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   posted by tomazkid on 2-Mar-2010 23:53:25 (11915 reads)
There is now a thread named A-EON Frequently Asked Questions and Information in the Developer Projects Forum.
This thread will contain FAQ as well as other useful information about A-EON and AmigaOne X1000.
You can also send in your own questions to them, and there is a chance it makes it to the FAQ.

If you have a question that you would like answered, please send them by email to .

""Due to the sheer volume of questions we are unable to answer every question directly, but we’ll endeavour to answer as much as we can in this thread over the coming weeks. ""

The thread itself will be locked for comments, but you are of course free to discuss it in some other thread outside the Developer Projects Forum.

A-EON Frequently Asked Questions and Information thread.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 18:53:42
#21 ]
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I've ordered the magazine so I hope I get it fast :)

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 18:57:41
#22 ]
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From: USA, TN, Memphis

@Amiga Heretic

"I feel like I learned 0 from that FAQ. With all the great questions people posted it would have been nice to see some real information. Oh, well, flame suit on...."

They don't want to release any information, they're going to let users see for themselves. Wouldn't want to affect those sales. If they were open and upfront, folks would realize that it's yet another expensive as hell vanilla PPC mainboard.


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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 19:03:46
#23 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden


I feel like I learned 0 from that FAQ. With all the great questions people posted it would have been nice to see some real information. Oh, well, flame suit on....

Well, this was an initial start, do email questions to them, and who knows, you might get an answer to what information you lack
The intention is that this FAQ will be updated with more questions, but you all need to ask them via email as well.

This is an effort to satisfy some of the need for information, it can't possibly satisfy everyone, but at least it is an effort to fill the void after the successful PR-campaign started by the What is X? puzzle in January.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 19:11:53
#24 ]
Joined: 12-Jun-2003
Posts: 44
From: Sydney

And you think that if they wait with releasing some information users will not understand that and just go buy the thing anyway? You sure think the Amiga community are stupid, and I do not see why you insult everyone around here like that.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 19:12:41
#25 ]
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Really, what are you moaning about now? They ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION. What about "(we) wanted the designers to be able to concentrate on finishing the project" do you not understand? (And as regards your other question - what CPU are they using - they already answered that long ago, in that they aren't allowed to reveal it yet. It's your problem that you choose not to believe them.)

Frankly, your foolish threads about the X1000 kind of proves their point. You & others would probably harass them for details that Hyperion are not yet ready to reveal, such as the CPU, max speed, Xena/Xorro details, etc.

@kof Quote:
They don't want to release any information

I sometimes wonder about people on this forum. It is QUITE obvious they will be releasing full info before the thing is actually for sale - and I would not expect people to buy it without such info. I don't remember Apple releasing details about the iPad 4-6 months before it was for sale...

Last edited by ChrisH on 03-Mar-2010 at 08:17 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 03-Mar-2010 at 07:16 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 03-Mar-2010 at 07:15 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 19:15:17
#26 ]
Joined: 12-Jun-2003
Posts: 44
From: Sydney


In the real world you buy products all the time without knowing who actually designed the thing. With the amount of outsourcing going on these days it is just not possible to know who did what. But I guess you've asked every company you've ever bought anything from who developed and designed the products.

Last edited by Salup on 03-Mar-2010 at 07:21 PM.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 21:30:31
#27 ]
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I've ordered the magazine so I hope I get it fast :)

Amiga Future 83
Me to :^) Been a while since I have been so excited about a magazine.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 21:31:35
#28 ]
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From: Oregon

@ ChrisH

First off, it's not my question on the FAQ.

Second, the question on there is "Q. Who is designing/building the hardware?"

So if they answered my question then I'll through it back at you, who is designing/building the hardware? What you don't know after reading the FAQ?!!? But I thought they answered it?

My point was not about answering that question it was about wasting 3 paragraphs not answering a question. They had tons of questions, so I think the time might have been better spent answering questions that "were" answerable is all my original post is getting at. Feel free to disagree, but no need to shout.

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 21:36:00
#29 ]
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From: Oregon


In the real world you buy products all the time without knowing who actually designed the thing. With the amount of outsourcing going on these days it is just not possible to know who did what. But I guess you've asked every company you've ever bought anything from who developed and designed the products.

I agree with you totally. As I said in my last post, it's not the lack of an answer to that specific question I was shaking my head at.

What I was getting at, if you read my original post, was that it seems like a waste of time posting 3 paragraphs full of "Fleecy Fluff". If they don't want to answer that question, then don't answer it.

The time would have been better spent answering other questions people posed that they ARE able to answer.

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 21:52:56
#30 ]
Joined: 12-Jun-2003
Posts: 44
From: Sydney

Well, then why did you, in another thread, keep complaining over and over again that they won't even tell who is designing the board? You know you're just complaining because you like to complain. You ask for information, A-Eon says why they won't give it to you just now, and you respond with the lie that you never even asked for it. It's ridiculous.

How is it "Fleecy Fluff" stating a very reasonable reason for why they do not currently want to tell what firm they hired to do the actual design of the board? I think that is just plain rude to someone who has never been rude to you.

We know nothing, officially, of the company that will be making the board.

Which company? A-EON they are only months old. Extreme Engineering Solutions? They have only been around for 7 years.

Is there yet another company tied into this that I missed???

How about who is making the x1000 or what CPU it is using?

Failing that tell us WHY we cannot be told then. NDA? What?

we won't tell you even how, who, or what is manufacturing it, but TRUST US

Last edited by Salup on 03-Mar-2010 at 10:05 PM.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 3-Mar-2010 22:47:24
#31 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Oregon

Well, then why did you, in another thread, keep complaining over and over again that they won't even tell who is designing the board? You know you're just complaining because you like to complain. You ask for information, A-Eon says why they won't give it to you just now, and you respond with the lie that you never even asked for it. It's ridiculous.

