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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 1:27:10
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Super Member  |
Joined: 30-Mar-2005 Posts: 1053
From: Glasgow, Scotland | | |
| @evilrich Quote:
I plan to starting working on Catweasel support very soon.
Catweasel support would be most welcome so I could use my catweasel under linux as well as windows.
I don’t know about other people but for me adding support for the amiga joystick ports would be the most welcome add on you could add to E-UAE.
As I prefer using disk images to real time floppy support I am quite happy to live without UAE floppy support most of the time, but every now an then it would be very useful to be save data to real Amiga floppy under E-UAE to read back with my A500 and A1200.
Anyway thanks again for all the hard work and I will continue to look forward to future releases as allways.Last edited by Dwyloc on 13-Aug-2005 at 01:31 AM.
_________________ Sam440ep 667mhz, 512MB, 120GB 2.5" HD, OS4.1FE WinUae 3.0.0, OS 3.9, BB3, Catweasel MkIV Amiga 1200, Blizzard 040/40 (BlizzardPPC 060/200 with SCSI removed at present), mediatorSX pci, Voodoo3, PCI network card os 3.9BB2 4MB Minimig with ARM addon boar
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 5:11:29
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 19-Oct-2003 Posts: 534
From: Unknown | | |
| @Toaks
it takes 4 minutes to boot withe the new uae :I |
I can confirm this problem.
I re-enabled the threaded version of the virtual filesystem in this build because I had merged a fix from WinUAE that apparently cures the performance problems with it. I didn't test this adequately on OS4.0. Further investigation reveals that there are additional problems when running on AmigaOS. One such problem currently is that the filesystems threads are run at the same priority as the main UAE thread (and when building against SDL this can't be fixed without resorting to hacks) and so they cannot pre-empt the main thread when it's busy. Hence the god-awful performance. With some hacks I can raise the priority of the filesystem threads, but on AmigaOS this still results in noticeably slower performance than the single-threaded version.
Expect an RC3 build in a day or so built with the single-threaded filesystem.
Cheers, Rich |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 5:13:21
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 19-Oct-2003 Posts: 534
From: Unknown | | |
| @BobW
I've been playing a game called Drip on the old version. On this current version it runs significantly slower while on the old version it ran at full speed. |
Which 'old version' were you using? What precisely is slower? Frame rate? Disk speed?
Cheers, Rich |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 6:35:28
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 8042
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| anyone here who got Slamtilt to play "perfect" yet?
i used to have this running smooth 1 year ago but then i lost my config file but ever since then i simply couldnt configure it to be responsive enough for the smooth scrolling and the fantastic sound :)
not sure if i tweaked that old one much either (and yes it wasnt the sdl version of uae so that might be it) but it ran perfect...but now its choppy :I
cpu_speed=MAX cpu_type=68020 chipset=AGA fastmem_size=32 chipmem_size=4 gfxcard_size=8 z3mem_size=32 gfx_lores=true gfx_fullscreen_amiga=yes gfx_width=320 gfx_height=256 gfx_linemode=none gfx_correct_aspect=true gfx_center_horizontal=smart gfx_center_vertical=smart gfx_framerate=1 sound_output=normal sound_frequency=44100 sound_channels=stereo
thats the relevant part of the config file, any tips? 
(640x480 = just too slow for most games so i set it to lowres just to see if i could get better speed for some games and it certainly worked with games like project X which runs smooth now but i can not play slamtilt in that res as it use highres for multiball.....)
edit: and is there any way to turn of the output window or redirect it to >NIL: or whatever? ...yes i know i should just sit down and read the docs but huff.. *wink wink* help!:) Last edited by Toaks on 13-Aug-2005 at 07:25 AM.
_________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 6:51:39
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Feb-2003 Posts: 2543
From: Chicago, IL | | |
| Thanks for all your hard work evilrich. _________________ Sent from my Quantum Computer.
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 7:29:43
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 19-Oct-2003 Posts: 534
From: Unknown | | |
| @Toaks
i used to have this running smooth 1 year ago but then i lost my config file but ever since then i simply couldnt configure it to be responsive enough for the smooth scrolling and the fantastic sound :)
not sure if i tweaked that old one much either (and yes it wasnt the sdl version of uae so that might be it) but it ran perfect...but now its choppy :I |
A significant bottleneck when running in a 640x480x32 screen on an A1 is bandwidth to video memory (especially with a Radeon 7000). You can reduce that by running in a 15 or 16-bit screenmode, but with the current SDL version it always uses the same screen depth as your Workbench. Thus if you want the SDL version to use a 16-bit screen then you need to use a 16-bit Workbench. This will eventually be fixed, but this requires changes elsewhere. With 0.8.28 I've started re-working the graphics architecture of E-UAE and this will continue with future versions.
