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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 9:14:26
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OS4 Core Developer  |
Joined: 14-Jul-2003 Posts: 3999
From: Unknown | | |
| Quote:
I hope you know that on KDE run gnome programs and on gnome run KDE programs ? |
They don't. Sure, you can launch a KDE program under GNOME, which will in its startup code ensure that enough of KDE is running (or started) so that it works.
KDE still uses Qt, GNOME still uses Gtk. GNOME does not "run" KDE programs
maybe 1998 or so there was problem, but today all work together. |
Reality check please. Note the 2006
Or tell me, where is the competition that KDE/Gnome run only on PPC CPU and not on X86 |
I somehow knew you would try to put your pet peeve X86 into this, but it doesn't work. The CPU choice has nothing to do with it, and bringing it up here only shows you lack real arguments. "Out there", nobody asks the question of what CPU you run on, because they are all using x86 anyway.
However, they DO ask the Linux distro you are running, what type of BSD-du-jour, whether you run KDE or GNOME, Eclipse or NetBeans, Linux or Windows, XP or Vista, Gecko or WebKit... put ten people together, and chances are you get 15 different opinions. If you think that is not the case, you should really open your eyes.
In-fights between MorphOS and AmigaOS have nothing to do with the Amiga. They occur everywhere. If everybody would be working together as you claim, we would have one Linux distro running one desktop only. We don't. What does that tell you about human nature?
Nevermind, it was a rhetorical question anyway. _________________ Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 12:37:06
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 3-Mar-2003 Posts: 6487
From: Europe | | |
| Nice, the more options the better. From the grand perspective also interesting considering (past) legal issues. |
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 13:05:15
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 4-Jun-2005 Posts: 3918
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Poster: MikeB Date: 3-Feb-2009 8:37:06
Nice, the more options the better. From the grand perspective also interesting considering (past) legal issues. |
Still the same problem exists, the availability of new Amiga os4.x capable hardware . I have all the pieces ready to assemble a new machine, except the motherboard..... Waiting like a hawk for official Sam440ep-flex release. Have even ordered a Amiga OS4.1 for Samep .....Last edited by Spectre660 on 03-Feb-2009 at 01:11 PM.
_________________ Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 13:53:27
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 14-Apr-2006 Posts: 829
From: Unknown | | |
| >However, they DO ask the Linux distro you are running, what type of BSD-du-jour, >whether you run KDE or GNOME, Eclipse or NetBeans, Linux or Windows, XP or >Vista, Gecko or WebKit... put ten people together, and chances are you get 15 >different opinions. If
maybe, but on Suse Linux for example you can use both KDE and gnome and can choose in YAST what desktop you want use is also possible to use other desktops.programs are written that they work on all desktops.
I know no program in Linux World that a developer write a program that run only on KDE ot force that more User use KDE because he want that more user use kde and another begin a diffrent sourcetree of a program for gnome.
and begin a diffrent sourcetree is the reality on amiga scene and not in Linux.
BTW: what happen with your blender sourcetree.?? Last edited by bernd_afa on 03-Feb-2009 at 01:59 PM. Last edited by bernd_afa on 03-Feb-2009 at 01:55 PM.
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 17:08:45
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 20-Sep-2003 Posts: 189
From: Germany | | |
| @Bernd Rösch: Here is a simple exercise: Install some Linux distribution from scratch and choose to only install e.g. GNOME. Now go into Yast and try to install e.g. kcalc - you will see all the KDE-libraries that need to be installed to be able to have the runtime environment for even the simplest KDE-program...
Edit: See the requirements list here Last edited by _PAB_ on 03-Feb-2009 at 05:11 PM.
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 18:29:31
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Super Member  |
Joined: 29-Apr-2005 Posts: 1991
From: UK | | |
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put ten people together, and chances are you get 15 different opinions. If you think that is not the case, you should really open your eyes. |
Well if certain web sites* are to be trusted you get 1 person saying MacOS X, the other 9 saying windows, or Dell possibly.
