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Software News   Software News : Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and Amiga-like systems.
   posted by spotUP on 19-Mar-2012 1:03:39 (14394 reads)
There has been a fair amount of talk recently about unity and co-operation between all of the Amiga camps (OS3, OS4, AROS and MorphOS). Many of us are tired of the divisions that cause many arguments and slow down progess. What we'd like to see is more co-operation between developers and users, just like we had in the good old days.

We now have an opportunity to make progress with this, by supporting the bounty that will open-source the well known and popular Directory Opus Magellan 2 desktop environment.


The bounty is hosted on the Power2People website, which has consistently proven to be trustworthy. Here is a direct link to the bounty:

The purpose of the bounty is to collect sufficient funds to purchase the source code of GPSoftware's Directory Opus Magellan II (version 5.82, AmigaOS) for free use on Amiga (and Amiga-like) systems, under the AROS Public License, a derivative of the Mozilla Public License 1.1.

The bounty will be completed when $5600 USD has been raised (now we have 1700, 3900 still left), which gives enough money to meet the price GPSoftware has set for the release of the program source code to a public SVN repository.

So what will the release of the Directory Opus Magellan II source code mean? Firstly, we will have the sources of one of the best pieces of classic Amiga software ever created, free for any Amiga fan to use.

Secondly, as the program will be open-source, developers from all of the Amiga camps will be free to work on a common desktop environment, progressing the cause of unity between us.

Here's is a summary of the benefits, by separate platform, and in total:

Wanderer is the main desktop environment for AROS, but it's still in the early stages of maturity. Having Directory Opus Magellan will give AROS users a mature desktop environment they can use straight away. This takes the pressure away from Wanderer, as well as giving another choice for AROS users.

Whilst Workbench on OS4 is more polished than Wanderer on AROS, there are still some gaps in functionality that Directory Opus Magellan would be able to fill. Worth noting that, when the sources are available in the public SVN, there is already some os4 devs who want to plays with, exploring what is necessary to port it to OS4.

Ambient is the most advanced of all Amiga desktop environments, but there are still nice features found in Directory Opus Magellan II that aren't yet found in Ambient. Porting should be easy as the 68k version already works in MorphOS. To see how it looks running in MorphOS, check out jPV's tutorial

Even though official support for OS3 has stopped, there are still plenty of people interested in it, as well as unofficial addons/hacks. It is clear that there will be much interest in having updates to Directory Opus Magellan as well.

---The bigger picture: Progressing together---
The ports to the separate platforms are only the start of the story. The best news is any improvements made to this software will benefit everyone. Magellan II is great now for those that run it, but having access to the sources means we can make it even better for _ALL_ amiga and amiga like oses.

Short FAQ:

Q: Why are we spending money on this when we can improve our own software instead? Isn't it easier to implement more features in AmigaOS than to spend money replacing it?
A: We don't have many developers, and those we do have are too busy with their own projects to start making a cross-platform desktop. Directory Opus Magellan will be a great way to get this done quickly. Also, the work to improve AmigaOS wouldn't transfer to other Amiga platforms, whereas this work would.

Q: Isn't this software really outdated? Look at those ugly icons!
A: It is no problem at all to replace the icons. As for the age of the software, even MorphOS users that have access to Ambient still sometimes use Directory Opus Magellan. AROS and AmigaOS4 users should enjoy having access to such feature-rich software, with many features not available in their current desktop choices (Workbench, Wanderer or Scalos).

Q: Why is it so much money?
A: $5600 USD sounds like a lot of money for one person, but if we all work together, little by little we can raise the necessary funds.

Q: Who will port it to [insert OS of choice]?
A: Porting software is much easier in comparison with writing software from scratch, pretty much any developer can do it sooner or later. A few developers have already expressed an interest in starting the porting work.

Q: This bounty will only open up the source code, why is this such a good thing?
A: Apart from the chance to port Magellan to all Amiga platforms, it also gives us the chance to improve it.

Q: If we don't reach the bounty target, can we reuse the money elsewhere?
A: Up until the point the target is reached, you always have the choice to receive a refund for the money you've donated.