I do not believe I have ever asked the question. If I have please provide me a link to where I ask that question.

Please don't call me liar.

Maybe you are confusing me stating the fact that "we do not know who the manufacture is". I have certainly stated that. That is fact, go read the FAQ for proof.

Regardless, I was referring to the specific question in the FAQ. That was not my question. I believe most of the questions came from a forum post asking people to pose questions for this FAQ of which I never posted in. So it could not be my questions that made it into the FAQ.

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 0:00:56
#32 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2005
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From: Melbourne, Australia

I don't remember Apple releasing details about the iPad 4-6 months before it was for sale...

Of course, I also don't remember Apple saying "We are working on something exciting and ambitious, and you will find out later in the year". Quite the contrary.

Nor do I remember Apple ever announcing a product and then failing to ship; And the times when ship dates slipped by a few weeks have been few and far between.

I *do* however remember going to right after the end of the iPad event, and being greeted by an iPad picture, with a whole website section behind it, including specs, video of its use, and all sorts of other stuff. I also recall the iPad SDK, complete with iPad simulator, being available immediately after the announcement. I also remember the launch event being followed by a hands-on opportunity for attendees.

So no, I don't think the comparison is doing your argument any favours. The question why a-eon's website still hasn't been updated (and why this FAQ is hosted at instead) is a valid one. The concerns that an XMOS chip needs infrastructure to be useful, both in hardware (interface to the rest of the system) as in software (SDK, API for inter-processor communication) are valid concerns. The speculation and worries over pricing caused by the vague non-information originally provided are valid, too. The confusion about why this non-Hyperion announcement somehow explains what Hyperion's MAP is, or was, or is or was going to be, and if not, what the heck happened to the MAP, is valid confusion. The memories of Hyperion (and/or the Friedens) making comments about working on "mystery hardware" as well as dual-CPU (or was it dual-core CPU?) modules, only for those bits of hardware to never make it to market, are valid memories.

And all of those are made even more obvious when you compare the situation to Apple's handling of the iPad launch.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 0:45:27
#33 ]
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Joined: 27-Dec-2003
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From: New Zealand

Oh dear, A-EON decides to provide more information, and give people a chance to ask questions, and the comments are already pathetically negative.

I hope that A-EON will ignore those who insist on pooping all over other people's work, and will endeavour to answer the genuine questions that people ask as best that they can.


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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 1:31:30
#34 ]
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The question why a-eon's website still hasn't been updated (and why this FAQ is hosted at instead) is a valid one.

It's not an exclusive situation of "one or the other".
This was done in order to foster our program of putting all information in one place, so that readers who have little time to comb numerous AW threads could get the information in one place. We've been thanked for taking the same track with Acube and others as well. It does not preclude someone starting a forum thread and immediately denying or questioning all the information posted in the Developer Projects Forum. It gives us the best of both worlds - An offical thread for the companies and the avenue for retort elsewhere.

You can read about this particular forum and its purpose here:
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This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 3:05:46
#35 ]
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From: london/england

i agree 100% i started reading this tread thinking WOW no negative comments, but sure enough it started.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 5:58:02
#36 ]
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From: Norway


I think most of the response was positive,except from a few ppl's. My respons was meant to be positive


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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 6:56:08
#37 ]
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From: Italy

your moaning is getting stale (you should have realized that by now). Sometimes consoles are announced 2 years before release, and the forums are full of "processor?" or "Graphic chip manufacturer?" threads for well over 24 months!
We get to do this for just 6 months total (just another 4 left, as we are in March and Summer is approaching) and you complaint?
Just enjoy the ride, buy Amiga Future, read the news, have fun!

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 7:01:50
#38 ]
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From: Italy

As Caveman stated above, comments (in general) are positive, if you keep track of who's who, you will find out it is always the usual small bunch posting negative comments (you can count them on your 2 hands fingers as they are the usual 10 people in the whole AmigaWorld community).
Yes they are generally louder, but a pretty small bunch indeed

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 7:20:32
#39 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


My point was not about answering that question it was about wasting 3 paragraphs not answering a question.

You don't get the point. They answered the question. It's just that their answer is not to your liking and now you complain about it. To most people their answer is actually very informative, they tell us some information about who designed the hardware, but they don't reveal every detail (such as the name of the company/engineers) and they also tell us why they don't want to reveal every bit of detail yet.

But I can see where all this is going: No matter what they reveal or what they come up with, you will always complain. And in the end when the product is released will you openly admit that you were wrong about doubting them? Probably not. You will complain about something else, such as it being overpriced, or the case is not to your liking, or why doesn't the OS make use of this or that hardware and support this and that gfx card right from the beginning, whatever. I'm a very patient and tolerant human being but having to read your crap all the time in the forums is pushing even my nerves to the limits. You have the right to say whatever you think here but please be considerate to other members, because seeing people whine and complain all the time makes these forums miserable to others. We're living very exciting times in the history of the Amiga and it's suppoed to be fun discussing all these and you're taking that away from others by jumping into every related thread and spreading your negativity. You say that you're the "bad guy around here". Well, you don't have to be. And when a lot of people are telling you the same thing, then maybe, just maybe you could consider that they could actually be right. It's your choice.

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Re: A-EON FAQ and info
Posted on 4-Mar-2010 7:38:37
#40 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


Of course, I also don't remember Apple saying "We are working on something exciting and ambitious, and you will find out later in the year". Quite the contrary.

Neither did you have Apple's access to their IP hang by a thread in 3-4 simultaneous court cases... You also didn't have another company ruining Apple IP with many broken promises, ugly tricks and then an angry community shrunk to under 10k with the remaining interested people fed up and ready to leave for good, did you...

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