* _________________ Rage quited 29th May 2011
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 3-Feb-2009 19:28:52
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 14-Apr-2006 Posts: 829
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| >Now go into Yast and try to install e.g. kcalc - you will see all the KDE-libraries that >need to be installed to be able to have the runtime environment for even the >simplest KDE-program...
yes but it can simple install, and use when kde4 runtime is install.there is no special build need.
kde and gnome programs are designed that they need not to run the whole desktop. so there is no need to boot either a línux with kde or a linux with gnome to use all programs.
and what is the amiga scene, does somebody build his OS4 program, that it run on OS4 emu well ? |
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 4-Feb-2009 2:44:50
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Joined: 27-Apr-2003 Posts: 835
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According to the article, these things are supported by RTAS, and they're currently available (save lots of pennies!). So, how soon can we see a port (or will the Peg2 version work OOTB)? |
As I pointed out in other threads, discussion about "can we have OS 4.1 on X" are fruitless. They are off-topic as well.
FWIW, RTAS alone allows you a certain abstraction from the Chipset, i.e. PCI access and the like. It will not free you from supporting the CPU for example, and there is no generic PowerPC cpu support since they all have different ID's and different methods for handling caches etc. Also, mainboard components will not magically work through RTAS.
So the answer is no. It will not work out of the box. |
Sorry, I forgot the smiley. I'm not actually planning on spending 6 figures for my next Amiga, even if it would contain all the awesomeness of a System i.
  _________________ Tony T.
People who generalize are always wrong.

1989 - 500 / 1991 - 3000 / 1997 - Genesis Flyer 1200T / 2003 - A1XE
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 4-Feb-2009 6:54:49
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Joined: 4-Sep-2007 Posts: 355
From: Melbourne | | |
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Poster: itix Date: 2-Feb-2009 18:34:55 Quote: Fair enough, but if you cant find one for sale it doesnt do users much good. My Pegasos 2 is always for sale if you want one. Buy now price is 750 euros, includes motherboard with G4 CPU module. Not cheap but quality Amiga hardware never was cheap. |
by the time I convert that to aussie dollars and organize shipping halfway round the world, ill be out on the street... _________________ In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 4-Feb-2009 16:03:23
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OS4 Core Developer  |
Joined: 27-Aug-2003 Posts: 1679
From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4 | | |
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BTW: what happen with your blender sourcetree.?? |
What blender source tree ? Yeah, I'm working on it, so what ? I didn't release it yet, did I ? So why are you already asking for the source code ?
Or do you just want to catch me violating the GPL ? Tough luck, I didn't violate anything yet.
Not to mention that this is way off topic. _________________ Thomas, the kernel guy
"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil
All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 4-Feb-2009 16:11:03
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OS4 Core Developer  |
Joined: 14-Jul-2003 Posts: 3999
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maybe, but on Suse Linux for example you can use both KDE and gnome and can choose in YAST what desktop you want use is also possible to use other desktops.programs are written that they work on all desktops. |
SuSE is a distribution, and as such it surely offers both KDE and GNOME. However, try to install a RedHat package. Good luck with that.
I know no program in Linux World that a developer write a program that run only on KDE ot force that more User use KDE because he want that more user use kde and another begin a diffrent sourcetree of a program for gnome. |
Ignorance is not an argument.
I can tell you an example. AisleRiot. Only works on GNOME. If you want to play it under KDE, you need to install GNOME. See? Your argument is flawed.
If someone writes a program that uses library X, you MUST HAVE library X installed. That is development reality.
and begin a diffrent sourcetree is the reality on amiga scene and not in Linux. |
And again you are wrong. The recent appearance of GPL V3 has caused some projects to consider a split. There was also talks recently about KDE developers creating their own fork of KDE because they were dissatisfied with KDE 4 and the direction it is taking. And I don't even need to name the myriad of different versions of FreeBSD/NetBSD/DragonFly etc. - technically they're not "Linux", but since you assume Linux as synonymous with open source anyway and KDE/GNOME both run on BSD as well, I allow myself this luxury.
I know that the the-grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side myth is very predominant in some people's head, but as I said, ignorance is not an argument. So unless you read up and inform yourself about what you are talking about instead of watching everything through your pink-colored glasses, I won't bother to reply anymore. It's off topic anyway, but since you demonstrated your strange obsession to try and make a stink in every news item concerning AmigaOS 4.x on already, I am not surprised you showed up.