Q: Has anyone signed a contract with GPSoftware, ensuring that the money we donate will be handled correctly?
A: Power2People are the organisation handling the donations, and have proved themselves to be trustworthy, even with larger sums of money.

So let's reach into our wallets, and show we really want to support unity in the Amiga community, bringing ourselves a great piece of software in the process. Here's the bounty link again:

We already collect 1/3. We can do it for real !

Thank you all.

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 2:16:41
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Feb-2003
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From: Chicago, IL

I'll be chipping in some $ soon.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 2:42:24
#2 ]
Team Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 1941
From: Lake Charles, USA

While I fully support this project and I hope it goes well, am I the only one who prefers DOpus 4?

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 3:26:24
#3 ]
Elite Member
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From: Chicago, IL


Nope, I'm a big Opus 4 fan as well.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 4:19:45
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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From: Right here...

Me too, started using DOpus at version 1, fell in love with it, it is getting old though.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 4:22:47
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
Posts: 2678
From: Wellington

Me too. While I upgraded to to Magellan when it was originally released I still preferred the simplicity of DOpus. However, DOpus was an excellent File manager, Magellan was a complete desktop replacement system. So really the two products were totally different.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 4:53:19
#6 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 11-Feb-2005
Posts: 430
From: Germany

Me too. While I upgraded to to Magellan when it was originally released I still preferred the simplicity of DOpus. However, DOpus was an excellent File manager, Magellan was a complete desktop replacement system. So really the two products were totally different.

Actually, I never understand people saying they prefer the really old-fashoned, norten-commander style Dopus4. Dopus5 Magellan II is in *every* aspect superior -- even to the point that you can run Dopus5 in *exactly* the same way as Dopus4. :)


P.S. Finally donated, from my point of view, some huge amount.

Last edited by nexus on 19-Mar-2012 at 04:57 AM.

dye 'em black!

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 5:07:01
#7 ]
Joined: 16-Jan-2006
Posts: 92
From: I come from a land ...

I used Dopus 4 for every day stuff and used Dopus 5 for heavy duty tasks, it was much faster then Dopus 4 at most things.

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 5:41:31
#8 ]
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Joined: 8-May-2007
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From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"

I've never used Directory Opus Magellan, so I found this old review of it with screenshots to be helpful in making my decision to donate to this project...

Vic-20, C-64, C-128
Amiga 1000, 3000
AmigaOne X1000

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 5:46:41
#9 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada

@ mihcael

i still use DOpus4 evry day..was never much for Magellan.

My donation is in

Last edited by klx300r on 19-Mar-2012 at 12:57 PM.

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 6:15:09
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042

Love Magellan II but i will not donate to this project as i know there ain't enough developers to port this to my preferred platform.

btw, i am pretty sure i read in earlier threads that this project would reach its goal in matter of hours/days (this was between the djnick and spotify bounties which both reached its goal in matter of hours).

And i know the reason, people know how much work it really is to port/update dopus mag2 and most would rather like to see work on excisting workbench/wandered/ambient solutions.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 6:23:33
#11 ]
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Joined: 11-Feb-2005
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From: Germany


oh god. My Dopus5 looked much better ;)


dye 'em black!

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 6:25:54
#12 ]
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From: Germany


It sounds as if you would like to prevent people from donating?
Actually, no desktop environment I ever used on any system was as powerful and useful as Dopus5 Magelan II. So, Workbench, Wanderer and Ambient will not become as good in any near future :)


Last edited by nexus on 19-Mar-2012 at 06:26 AM.

dye 'em black!

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 7:04:37
#13 ]
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From: Unknown

The reasons are :
They prefer the WB or
They prefer Dopus 4 or
They prefer Ambient or
They prefer Scalos or
They Prefer Opus Magellan II
But in the end no matter their choices they can use it now and don't see why they need to pay for it.
IIRC Hyperion had it's chance and they blew it away same for the confidence they had with GPSofware...


