointing to me in terms of Amiga software and hardware. That's why a Kickstart image is not saying anything to me.

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 15:28:47
#685 ]
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Low-cost PowerPC motherboard is deadly menace for resurrection of 68k platform...

Only joking of course, or at least I hope so.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 16:28:51
#686 ]
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Joined: 3-Feb-2004
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From: Poland



Cyborg who is heavily involved in AOS 4.X development wrote that they will not start with Tabor before finishing X5000
so we will see...

I can give you the link to Cyborg who seems to have some inside knowledge as one of the main programmers

OK, may I?

Albeit, but do not take this as given/promise/announcement, it may be that A1222 follows X5000 closely enough to postpone the general update

It doesn't sound like "not starting with Tabor before X5000" to me...

Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM R9250 128MB SB Live!

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 18:07:39
#687 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


Low-cost PowerPC motherboard is deadly menace for resurrection of 68k platform...

Only joking of course, or at least I hope so.

That is silly.
Advances in 68K platforms are no real threat to NG systems.
When you have an FPGA 68K that works @ >1GHz, let me know.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 19:37:07
#688 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England



That is silly.
Advances in 68K platforms are no real threat to NG systems.
When you have an FPGA 68K that works @ >1GHz, let me know.

Pavlor meant that the other way round, that OlafS is scared that cheap NG would render him obsolete, which is clearly silly too...

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 22:44:08
#689 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


Pavlor meant that the other way round, that OlafS is scared that cheap NG would render him obsolete, which is clearly silly too...

Yes, but he WAS joking.
Honestly, I own an A2000 and would not mind a new accelerator.
Neither approach is mutually exclusive.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 11-Mar-2016 22:45:55
#690 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


Some people just have to be negative.
I use to think that some of them knew what they were talking about.
The Tabor has caused them to reveal themselves for what they really are .

Purely opinion.
Some of us just don't like Tabor's low end specifications.
If that sounds negative to you, so be it.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 6:42:52
#691 ]
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 868
From: United Kingdom


Sad News, on a brighter note im glad AmigaOS systems & software continue to be released.

I DO hope Amiga developers can continue to work collectively and develop a system where different versions of hardware can be worked on SIMULTANEOUSLY, properly abstracted with each hardware requirement to auto generate software drivers.

Modular drivers for hardware.

For example, some other operating systems can turn ON/OFF simulated hardware.

Hireing a developer with 6+ years experience in hardware/Driver development including mobile/tablet devices for 35 USD per hour on
to develop a multi platform driver developer framework, Would not be cheap, but may increase development on Amiga projects exponentially.

Download 499.26 Mbps, 659.94 Mbps Upload :)

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 7:03:12
# ]



In the big picture the main problem *I* see right now is, that Hyperion/A-Eon/AmigaKit still keeps up their little drops-by-drops policy of releasing news and updates.

Just one example to the information "standard" and i shut up again.

Take the tabor development in this very thread (so i don't derail it completely).
What we get is a screenshot of the already known disk inserting animation (and we don't get it from the "official" devs, but from a blog).
Just a few words of Trevor how happy he is to see that, nothing else.

Why do we still have to play those childish hide and seek games?
It was "kind of" fun when X and A-Eon were announced, but it outlived itself since then.

What i would like to see is a little more professionality in the PR division (is there even one) of the above mentioned companies and that paying customers are treated like exactly that.

If the OS is finally running on a new board, why don't you just tell it through the Hyperion wepage? Why do users have to skim through different sites just to gather information?

I'm not a beta-tester, i can't read the beta-ml or browse through the beta bug database to see what the status of certain bug items are (I would like to, just to see some progress again).

As a mere user though, i'm walking around in the dark for many months already, feeding on the starving information that is out there, clinging to the (partly bugged and broken) stuff i got with the F(labby) Edition. (sorry, slightly pissed here, it's actually still fun to work and play with AmigaOS4, but the known buggy behaviour is already starting to get on my nerves, some small updates to fix the most imminent problems would have been nice, but, oh well!)

Not only have there been enough bugs reported/confirmed on the Hyperion forum since AmigaOS4 FE that counts as "serious" (i.e. DMA problems that make the system hiccup on 100% cpu conditions or the freeze when ram gets filled up to 75% - 80% ram), but it would also show that the parties involved do really care about bug reports and that they want to resolve those issues "fast" for their customers.

That probably won't happen though, since AmiUpdate is running dry

/grunt mode off

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 7:22:33
#693 ]
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Joined: 4-Apr-2014
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Birbo wrote:

Well, there are different points of view...

My opinion is that, if someone finished some work for Tabor, it could easily just been written down.

Instead of telling us how far the developement of AmigaOS for X5000 and Tabor really is, I only see a Kickstart image. Why not just tell us about the developement.

We have to wait until the product is available anyway.

Yes, it's true, I'm not the most optimistic person in Amiga land, but the past 20 years have been a bit disappointing to me in terms of Amiga software and hardware. That's why a Kickstart image is not saying anything to me.

Pictures like this has been posted every time, and it usually means that the OS4 port is like 1.5-2 years away. The Tabor, due to it's flawed design decisions regarding its FPU, presents some special challenges though...

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 9:08:09
#694 ]
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Pictures like this has been posted every time

Of course, or even more if we take MorphOS for SAM460 port for comparison.

Interesting to note, Kickstart in OS4 on Tabor picture has version 53.77. Regular 4.1FE: 53.70.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 9:45:28
#695 ]
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From: Rome, Italy


I would have preferred a screenshot of AmigaOS 4.2 running on the existing systems and exploiting them all ... instead of a new board with the more questionable cpu ever, not attractive to me, not anymore.

I am one of those disappointed about the current OS4 direction.
Really too bad also considering I was OS4 evangelist and developer 2010-2015.

SAM440EP-FLEX @ 733 Mhz, AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 9:54:06
#696 ]
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Why is a bumped version number so strange? What would really have been strange, was if it wasn't...

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 10:21:54
#697 ]
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Why is a bumped version number so strange?

Strange? I wrote interesting.

was if it wasn't...

Exactly. Bumped number means some work is done. Which is good.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 10:41:42
#698 ]
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Unrealistic expectations usually lead to disappointment.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 10:51:08
#699 ]
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain



Massi wrote:

I would have preferred a screenshot of AmigaOS 4.2 running on the existing systems and exploiting them all ...

And I would have prefered an annoucement of a graphene motherboard with quantum cpu and a custom chip that makes 4k renders in real time but such is a life

Progress is slow and maybe not all decisions are good but at least there is progress and we have to appreciate it because could be no movement at all

No PowerPC, No Fun
Make Amiga Great Again

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 13-Mar-2016 10:59:24
#700 ]
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Joined: 2-Feb-2011
Posts: 628
From: Rome, Italy


Yes, true!
Better not to have expectations at all, that is why I am not interested in OS4 actively anymore.
I am also thinking to sell my system, not well decided yet.

As a developer, I think I found my way in the demo scene for the Commodore Amiga computers, I do own a Minimig 1.1 and have plan to buy an A500 asap.
And I am much more satisfied than before

SAM440EP-FLEX @ 733 Mhz, AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1

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