The old non-SDL version was definitely faster than the SDL version, but with update 3 this no longer works due to changes in P96 (I've got some ideas as to why, but I need some time to do more testing). In the meantime, I've fixed the problem in a different way, but it does seem to reduce performance. I'll do a RC3 release with this updated native AmigaOS driver as well the SDL version. When I have finished rewriting the native AmigaOS graphics driver there won't be a need for an SDL version - that's a stop-gap due various deficiences with the current AmigaOS graphics driver - and it'll use P96 directly on OS4 rather the CGX emulation as it currently does.
Cheers, Rich |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 7:30:47
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Joined: 19-Oct-2003 Posts: 534
From: Unknown | | |
| @DiscreetFX
Thanks for all your hard work evilrich. |
You're welcome. 
Cheers, Rich |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 7:39:22
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 8042
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| evilrich:
i dont have a radeon 7000 , i have a 7500 128mb there is no bottleneck (tried with my 8500 aswell , same.
and i run on 16bit workbench :-/
and ofcourse dont take my posts as ranting or whatever, just trying to give some feedback!.
looking forward for an update, and while i wait i will play with other games that work better (or perfect even) like project X , apidya , second samurai and ofcourse techonlogical death (scene demo) and so on. _________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 7:45:27
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 19-Oct-2003 Posts: 534
From: Unknown | | |
| @Toaks
i dont have a radeon 7000 , i have a 7500 128mb there is no bottleneck (tried with my 8500 aswell , same.
and i run on 16bit workbench :-/ |
It's hard to remember who has what hardware. 
Cheers, Rich |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 8:41:44
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| rich:
thats ok hehe. _________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 10:06:53
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Joined: 14-Jun-2003 Posts: 213
From: Danmark | | |
| rich:
thanks ! I just re-donated a small amount for the 30% improvement....
for each %-improvement of speed, I shall donate 1USD! (yes, i am a big spender)
so should everyone:)
 _________________ 0 % Amiga. 
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 10:11:05
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| haymigga: lets hope we see a 1000% speed up soon then  _________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 10:43:21
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 21-Aug-2003 Posts: 2969
From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains.... | | |
| @Haymigga
Now waiting for JIT 
Good work ! Thanks,
Martin, _________________ Theres a time to live and a time to die When its time to meet the maker Theres a time to live but isnt it strange That as soon as you're born you're dying
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 14:42:13
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Super Member  |
Joined: 15-Dec-2003 Posts: 1355
From: Lisbon, Portugal | | |
| @EvilRich
Between E-UAE and xMAME, my retro gaming needs are fullfilled. :)
Thanks!!! |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 16:17:16
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 9-Apr-2004 Posts: 275
From: Central, NY USA | | |
| @evilrich
Which 'old version' were you using? What precisely is slower? Frame rate? Disk speed? |
I'm not at my amiga right now so I can't check the version. It was the last available release on OS4Depot.
As far as speed goes it was the frame rate. I'm runing UAE in windowed mode and it went from very smooth to choppy.
Bob W _________________ Micro A1 866 Mhz and AmigaOS 4.1 PowerMac G4 1.4 Ghz and MorphOS 2.7
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 17:05:25
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 14-Mar-2005 Posts: 141
From: The land of the blondes | | |
| great news and with this 30% speedup i think i could play virtual ball fighters! _________________ "I don't know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice"
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 13-Aug-2005 20:41:19
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 14-Aug-2005 0:42:45
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Super Member  |
Joined: 22-Nov-2003 Posts: 1962
From: Birmingham, England | | |
| Thanks for the great work Rich. All is running fine.
Apart from Does the SDL version support [ublic screens? I have only got it running in a window so far.
SlamTilt is running pretty much the same as I had it with a previous version of E-UAE on Update 2. I'll compare your config to mine tomorrow & see if I can help.
FuZion. |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 14-Aug-2005 1:23:51
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| Ah, so the BSD Sockets work in the OS4 and/or Macintosh versions now right? If not then I don't care.
Drew |
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Re: E-UAE-0.8.28-RC2 released Posted on 14-Aug-2005 1:50:18
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