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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 7:11:36
#14 ]
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From: Unknown

I promise will donate as soon as possible.
Not that I used Dopus back in the day, I think it was Filemaster.

The more Amiga code we can get open sourced the better. That's why I donate.

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 8:39:59
#15 ]
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Joined: 18-Apr-2009
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From: Germany


Opus4 fan here as well. Though I must admit my favourite filemanager should have dual-windows *and* tabs (like ClassAction or AmiDisk)...


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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 8:56:13
#16 ]
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From: space

I will add what I think.
Even I was extremly big fan of DOpusMagellan, it is a nonsense to convert another Operative System to replace Operative System WHEN we can have DOpusMagellan stuff implemented into the AmigaOS.

DOpus is so powerful that OS3.9+ will be never close to it.

Now I would donate $$$ just to implement all stuff from Magellan to AmigaOS4.2 or upper.

It sounds more reasomable. I don`t want to mess with 2 integrated OSes when I can have just ONE that works perfect.

Think about it. Better invest into something very serious and usable:

- support OS4 and make it better than Win7 or MacOS
- support Word-like programs
- support for good video players with GUI
- support native Youtube player integrated into OS browser
- support Drag&Drop where ever it is possible
- IF there is no KingKON: implemented into AMigaSHell - implement it - it is something the best I have ever tried on any platform
- support Photoshop-like programs [native GIMP or upgraded ArtEffect that is the closest to real world! Needs DragAndDrop from file to file or from layer to layer to make it realy competitive
- support for native Video program

I will $$$ for all this. Not Magellan, even it was my biggest love. Magellan is replacement for at that time old and outdated OS3... Dont waste money, please.

And OS will be more than joy to use!

nykk | | | gfx.river |

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 8:57:07
#17 ]
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Joined: 23-Feb-2010
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From: Victoria, Australia

@ thread

Not sure if everyone is aware of the fact that as someone who purchase magellan back in the day, when you install it, you could select the option to either use it as a desktop replacement or customise it to function and look just like version 4, with the added bonus of being able to open and interact with multiple windows.


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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 9:02:02
#18 ]
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From: space

One of the best and most usable things I loved a lot on Amiga is calling something like "MyComputer" [from PC] but on Amiga by doubleclicking with mouse anywhere on the screen. Then lister will appear and you will have "MyComputer" or Lister where you clicked.

I miss this opportunity in real AMigaOS. As I still don`t have Amiga I can`t imagine how much it evolved, but - how do you call "My Computer"? How do you open a lister? I hope it is not needed to click on RAM: disk to open a lister?

Anyway, SAM is FINALLY on my way and I hope to get it during next week. Thank you Troels :)

I will try my best to make perfectly usable machine that will attract anybody. I doon`t want Amiga to look like another Linux clone. I wish more.

All best.

nykk | | | gfx.river |

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 9:24:44
#19 ]
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From: Unknown

Those who can't make up their mind could donate just a tiny sum.
5-10 $ everything counts. I'm not convinced myself that I would start
to use an eventual port but I think it's all for a good cause.

Also if the code is open sourced it might help new developers in the
future to see how things was coded/solved within the application, and
as a result maybe adopt parts of it into a whole new application.
Who knows ? And you could be part of it for a fiver.

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: Real Unity: Directory Opus Magellan II for all Amiga and
Posted on 19-Mar-2012 9:37:43
#20 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3957
From: Belgrade, Serbia

Actually, I never understand people saying they prefer the really old-fashoned, norten-commander style Dopus4. Dopus5 Magellan II is in *every* aspect superior -- even to the point that you can run Dopus5 in *exactly* the same way as Dopus4

Well, Magellan was great as WB replacement until other one arrived.

As file manager, its a huuge advance from v4 and there is no reason to argue furthermore do we need it. Simply as just file manager its a way better.

And neither is the time. Bounty first, porting comes later.

While would like to $20 donation, problem DJ Nick, me and few more users have is that Serbia isn`t on PayPal list. Any other method (credit card, bank transfer) to aid this nice Power2People initiative?

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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