BTW: what happen with your blender sourcetree.?? |
What should happen with it? Once it is released, the changes will be made public, but until that time, there is no need to release anything. And I don't really need why you need to spice up your off-topic posts with yet more off-topic stuff. _________________ Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 5-Feb-2009 5:34:47
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Super Member  |
Joined: 19-Jun-2005 Posts: 1714
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
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If you want to play it under KDE, you need to install GNOME. See? Your argument is flawed. |
You need to install a Gnome runtime environment, which happily coexists with your chosen KDE desktop and does not interfere with it.
Not quite like the various flavours of Amiga-ish OSs, now is it?
However, try to install a RedHat package. Good luck with that. |
I think you wrote the perfect response to that one yourself: Quote:
ignorance is not an argument. |
The difference which you seem to avoid seeing is that on one side of the fence, it's all or nothing. You cannot pick and choose --- of the two PPC Amiga-ish OSs, one provides what is almost certainly the better TCP stack, the other however has a much superior USB stack. Yet the user cannot choose to use one OS's TCP stack, and the other OS's USB stack. One has a better media player, the other a better desktop. One has better 3D support, the other better memory management. And yet, the user gets to make exactly *one* decision --- OS4 or MorphOS.
In contrast, if Redhat were the first distributor to supply a VDPAU accellerated version of MPlayer, I (running a Suse installation on my desktop) would have no trouble installing it. If I liked kmail, but preferred the Gnome terminal, I could simply run kmail and the gnome terminal. I can pick a random executable from any linux/x86_64 box and, assuming I satisfy its library requirements, run it on the compiled-from-scratch absolutely minimal linux install which runs on the embedded networking appliance I work on for a living --- without having to compromise the appliance's intended functionality. In short, under linux, picking your distribution (or your desktop environment) does not limit your choices. |
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 5-Feb-2009 10:14:40
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| @umisef Unless the various AmigaOS-flavours all go open source, that will probably be impossible for AmigaOS. _________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 5-Feb-2009 11:26:26
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Member  |
Joined: 8-Jan-2009 Posts: 11
From: Germany | | |
| Hi all,
I hate to interrupt your conversation about different os distributions windows managers or editors. But as Rogue said before it all depends on personal preferences point of view and own experiences what you prefer and why.
Anyway I want to thank Hyperion for the port, I myself have an Peg2 and a friend of mine is still waiting for his sam 440 ep. Both of us are developers and with this port we can develop on the Peg2 for now and on Peg2/Sam440 later on.
I also want to thank Hyperion for the release of the SDK lately for similar reasons, I hope you keep it up.
Best Regards,
cppdragon |
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 5-Feb-2009 18:09:18
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 18-Dec-2007 Posts: 2112
From: N-Space | | |
| The thing that's being overlooked in this entire Gnome vs. KDE discussion is that they're both horrible.
I know from whence I speak; I use Gnome on a daily basis at work (necessity) and at home (inertia), and occasionally fool about with KDE. _________________ "Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 5-Feb-2009 18:33:45
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Joined: 19-Jan-2005 Posts: 181
From: Amsterdam | | |
| The mothership was arrived  |
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 6-Feb-2009 0:09:42
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Super Member  |
Joined: 19-Jun-2005 Posts: 1714
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
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The thing that's being overlooked in this entire Gnome vs. KDE discussion is that they're both horrible. |
And how is that even remotely relevant to the question of interoperability between them?
Unless the various AmigaOS-flavours all go open source, that will probably be impossible for AmigaOS. |
Of course; It's the nature of the business model which the interested parties pursue.
I am not saying this should change. There can actually be advantages to a proprietary business model. I am just objecting to Rogue acting as if the disadvantages (lack of interoperability between competing proprietary, closed-source solutions) were just the same on the other side of the fence --- because they are plainly not.
Of course, there is probably a lesson to be learned from the reception the API-thunker OS4emu received... |
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 9-Oct-2009 18:55:20
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 16-Nov-2012 15:10:41
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II Posted on 16-Nov-2012 15:12:07
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